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05-02-2004, 12:22 PM
He's gone now...but will never be forgotten! Ian is now in Ohio, off on another joint of his venture around the world. As part of his tour, he graced myself and Mr. Lixy with a wonderful four day visit to Pennsylvania!

His physical presence is much different than his online and email presence. Not that he wasn't true to his self, just that meeting him in person made up for all the parts missing in written interpretation. He is funny and warm and intelligent and curious. He "corrected" my English..."in order to help me learn the Queen's English"...lmao! I learned what I "needed" to and kept to my N.J./Pa. diction as often as I could slip it in on him...*giggle*!

He brought me Tasmanian gifts and made me cry! We hugged and laughed and drank and had a ball! He learned to "drive on the wrong side of the road" and he ate a Philly cheesesteak! We found some history to show him and we talked of his home and of ours. He and Mr. Lixy exchanged jokes (I'll let Ian tell you the one about Dicken's Cider!!! LMFAO!) and they got along so well you'd have thought they knew one another all their lives.

When he left, he left with intent and purpose for his next destination. I waited for him to turn back and wave one last time...but he didn't...and I cried again. I'll miss him, but I find myself smiling a lot lately...at silly things that I'll think of as I drive our roadsides or sit in a "pub" and look around at, or overhear from other patrons!

****Ian...you are a pip and a pistol (elephant gun or 44 magnum) and I thank you for coming so far to teach me of you!!!!! Have a nice day hun! <----*inside joke* ;) ****

OK...so here is a bit of Ian's visit to Pennsylvania. I ran out of room on my camera on some days...but this thread chronicles some of **Grumble in Pennsylvania**

05-02-2004, 12:28 PM
Hi dude! Oops! He's a bloke...NOT a dude! LOL!

05-02-2004, 12:31 PM
We took it easy on day 1...just got to know one another and have a look around...

05-02-2004, 12:37 PM

That's great! Glad you were able to get Grumble out to Gettysburg!

05-02-2004, 12:38 PM
click below for a link to Gettysburg...to explain a bit of the history of the reason for the National Park...

Gettysburg (http://www.nps.gov/gett/)

05-02-2004, 12:40 PM
a few pics of the park...

05-02-2004, 12:44 PM
Sounds like you all showed him a great time!

05-02-2004, 12:45 PM
Wow I'm so happy for you guys to be able to have met. How nice to have had that opportunity. And thank you for sharing the pictures, we're all so nosey and all! :D It's great to follow him on his wonderful trip. :)

05-02-2004, 12:47 PM
Forgot to tell you...Monday the 26th (the day before Ian's arrival), it rained cats and dogs (not literally Ian...geezzzzz! LMFAO!) and then, on the day he arrived, the weather was amazingly beautiful! In the 70's and 80's (he'll convert that for you or else I have to run to my truck and flip the button to do it!) the whole time! Couldn't have asked for a better trip weather wise!

05-02-2004, 01:01 PM
We weren't sure where we were going when we got to the town of Gettysburg...so we went into town, from the cemetary, and looked around and found this museum while in search of a map of how to best tour the sites.

05-02-2004, 01:03 PM
Thank you jseal, Coaster and Kissy! I'm happy I can share Grumble's visit!

05-02-2004, 01:05 PM
still outside the museum...

05-02-2004, 01:13 PM
We weren't sure what to expect...as Mr. Lixy and I have been to The Hall of Presidents in Disney World (Fla. USA)...so we went in to explore further...

We took a one hour tour of the exhibit and heard each president speak of his term in office. Wax figures, some very good look-alikes, some not-so good likenesses. Some were interesting, some were jabber jaws (blah, blah, blah) and some told of things even I never knew. All in all it was ok!

05-02-2004, 01:21 PM
Gads, I've lived my entire life in California, always wanting to visit the east coast and soak up some history. I'm jealous now!!

Lovely pics, he looks like he's enjoying himself (isn't he cute?)... sounds like you had a fabulous time during his stay!

05-02-2004, 01:23 PM
...and I always wanted to say an up close how-do-you-do to the man I feel so akin to!

For those who revere The Father of Our Country...please pardon my silliness!

