View Full Version : Pleas SHOW some respect to BUDDISM

04-23-2004, 07:59 AM
Dear Pixies Members

As you have heard, Victoria Secret has produced
a swim suit item that has the images of Buddha
on them. Please take a look at the pictures at
this link:


Please come here and sign the petition.


We need to express our voice so that
people cannot take advantage of us.

I'd like to thank you for doing this.

Click on "contact us" at that website and write them an email. I just wrote this.

Your company is selling a bikini with images of Buddha in the crotch of the Bikini.


Don't you think that this shows utter lack of respect for worshippers of this great and ancient religion that have been around before the days of Christ?

I am sure all people who show respect for any religion would be greatly angry at your lack of taste.

Please let me know why your company have chosen to be so disrespectful to the Buddhists around the world? Thank you

Victoria Secret wouldn't let other people sell their stuff would they? I mean they spend much money on marketing, why would they let other people sell it?

I am very distrustful of accusations made on the Internet. Please find evidence that Victoria Secrets are the producer of the bikini.

Ondademar is a high end swimsuit designer/manufacturer. So it look like Ondelamar is the one we really should go after. Victoria Secret is just reselling Ondelamar's swimsuit.

See here for more info on Ondelamar: http://www.ondademar.com/aboutus.htm

You'll notice that Victoria Secret is one of their retailer. Other retailers include Sax 5th Avenue, Nieman Marcus and Bloomingdale. We should also consider complaining to these stores too.

I already wrote an email to Ondelamar about their lack of taste.
Go here to write them a nasty email: http://www.ondademar.com/contactus.htm

We can also call their Florida office at 305-854-6620 to lodge our complaint. Hey, we all get free long distance with our cell phone anyhow, so lets call them.

Don't just sign a petition. Lets spam them with tons of email and phone calls.

Yeah keep complaining so they will stop. If they like to put other people religion on a swimsuit why not put jesus on their swimsuit. I bet they are not buddhist. Even if they are buddhist they shouldn't do that cuz it's not right!!

If they like to put other people religion on a swimsuit why not put jesus on their swimsuit. WHY can they put JESSU right infront of their private part ? I am so mad mad mad

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-23-2004, 08:01 AM
is it killing muslim is not enought now want to making fun on us who are buddism?

04-23-2004, 08:13 AM

I am so sorry. This shows, yet again, the enormous philosophical and theological gulfs separating the Orient and the Occident.

While I can appreciate your fury at this coarse insensitivity, I suggest that you avoid engaging in acts of which the Buddha would disapprove.

I have notified OndadeMar, and I suggest that you also contact all the chains which carry this line of swimsuits, and alert them of the grave disrespect that is stitched into each piece. The retailers may be more responsive to public opinion than the manufacturer.

04-23-2004, 08:20 AM
I''ll have to speak to Richard Gere before I comment here.

BUT....I think your statement is very provocative with the comment about "killing muslims"......so I shall say no more and exit.........stage left!

04-23-2004, 08:25 AM

I am just being so mad when i look at the picture . it is very normal reaction.

how do you think if there is a JESSU picture right infront of my PUSSY ?? Is that look like Jessu trying to lick my pussy?

04-23-2004, 08:47 AM
oh boy.....I think you missed my point, so I shall leave it at that!

04-23-2004, 08:58 AM
You know, I sat down and thought about this thread. I am neither christain nor muslim, yet I stopped and thought about how loud the public outcry would be if VS had put a picture of Jesus as the christ figure or the prophet Muhammed on the fabric instead. Then I thought about how many pictures of Kali I've seen on fabric, including fabric which might be made into a swimsuit one day, and thought, wow, I couldn't possibly imagine the outcry from Hindis-maybe if it were Vishnu, but not Kali. I've seen many pictures of several pagan gods/goddesses on clothing, but none on swimsuits. No hue & cry there, either. Seems to be a matter of how it's presented.

In the final analysis, I suppose it's disrespectful if you personally find it disrespectful.

I do agree that this particular presentation is disrespectful of the majority of buddists (even though I am not a buddist). Perhaps to be on the safe side, VS should consider not using fabric with religious figures on any of their products.

04-23-2004, 09:19 AM

thank you for your words, yes I do agree with you.


sorry did i miss you point here?:(

04-23-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by ChinesePussy

sorry did i miss you point here?:(

I *think* (I hope I'm not putting incorrect words here in your mouth, Bibi) that her point was, that, along with the previous statement about possibly putting Jesus in the crotch of a bikini, the statement about killing Muslims categorizes the US as automatically disresprectful of any religion that isn't Christainity. IOW, it's a contextual thing.

This is one legitimate interpretation of your statements: that you, personally, see us as a monolithic culture that couldn't give a rats ass about non-Christain religions.

It is not my personal interpretation, but I can see how another person might read that into your statements. In that light, yes, I could see why your second post was unnecessarily provacative.

Me, I just saw you as blowing off steam, and read the statements together in that light.

Bibi, please correct me if I have mis-interpreted your response.

04-23-2004, 09:38 AM

you are great!!!:)

04-23-2004, 09:40 AM


04-23-2004, 10:39 AM
Remember the problems the publication of Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses caused? If the Buddists in the world had radical groups similar to some Muslim groups, would designers be producing these designs? I don't see an image of Muhammad on a bikini.

