View Full Version : just gettin' off my chest...

05-04-2004, 11:44 AM
I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this place is really something. I love it here. At first I just visited to post a story and to read some. Well, you can see I stayed to gab and perv. I never understood the allure of internet relationships before but now I do. What fun! (As a side note, I want to thank Kim, whom I gathered started this site, and Al Gore for inventing the internet (lol) and making it all possible.)

I know what you’re all thinking: oh wonderful, another long-winded bit of fluff from wyndhy. (hey, look at that. wyndy/long-winded. who knew my nic would have been so prophetic.)

But I do have a problem. I still haven’t told Mr. wyn. While he was away I found myself at pixies more and more. Why am I so embarrassed about it? Don’t know. I do know that after he came home we had lots of catching up to do and there were so many things I wanted to share with him about this place. Stuff I learned, people I met, funny or sexy stories I read. I had to keep biting my tongue before I blurted out my naughty little secret. It is getting very hard. I have never kept anything from him before. And except for the time when we were strapped for cash and I told him I only spent 30$ on a birthday dress for our daughter when it actually cost 70$, I have never lied to him before. It’s killing me. I know there are many of you who will say, “You should have PMed me”. But that’s just it. I would have spent a day PMing so many people that I just decided to put it out there for all to see. I know something has got to give soon. I hope I can work up the nerve to tell him cause if I had to make a choice it would be bye-bye pixies, and I would miss you all so much. In typical female fashion, I am not looking for advice or answers. (Although if you have anything to say or add please feel free.) I just wanted someone to listen and know how I felt, cause I can’t tell hubby and no one else knows I’m a member of this little cyber-town besides you guys.

<----------*lets out the world’s most gigantic sigh of relief* ahhhhhhhhh, I feel a little better. Thanks for listening.

05-04-2004, 11:51 AM
Why can't you tell your husband? You are your own woman, and you seem devoted to him, so why should this place be a problem?

05-04-2004, 12:00 PM
tell him if he"s like me your sex life is going to get a lot better

05-04-2004, 12:25 PM
When I first found a bulletin board such as this, I hadn't told my husband, either. What led me to the BB was the erotic stories I had found at that first site. More than anything, I was embarrassed about what he might think. He was way cool about it, though. That was about 3 and a half years ago now, and honestly, I can't recall how I let it out.

I would suggest that you trust your instincts on how he might react to it. If you think he'll be upset, maybe hold off a bit, and just drop little hints. If it's more that you are afraid of how embarrassing it might be to tell him, perhaps "accidently" leave the window open when you go somewhere, and know he'll be home alone.

Hope all works out well. :)

05-04-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Lilith_82
Why can't you tell your husband? You are your own woman, and you seem devoted to him, so why should this place be a problem?

i really don't know Lilith_82. if i did i might be able to tell him. maybe someday...
btw, welcome to pixies

05-04-2004, 01:19 PM
I've seen it done both ways wyndhy. Some folks don't need to tell their SO's about this place, but it sounds like maybe you do. It's entirely up to you....really. But can I ask if, when you tell him, you're thinking of presenting it as a place that's yours that you think he should know about? Or a place that you've discovered, love, and would like to share with him. Cause it might make a real difference....and it might tell you something about why you're nervous. I'm not sure, it's just a random thought.

Do what you have to do for you, hon....we're here for you one way or the other ;).

05-04-2004, 07:47 PM
Thank you, wyndhy,

I just asked because it just seems that hiding this place seems to me like hiding an aspect of your sexuality. You're hiding an openness that you've probably felt here, and that if you continue to hide, you'll feel stifled and resentful. Your husband might very well be turned on by the idea that you post at a 'porn' site, and want to join the board as well. I found a web site much like this one a couple years back. I told my S/O right away.. He checked out the stories, and pretty much just doesn't bother with that site (or this), but He knows that I'm here, that I post things, flirt, etc. He knows that I play online and on the phone (I have His permission), etc. It just took some serious talks to get past the idea that these sites were a threat to our relationship. And we've been bumping along just splendidly. I don't feel stifled, I don't feel resentful, and I can be as pervy as I like. Sometimes, He likes to read over my shoulder, and other times, He pulls me away to ravage me.. *grin*

I think it would be better to tell him, and just.. see what happens.

05-05-2004, 08:31 AM
lilith_82. i really don't think i am hiding but ty for the insight. i'm just shy and a little em-bare-assed. lol

05-05-2004, 09:16 AM
Now for the other side of the story........
wyndhy, Think long and hard before you do this. Is he a very jealous person? Does have insecurities? low self esteem? Jealous of your friends? I had been married for 11 yrs. and thought this site would help further our relationship and it didn't. He filed for a divorce. I hope you're on stable ground or you're inviting trouble.