^^^official disclaimer!!!!!!!!!

05-02-2004, 01:28 PM
Too funny, leave it to Lixy :p

05-02-2004, 01:28 PM
Holy schnikies!!!!! I hate when I spell speech as speach (see above pic of Washinton's opening speech).......I don't know why I do that! So sorry for the brain fart folks!

Glad you are enjoying flutelady!

05-02-2004, 01:31 PM
Might I say, Lil? That man's got some balls!

OOPS! I digress! :D :D :D :D :D

On with the show!

05-02-2004, 01:36 PM
Abe was roped off, but had an interesting say none the less! I couldn't go sit on his lap...but you all know I wanted to...right? LOL!

05-02-2004, 01:40 PM
*wink*... George Washington could only wish to get so lucky!

05-02-2004, 01:51 PM
Sorry to say...I didn't have a cigar to give to Bill Clinton and then have our picture taken...so I decided to save my camera space for something else...:D !

Upstairs, in this museum, they had an exhibit of all the first ladies in their inaugural gowns. Being a seamstress, I was in awe of the detail of the work involved!

I wasn't even aware (I say this as an ashamed American) that not all first ladies weren't the wives of the presidents they represented! In the earlier years of our country, some of the first ladies were the sister's of said presidents. I'm guessing as the years progressed, that "we the people" preferred his/her leader to have a stable life in marriage.

Anyway...on with the picture show!

05-02-2004, 02:09 PM
One of the monuments in the cemetary at Gettysburg...

05-02-2004, 02:11 PM
Just to show you the scale of some of the monuments...this is Grumble at the base of the one above...

05-02-2004, 02:17 PM
As we figured out...driving the acres was a better way to see the park. Along the road, we could drive on the left (Ian felt at home this way) and if you wanted to stop and read about a particular battle or person depicted by a memorial or statue, you pulled to the right and stayed out of the way of oncoming traffic. This entire town is a monument...and yet people live and work here...so, between all the daily goings on...they've cut a road into history!

05-02-2004, 02:19 PM
It sounds like you guys had a great time! Thanks for keeping us updated and sharing the pictures!:D

05-02-2004, 02:23 PM
And...did I mention they had a shit load of cannons? Holy geezzzzzz! We kept saying to one another..."Oh, look! We finally found a fuckin cannon"! LMAO...guess you had to be there...but take my word for it...cannons, cannons everywhere and not a one of them went KABOOM...(that day, anyway!)

05-02-2004, 02:25 PM
We sure did...and TYSVM huntersgirl!

05-02-2004, 02:31 PM
We climbed a tower to view some monuments. This one is one of the most vandalized in the park! I can't explain why someone (immature or otherwise) would feel a need to destroy a part of history! Someday, those who vandalized these memories will regret it...but how can you tell them that now?

05-02-2004, 02:36 PM
This was taken from another tower on the auto tour. It's an occupied farmhouse right in the middle of what was a battlefield! I ran out of camera space (didn't have a chip in the camera) and didn't get a pic of Eisenhower's retreat (farmhouse)...but Ian has one and I hope he'll post it for you when he get's to a CD burner (I don't have one)...or whenever he has a chance!

05-02-2004, 02:41 PM
What wonderful pics and such wonderful memories you will have to look back on...thanks so much for sharing.

05-02-2004, 02:42 PM
This is what we read along the roadside...it tells of each space and what happened on it!

Not all plaques from the confederate side gave specifics...some did, most don't...but I love that they included the loss or wounds of the horses as well. All in all...an excellent toll and recap of exactly what happened at each and every spot along the routes!

05-02-2004, 02:47 PM
TY TinTennessee! YSVW! So glad to share and that you are enjoying them hun!

05-02-2004, 02:53 PM
Self explainitory...and getting repetitive, I assume...so I'll end Gettysburg here! Just a note though...I ran out of camera room for the last, and most impressive, monuments of all...the Pennsylvania monument (because the battle was in Pa.) as you leave the park. Grumble (hopefully) has a pic of it...so we'll wait for that one! It was tremendous!