04-23-2004, 11:10 AM
so Musketeer, do you mean Buddism are too kind in the world ???

04-23-2004, 11:39 AM
IMHO It's insensitive to...

1) categorize an entire nation by the acts or perception of the acts of their government or millitary (who carry out government orders).

2) place an image of any diety on intimate apparel in such a way as it may be deemed offensive.

But both happen.

04-23-2004, 11:44 AM
so any body in here sign here


04-23-2004, 01:27 PM
C.P. Being a Unitarian,I have respect for all people's relgions.I signed the petition. Images sacred to people, should not be used in this manner.

04-23-2004, 01:30 PM

thank you very much. me too I would never disrepect to any religion either.

04-23-2004, 02:04 PM
ChinesePussy, No I don't mean Budism is too kind in the world. I simply mean that to the best of my knowledge Budist are far more tolerant than some other religions, and because of this some people/groups may see them as a soft target.

I would also like to add I don't mean to cause offence to you about your religion and I appologise if I have.

04-23-2004, 02:22 PM

that is OK. sorry that sometimes i miss understand.

yes thank you very much for your participate

04-27-2004, 03:43 AM
I think people are getting way too Offended by things today , what ever happened to freedom of speech and expression , now don't missunderstand and think I am condoning this , but Hell if ya don't like it don't buy one . I personally don't like people wearing the flag as clothing but I am not gonna raise a stink over it , simply won't do it my self . There are more Important issues we need to be addressing that what people wear as clothing .

Just an Opinion of an Old Biker and Soldier for what it's worth .

04-27-2004, 12:06 PM
Are people getting too offended these days? Or are we beginning to take a good long hard second look at images that can offend members of our socieity that we may have been insensitive to in the past?

04-27-2004, 03:14 PM
A similar situtation happened 2 years ago at a large clothing manufacturer. They created a pair of sandals with a picture of an elephant on them. Im not sure of the symbolism, and which religion it was for, but they were ordered to remove them from the store. It was no big deal (as in there were no protests or anything, the company was just enlightened by a certain religious group)and it was taken care of, as this will be handled Im sure. Not everyone is fluent in other cultures which is why society is greatful of people like you to enlighten us. TY for your time!

04-27-2004, 06:55 PM
I personally wouldn't do it (use a deity on an article of clothing) but what if someone were to say "your acknowledgement of this as a deity offends me because my religion says thou shalt have no gods before me". What then?

04-28-2004, 07:41 AM
Personally I can't see the difference between wearing an image of Buddha on a chain around one's neck and wearing one on a Bikini.....are people offended that a religious image is being displayed on an item of clothing designed to cover the genitals?

If so, what's so evil about genitals? They are the source of life - a very important aspect of Buddhist culture, as far as I'm aware.

Seems odd that it's fine to wear an image of Buddha around the neck, but not on certain other parts of the body, to me. I wasn't aware that there were certain parts of our body that aren't loved by God.

04-28-2004, 07:53 AM
I should add to this, that while I am not a member of any religious group, I live in a Christian Culture and went to a Christian school where the general thinking is that 'graven images' are inappropriate, whether on a swim suit or anywhere else for that matter.

Buddhism does not share this view and statues etc of Buddha are commonplace, but then again (as far as I'm aware, and I'll admit my religious knowledge is not great) Buddha was not a deity.

04-28-2004, 10:48 AM

so is that mean if there is a designer from the east created a Jessu image on the underware or bikini to cover the gential would be ok to you??? Right????

is that ok for a Chinese Pussy to wear it on her pussy??:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-28-2004, 12:20 PM
As I clearly said I am not a Christian (but it's Jesus, by the way, not Jessu) so I can't say it would offend me any more or less than Buddha.

And even if I were a Christian, I really don't think I would be offended as there is nothing offensive about your pussy or anyone elses for that matter. As I said before, what's the difference between wearing an image of a religious figure around your neck, and wearing one on a more intimate part of the anatomy. God made us naked, didn't s/he/it/them?

But, as I stated before, I personally find images of deities somewhat inappropriate no matter where they are.

04-28-2004, 01:05 PM
oh ok i understand you now Loulabelle:)

04-28-2004, 01:09 PM
This day in age, you cant do anything without offending some people anyway. Some people are just more open minded than others (not referring to certain groups, just people in general). A lose/lose situation.

04-28-2004, 02:16 PM
in my brain , (wich isnt the best il admit) i can see how this is disrspectful, but i belive in freedom of speech and clothing is just another way to express urself, i wud never buy one, but i do belive that ppl have the right to wear what they want , as long as they are wearing something. i can def see how this wud up set u tho CP and im sorry u have been offended


05-02-2004, 10:23 PM
Well, the way I see it,

One of our Pixies family is upset about this, so I'm going to sign the petition on that merit alone.


Rick Forbes
06-08-2004, 03:28 PM
Yes. We must respect the beliefs of others. So many of our problems are rooted in bigotry and mistrust. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, CP.

06-09-2004, 02:56 PM

I thought you'd like to know.


06-10-2004, 03:02 PM

Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for that link

I am very happy after reading that.

thank you sooooooooooooo much. :)