PM me if you like.

05-05-2004, 09:34 AM
Good point CGT! I believe Pixies comes into everyone's life for a reason. I think for some it cements an already strong relationship and for some it begins to crumble away at weak or unhealthy situations.

05-05-2004, 11:32 AM
yep, and mine was very unhealthy. But at the time I couldn't see it or didn't want to see it. I was denying it.

Teddy Bear
05-05-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Lilith_82

....... but He knows that I'm here, that I post things, flirt, etc. He knows that I play online and on the phone (I have His permission), etc......

By that you mean phone sex??

He knows & he's ok with this?

05-05-2004, 12:42 PM
I printed off a couple stories i thought my wife would enjoy. When she asked where I got them I told her. She's read a couple stories on the site but doesn't really do it on her own. She doesn't know I post. I lurked for over a year before I was happily lured into Smut games. I don't know how she'd react to some of the stuff I've written.

Maybe show him a couple stories you know he'll like and then play it by ear. How will he feel reading "Thank You" here?

Do you want to share this place with him for you both to enjoy together or do you want a place to go to that is "yours"?

Good luck........ and from what I can tell he's a fortunate man to have such a fun loving sexy soulmate.

05-05-2004, 06:08 PM
thanks coaster, you always say the right things!

05-10-2004, 07:42 AM
instead of starting a new thread i just bumped this one to let ya'll know i did it. last week, on wednesday, after the rug rat went down for the night, i stood there with sweaty palms, red face and shuffling feet and said,"so i found this erotic web site, this forum, where people post pictures and chat and tell stories. i was too embarrassed to tell before but there it is. whachya think?" "really?", he asks, "is that where you got those dirty jokes you told me?" "guilty," i say.

so we talked about what this place was like for a while and i told him how normal and nice the people are (we'll most of them anyway, lol). well, long story short, he's fine with it (i knew he would be). there are a few rules of course, but after i showed him some stories and pictures, he saw how it could be fun. he probably won't join, though. it's not his bag, baby. but he wants me to share whatever i want to with him. he also reminded me how long we've know each other and everthing we've been through together and told me it was silly to be embarrased (i knew this but it's easier said than done. i just wanted to tell you guys and thank you for the advice. especially those of you who PMed me. you were very supportive and i appreciate it more than i can say.

<------wipes hand across forehead
whoooooooo-hoooooooo, do i fell better now :) :) :) :D

ps: he said that Mistress_Perverta sounded like a real nut job but he wouldn't have minded relieving her of a few hundred bucks, (lmao)

05-10-2004, 07:48 AM
((((((wyndhy)))))) I am so glad that it went well! Good for you!:D

05-10-2004, 07:55 AM
Good for you, bet you feel better for sure.
Yeah, my hubby knows I come here, he has to cuz I am on so much, but he's not interested in playing here. He doesn't want me to post pics either, in fear that someone we know will see me and see what a perv I am.....haha if they only knew! But I have made some WONDERFUL friends that always make me feel good about myself, so it helps me out in the long run. And the sex is great too. Good luck to you and have fun!!!

05-10-2004, 08:24 AM
thank you you two. yea, imagine, no pics for me either most likely (it was one of the rules). although i didn't think i'd be posting em any way. his reason was more aristic though. he has a science of photography degree and is very snobby when it comes to a good picture. maybe if he takes a particularly artistic shot he'll let me post it but he says absolutely no pictures of my face. probably for the same reason your s/o gave you.

05-10-2004, 09:13 AM
Congratulation wyndhy. :) I, personally, think you’ve done the right thing in telling him about all of us crazy people. With your relationship being as strong as it sounded to me, I couldn’t see it hurting to tell him, but could only see it NOT being good to not tell him. Unfortunately:(, my tenure here has seen problems only come when secrets are kept in the most intimate of relationships, and that doesn’t sound like what you have or want.

I’ll extend a welcome to him, whether he wants to become active or not.:) I’ve come to know a number of couples fairly well and think they are super people. While this IS a site for adults, you may let him note that even in just the category listings of Sex Chat and General Chat, it’s almost two to one for general. We are sexual and comfortable with it, but we have lots of interest and fun.;)

Good move and good luck to you both.:)

05-10-2004, 10:10 AM
thanks PF, i'll pass along your salutaions. you and he share a panty fetish. his favorite to see on me: white cotton bikinis, preferable wet around the front :rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 10:56 AM
What "fetish"?:confused:

Tell him to try silky and see-thru.:D It doesn't steal all the necture and feels SOOOOOoooo nice against your lips.:lust:


05-10-2004, 11:36 AM
That's great! I'm glad you were able to talk about it. :)

05-10-2004, 02:22 PM
hey thats cool that everything worked out good,

now you can both enjoy the site