05-02-2004, 03:10 PM
We didn't get home from Gettysburg (about a 2 1/2 mile drive) till 11ish that evening...so on day 3 we relaxed and hung out (not bloody literally again, Ian...Geezzzz!)...lol!. Ian will be renting a car on his journey, and I promised to teach him to drive on the right side of the road (as opposed to the "correct side of the road"...roflmfao!). Here he is...scaring Mr. Lixy within an inch of his life...(JK..JK...Mr. Lixy wasn't all that scared!)...

In all seriousness...he did pretty good for an Aussie! <--*ducks*

05-02-2004, 03:16 PM
We partied around the picnic table that night and I took some pics...but, I better not post how drunk Mr. Lixy was (or me, for that matter!!). SUPERPIPE came over for a visit...as well as our neighbor, Mike. Yada, yada, yada...

On to the next day!

05-02-2004, 03:42 PM
So...we wanted to show Ian the heart of liberty! The place where it all started! But nothing is free (anymore), and when we got to Philadelphia, we found that the tour for Independence Hall (where The Declaration of Independence is displayed) was booked.

Until just recently, till terrorists took our freedom away, this hall was open to perpetual visitors! I have to admit, it was kind of embarrassing how the guards treated us and our friend/visitor from the other side of the world! Only one guard was helpful, and all others treated us if as we should already know how to travel the streets to get to the buildings that hold our symbols of freedom. I realize that security is on yellow alert...but I must once again appologize to Ian for the discourtesy afforded him from the uptight/ignorant guards of our nations most precious records of history!

A sidenote: I am writing to someone in authority[ies] (Governor of Pa.) to let them/him know that, as we do understand that national security is at a high and we must do everything to keep our country and it's symbols safe, they might want to include a bit of "bedside manner" to those protecting said sites!!!!! These people didn't even ask us who we were or where we were from...(and don't think I don't understand that they are so very busy every single day), but stopped us as if we were a threat and sent us away without explaining how things work now (post 9/11)! Gawd-fuckin-damn-it...me and Mr. Lixy were pissed off!!!!!!.

Anyway...(sorry for the rant...but be forewarned if you visit Philly)...here are some pics of what we could take photos of in Philadelphia!

05-02-2004, 03:52 PM
This is as close as we could get because the tour was booked till later that afternoon...

You had to aquire tickets...which are free...but the hall could only hold so many. We opted to see The Liberty Bell instead...and then tour the city for sites with nicer people!

05-02-2004, 04:04 PM
They moved The Liberty Bell for security purposes. I'll admit, in all the trips I've ever made to Philly with my mother in my younger years, I had never seen "the bell". It used to be in the open, as you passed along the streets on ones way to Market St. or somewhere, to go shopping. Now (post 9/11) they have moved it and secured it inside a "tourist building". It is still free to see, but you'll have to go through a security system similar to boarding a plane.

As you meander through the building, you'll see the progression of the bell's history in billboards and in video. We went in during a school day, so the tour was packed and we passed some boards to get to the bell itself before it was too crowed to see.

I made Ian stop here for a photo op! LOL!

05-02-2004, 04:12 PM
The bell gave me chills! I don't know for sure if Ian can appreciate the fact that I, just then, for the first time in my life, stood in it's presence...the history beaming from it...the historical figures that had been before me, touching it, ringing it, speaking of it and it's significance...but I have to tell you all, I was in awe!

Nuff said!

05-02-2004, 04:14 PM
Another angle...

(for those who may never get to see it in person)

05-02-2004, 04:17 PM
The Liberty Bell alone...(no spectators blocking it's view)...

05-02-2004, 04:25 PM
Then we went for a walk-about (fuck off Ian...I know only the aborginal's do that there...here we do it all the time, in shorter spurts!....roflmfao!...*hugs*)

All around the city of Philadelphia (and let me tell you...these finds are few and far apart) we found something of significance!

Here is Benjamin and his wife, Deborah's, grave! It's in The Christ Church Cemetary.

05-02-2004, 04:26 PM
Those are all incredible Pics... Grumble is so very lucky... to meet so many of the people who keep all of us coming back... The tourist scenes are just bonus's...

