04-24-2004, 07:09 AM
A father decided it was time that he have, that special talk with his 10 year old son, and called him in to the living room.
As the father started the conversation with, “Now son, your old enough now to know the truth about the birds and the bees.
With that, the young man jumped to his feet with a look of horror on his face, pleading with his father not to go on.
He looked his father straight in the eye and said: The first time we had one of these talks I was only 4, and you told me there was no tooth fairy. The second talk was when I was 6, and you told me there was no Easter Bunny. The third time, I was 8 and you told me there was no Santa Clause. So if your gonna tell me there is no such thing as sex, I’m just gonna die.
As the father started the conversation with, “Now son, your old enough now to know the truth about the birds and the bees.
With that, the young man jumped to his feet with a look of horror on his face, pleading with his father not to go on.
He looked his father straight in the eye and said: The first time we had one of these talks I was only 4, and you told me there was no tooth fairy. The second talk was when I was 6, and you told me there was no Easter Bunny. The third time, I was 8 and you told me there was no Santa Clause. So if your gonna tell me there is no such thing as sex, I’m just gonna die.