I am so disappointed that Grumble won't be making it out to my neck of the woods... but am soooooo very happy that he has had such a wonderful time thus far... and surely it will only continue to be the case.

Thank you Lixy for posting the pics... hopefully someday I will see that Bell in person....have always wanted to.

And Lixy... please explain the reason for the coins on the grave?

05-02-2004, 04:31 PM
We visited Betsy Ross's house, but NO pictres were allowed to be taken inside. Oops! Forgot to get the outside.....duh! It was a tiny house where Betsy sewed the first flag of the original 13 colonies. So it is said, she had to take this proposition in secret, as she would have been held for treason had it been discovered that she was to take on such a project! She was also an upholsterer in her many jobs, including seamstress. She married 3 x's...so Ian, Mr. Lixy and myself suspect she was a sexed up girl of her day. Oh...BTW! She was only 23 when she stitched the flag!

05-02-2004, 04:37 PM
TYSVVM jenna! I hope you make it this way some day too! I'll be glad to rip the guards around Independence Hall a new asshole so as to treat you right!

As to the coins on Ben's grave, I'm not sure hun! We speculated that folks just wanted to leave a part of themselves there and thank Mr. Franklin for his contributions to our current comforts. But to be honest, we were clueless of the significance!

05-02-2004, 04:57 PM
Then we went to "Penn's Landing", named for the founder of Pennsylvania...

click on the link below to learn about William Penn...

About William Penn (http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576387/Penn_William.html) ...

It's just a "wee" way over the Deleware river to N.J., and the ship you see is now a maritime museum just across from Penn's Landing.

05-02-2004, 05:05 PM
Self explainitory...

Just have to say...until Memorial Day, there isn't much going on at Penn's Landing. During the summer months there are concerts and air shows and it's quite a treat when the Tall Ships come into port. We were just happy for a warm and sunny day!

05-02-2004, 05:10 PM
Another ship docked at the Penn's Landing...

05-02-2004, 05:26 PM
Sooooooo...then we headed back home to beat the Philly rush hour traffic. We sat around the picnic table again, to reflect on the day. Mind you, this was after Ian had his first bite of a Philly cheesesteak for lunch! Ahhhhhhhhh.....ain't nothin better than an Amoroso roll holding the gem that is Philly's heart!

Then, we went out to dinner at a local "pub" and had the best meal of the trip (though, I'm hoping Ian will say his best meals were my personal cooking). Hubby and I talked with some friends who came over to our table, after their meal, to meet Ian. The owner even made a rare appearance at our request.

We went to bed after an exhausting day, so that we could wake refreshed to make the airport in the time alotted for check-in. Ian's plans called for us to be at the airport 1 1/2 hours before flight time! Little did we know...check-in was easier than getting into Independence Hall (only took 15-20 mins. after figuring out we couldn't use the computer)! Makes one wonder, where's the priority...don't it?

Here's a pic during our ride to the airport...

A Breathtaking Sunrise........................

05-02-2004, 05:33 PM
I kept taking pictures as we rode along...and this is the last one of Ian's trip to our place! I just couldn't take a "goodbye" pic...so I'll finish this thread with a sunrise!

**Mamma never liked "goodbye's" Ian...and she instilled that in me! I'll not ever say "goodbye", but leave this open in case you want to come back for another round of "Americanizing...(word?...it is NOW!)

*hugs and kisses*

05-02-2004, 05:55 PM
Lovely tribute to a great visit Lixy!

05-02-2004, 05:59 PM
TYSVVM Lilith! It was a visit of a lifetime and I'm so glad I could share some of it's highpoints with my extended family!


05-02-2004, 06:06 PM

I’m glad you had such a grand time hun, but did you have to take him to the bell? Ian, being a fabricator, has to be laughing at our American craftsmanship. Who else turns something that broke with the first use, into an icon?:confused: Now I’ll have to try and show him we CAN do something right. (What a job I’ve got :rolleyes: ) lol

Just kidding;)

Thank you so much Lixy and Mr. Lixy for showing both Grumbles and us, not only the sights, but the meaning of friends and being a real Pixie. Both become more meaningful when combined and shared. :)

one-trick pony
05-02-2004, 06:23 PM
Wonderful pictures. I envy him having a gracious hostess like you. Thank you for sharing. It seems you all had a great time.

Teddy Bear
05-02-2004, 07:32 PM

What a terrific thread!! Its looks and sounds like you enjoyed Ians visit as much as we did.

The pics are great. TY for posting them. If you don't mind I'm going to copy you and post "Grumble in RI" pics. I was waiting for him to post them but I didn't realize he's not had a way to.

TY again Lixy!!

teddy :) :)

05-02-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by LixyChick

As to the coins on Ben's grave, I'm not sure hun! We speculated that folks just wanted to leave a part of themselves there and thank Mr. Franklin for his contributions to our current comforts. But to be honest, we were clueless of the significance!

Not to be a know-it-all, but thought maybe I could shed some light on this for you....

Ben Franklin wrote and published Poor Richard's Almanac. Lots of our proverbs are taken from there. One of the most famous of Franklin's proverbs was "A Penny saved is a penny earned."

I'm assuming that would be the reason for people leaving pennies on Ben Franklin's grave.

05-02-2004, 09:48 PM
Awwwwwww Lixy, that was sweet what you said there at the end.:) thank you for sharing this with us! I'm so glad you all had a good time!:)

05-02-2004, 10:07 PM
Looks like you all had a wonderful time!! Nice to cement friendships!

05-02-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by PantyFanatic

I’m glad you had such a grand time hun, but did you have to take him to the bell? Ian, being a fabricator, has to be laughing at our American craftsmanship. Who else turns something that broke with the first use, into an icon?:confused: Now I’ll have to try and show him we CAN do something right. (What a job I’ve got :rolleyes: ) lol

Just kidding;)

Thank you so much Lixy and Mr. Lixy for showing both Grumbles and us, not only the sights, but the meaning of friends and being a real Pixie. Both become more meaningful when combined and shared. :)
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Feckin...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell him of all the faults of our forefathers! Gezzzzz oh Pete, PF!

Not only did the bell have a crack in it...but, it wasn't the first and only bell fabricated that had problems! Oh shit, now look what you made me go and do, PF!

OK...here's the real story of the bell and the tolls it took!

The Bell[s] (http://www.ushistory.org/libertybell/index.html)

BTW hun...I didn't see him laugh...but he could have when I was all in awe over the bell! I got all goose-pimply and my nipples got all..................um................never mind! Suffice it to say...I don't think he laughed out loud at us!


05-02-2004, 10:37 PM
one-trick pony...So glad you enjoyed! It was Ian who graced us...but then, I know you can tell that from the thread! TY for the compliment! *hugs*

Teddy...sweety honey!...Ian may have another idea of how to post his trip, but I have never proclaimed to be patient and he did mention how much he hated my mouse (so I put on an old style mouse while he was here, and hated it...lol!)...so he could peruse the site. There was no way for him to upload his pics to my puter...and I could do mine...so I did...in hopes that Ian wouldn't mind me jumping the gun! He told me so much about his visit with you and your family...and I can hardly wait for the pics that you two have to share! *hugs and an extra one to let you know, I now know the love that is Ian* I'm sure, whatever you decide to post...Ian will love it!

SS...*bear hugs*...Good Gawd sweety! You are such a doll to remind me/us of that fact! Of course! That has to be the reason behind the pennies! TY for getting my back and remembering that info! *hugs again*

CGT...*blushing* So glad you appreciated the sentimental part! TY for such a sweet compliment hun! Glad you enjoyed the trip! *hugs n hugs*

fzzy...It was...it was nice to cement! So glad you came by! *hugs*

05-03-2004, 12:04 AM
Damn lixy =P you were that close by and didnt even stop to say ello =P such a meany

05-03-2004, 06:30 AM
awsoem pics ty so much!!!


05-03-2004, 07:11 AM
I LOVE this thread!!! Thank you so much Lixy for all the wonderful pictures and play-by-plays!!!

Grumble, here's wishing you a continued wonderful trip!!!

05-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Ranger...Awwwwww! I'm sorry! But...I didn't know you lived close by! Shoulda told me hun! Sorry to be such a "meany"...LOL!

Nikki...YSVW! So glad you enjoyed!

darogle...I had to add my part! After all...I was on holiday as well! I'm so glad you liked the pics!

05-03-2004, 05:46 PM

05-04-2004, 04:45 AM
Sorry bout that SUPERPIPE! I hadn't cropped and resized them all. Here's one that came out ok.

Around the picnic table at the Lixy's...

05-04-2004, 06:03 AM
hehe i was only teasing hon =) looks like you guys had one helluva time =)

05-04-2004, 08:29 AM
I will get round to posting some more when i get to Curvy's and have some time to do so.

As you have read we had a great time together, Lixy and Mr Lixy are wonderful warm hearted people who showed me what hospitality and friendship were.

The same can be said of Celtic Angel ,the Teddy Bears and also Osuche. I have been treated like a king and am so exceptionally lucky to have made such wonderful friends.

I loved the sense of humour the Lixy's have, they are as mad as me LOL. I got Mr Lixy saying petrol and Al-u-min-i-um just like aussies. We had a ball making fun of the differences and both of them ate some vegemite.

Lixy made a dip of horseradish and other ingredients which was absolutly superb. Never tasted anything to even match it. We ate some shrimps and a fish called stripey that was excellent. Lixy is a great cook. I enjoyed every second of my time with them both.

I didn't look back as I took leave of them because I am a sentimental bloke and I may have found the moment too emotional for me. Not very becoming seeing a middle age man with tears in his eyes in public like that.

Things will be hectic this week but next week i will sort out some pics and get some posts and emails going.

05-04-2004, 06:12 PM
Is he ^^^^ feckin the cutest...or what?

Um...Ian sweety? It's "striper"...an ocean stripe bass! But, I think from now on, in your honor...I am calling it "stripey fishing" whenever me and Mr. Lixy go out on dad's boat for um! *giggle*

Oh...and the horseradish sauce I made? We call it cocktail sauce here and these are the ingredients...


Mix together and dip the shrimp in it and enjoy!

(Ian calls ketchup or catsup, "sauce" and I asked, "What do you call spaghetti sauce"? He said...spaghetti sauce!!!!)

Mr. Lixy thinks you could make a killing if you grew your own horseradish and started bottling the stuff in Tasmania! We get a percentage though...k?

We also ate "monk" fish Ian. Don't forget about "the poor man's lobster"!

Oh...and folks? He showed us the proper way to eat vegemite...so don't go getting yourself a jar and spreading it all thick over your toast! I told Ian..."It isn't the worst thing I've ever had in my mouth"! *I"ll leave that up to interpretation for you guys! LMFAO!* Mr. Lixy wasn't even gonna try it cause he took a big whiff outta the jar and he said it smelled like some stuff he puts on his fish bait. But...curiousity got the best of him, and he eventually had a bite of my wheat bread (toasted), butter and vegemite. Least now, we can say we tried it!

We got to talking about "hard cider" and then the jokes began to flow. So, again I say, I'll let Ian tell you all about Dicken's Cider! I thought he was gonna pee his pants...or "chuck chunder"! *giggle, giggle, giggle*

SUPERPIPE came over one night, and we all ate around the picnic table. Our neighbor came over for a bit to see what all the commotion was about. But...I'm blabbing now, so I'll close by saying...

Dude (bloke), we had a fanfuckintastic time as well! Our pleasure to have met you! We wish you well on the rest of your trip...and keep on having a nice day! :D


P.S. Ranger...I knew that! *hugs*

05-04-2004, 06:29 PM
take care Ian,,,may you find all the happiness you have been searching for..GOOD LUCK IN YOUR PURSUIT OF GETTING "STUFFED"..:O)

05-04-2004, 11:57 PM
"stripey fishing" :)
Hurry up and get to Cleveland Ian. We’ll show you some fish that aren’t per-salted. Freshwater walleye evolved a little later without that prehistoric taste. ;) lol

I’m glad you got to eat all his vegemite Lixy. :) You DID eat all his vegemite, didn’t you? :rolleyes: He doesn’t have any vegemite with him does he? :confused:

I just want to know what kind of job he did with getting that barn painted. :rolleyes:

05-05-2004, 04:07 AM
Oh noooooooooooo PF! We didn't eat ALL of his vegemite! You can't spread it too thick and he had plenty for his ENTIRE trip...to share with ALL of his friends! *giggle* Get some Whole Wheat bread ready for toasting, hun! I put unsalted butter on it as well (helped disguise the taste a bit). Ian calls it "an aquired taste"...but I haven't ordered any to aquire a taste for it. Damn!

And PF hun? *singing* My fish are better than your fish...my fish are better than yours"...lmfao! *raspberries* Stop calling my fish "prehistoric"! Oh wait...you would know, wouldn't you?

*dashes outta the thread*

05-05-2004, 05:02 AM
Dayum, I sure wish I could've been a part of the welcoming committee for Grumble. He seems a first class guy. I'll say one thing for him, he's got great taste in friends. I envy his voyage and am glad he's been able to make it. Thanks for sharing some of it with us Y'all.

Teddy Bear
05-05-2004, 05:20 AM
*( Maybe I shouldn't tell them that I took Ian to a store that imports food from countries all over the world. I won't mention that I actually bought the vegemite cause Ian didn't have any US money yet. (We were on our way to the bank.)

I'm really not gonna tell them that Ian wanted ALL his friends to try it. I told him 'they may not be your friends after you make them eat that nasty stuff'. He's gonna have Curvy's innocent little children eat it too. Poor kids. I know kids in Australia take vegemite sandwiches to school but thats cause they don't have any fluff. Poor kids.

I guess I won't mention any of that or they may never talk too me again. )* ;)

05-05-2004, 07:10 AM
Yeah! :D

Curvy's little children should get to experience all the good things of Oz. I’ll be sure that there is plenty left for them.:)


05-05-2004, 02:44 PM
[ I know kids in Australia take vegemite sandwiches to school but thats cause they don't have any fluff. Poor kids.


Thats true - Teddy bought me some vegemite to torment my friends with. PF you are next mate :D

Teddy what is this stuff about not having fluff??? To me that means they have no pubic hair and I have no idea if Curvy's kids do or not and I am not going to try and find out. Going to find out if Curvy does though :D :D :D

05-05-2004, 05:33 PM
vegemite? keep me away from that stuff....far far far away......

Lixy - thanks for sharing the pics.....one thing's for sure - it truly shows the amazing people and family atmosphere here.....always continues to baffle me.....yet it doesn't if that makes any sense....

Teddy Bear
05-05-2004, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Grumble
Teddy what is this stuff about not having fluff??? To me that means they have no pubic hair and I have no idea if Curvy's kids do or not and I am not going to try and find out. Going to find out if Curvy does though :D :D :D


OMG Grumble I most certianly did not mean they had no pubic hair. And I don't wanna know!!

Fluff is a whipped spreadable marshmallow creame. When you make a sandwich of fluff & peanut butter it's called a 'fluffernutter'.

Check this out & be sure to listen to the fluffernutter theme. LOL


‘Fluffer Nutter’ thread started by Lilith.

OK, got it now buddy? LOL

teddy :) :)

05-06-2004, 03:54 AM
(((((Bear))))))...Happy to share our fun time. It'd been nice to have you on the commitee too! Someday (in a perfect world), we'll have a giant Pixie Fest...and the hugs will fly!

Teddy Bear...ROFLMFAO! Come're G/F! So you're the culprit, huh? Ahhhhhh...it's ok! I've always had a curiousity about vegemite anyway! <---sounds crazier now that I've said it out loud! LOL!

PF...You've gotta try it...just so you can say that you did! *giggle*

Grumble...OMG! Gotta try a fluffernutter! Go light on it though...it's almost all sugar!

(((musicman)))...makes plenty of sense hun! YVW! And TY!

Teddy...There ya go! Hope he doesn't O.D. on em!

05-06-2004, 04:02 AM

Thanks Lixy for the pictures.

05-07-2004, 04:47 AM
YSVW db! Glad you enjoyed hun! *hugs*