View Full Version : We are the dinosaurs, marching, marching..

04-22-2004, 10:30 AM
My 5 year old loves to watch Noggin, which is a channel that takes educations childrens shows from all networks, and shows them together on one station. Everything from Seseme Street (PBS), to Blue's Clues (Nickolodean). In between the shows, the have little games, and songs, and what not, instead of commercials.

There's one song where 3 women are playing guitars, and saying: "We are the dinosaurs, marching, marching, we are the dinosaurs, we make the earth flat!"

Chris is walking around our living room right now singing along, and stomping his feet like a dinosaur would.

So Cute!

04-22-2004, 10:42 AM
Gilly~ I can picture it! I just posted about my little guy singing along to Sesame Street...God made them cute, so they would get a chance to grow up;)

04-22-2004, 10:47 AM
You got that right, cause there are those moments when you just ask yourself "Why didn't I raise kittens and sunflowers instead?" ;)

04-22-2004, 10:52 AM
LMAO! So very true! And to think, I still consider having another one. Aren't hormones amazing!:D

04-22-2004, 11:02 AM
3 is more than enough for me. WAY more than enough.

04-22-2004, 11:35 AM

If it plays out as it should (given their mom), you'll be richly rewarded.

Life can be splendid indeed - between episodes of pulling your hair out! Enjoy every moment you can.

one-trick pony
04-22-2004, 11:49 AM
jseal is right. Enjoy it now because you blink and the next thing you know you're throwing a high school graduation party, wondering how it all happened so fast.
I envy you, the fun times. I'd love to relive the years when my daughter was little. I can't get away with acting like a little kid anymore!
Only had one, though. We had her outnumbered.
But what fun we had!

04-22-2004, 11:51 AM
Gilly - there are numerous times when I just watch my daughter dance around and smile. It's what keeps me sane and grounded. I look at my 2 week old son and wonder what he'll be like as his personality develops... :D

04-22-2004, 03:07 PM
I miss them as babies. It's so nice to just snuggle a tiny newborn.

But then, I see the older ones, and I just pray I survive the early years. 2 years ago, I was unable to cope, and would just sit down and bawl for lack of knowing how to deal with a very hyper active rambunctions 3 year old who didn't understand what he did was wrong. On top of him, I had a 6 year old starting school, and a newborn. Then there was that whole post partem depression thing.

Back then, I couldn't picture being able to survive them. Now, I look at Gillian, and realize that in 2 years, all 3 will be in school, and my oldest will almost be old enough to baby sit.

Scary. Very scary. It does fly by fast, and the good moments are the ones we remember, and long for.

04-22-2004, 10:14 PM
Wow Gilly sounds like you've been exactly where I am now! Glad to know that feeling goes away. It's so frustrating when you know it will get better but you can't do anything in the moment. I've been washing crayon off my windows and walls all day. Then my 2 year old got stuck between our entertainment center and the wall, again! So after 20 minutes I got her unstuck and she went right back there again! Then my 3 month old son screamed for 2 hours tonight for no apparent reason. But now that my house is quiet and I've read everyone's feelings about missing these moments I guess I shouldn't feel bad for myself! I wouldn't change it for the world.:D

04-22-2004, 11:07 PM
Kissy, you have my sympathies. My now 5 year old got Social services called on us twice for his disappearing act, and once for his death defying leaps from the back of the sofa (which was in front of the slider, so the nosy neighbors could of course see). His escape tactics wee a real treat.

The first one was when he was 2 and a half, and I was pregnant with Gilly. Me and him were snuggled in my bed watching blue's clues, and I started feeling that ole morning sickness, so I ran to the bathroom. Not 2 minutes later (I'm not even done in the bathroom), there's a knock on the door.

By all of the most amazing luck in the world, a social services worker was driving to visit our neighbors, and my son managed to unlock the front door, open it, and the unlock the screen door as well, and run out into the yard, and then road. We lived out of the way, on a dirt road, so traffic was few (thankfully), but still.. of all the luck, it was social services.

BTW, we've learned that flat paint is just hopeless with crayon, and Goo Gone get's it off of most glossy surfaces. He was also our budding artist- on the walls, mirrors, pictures, floors, refridgerator, dressers, windows, etc. You get the idea. ;)

It does get better, but lord, I was down at the end of my rope, praying for help when I finally had to call my family, and tell them they needed to work out something to take him off my hands for a few days. I felt so helpless, and rotten, because I thought I was a horrible mom for feeling like I couldn't control my child, or my feelings towards the situations.

I am SOOOO glad he out grew those days, but boy...

Anyway, you have all the sympathy in the world from me. It's hard being in that position, and not knowing how to stop it, or when it will end.

04-23-2004, 06:11 AM
*hugs Gilly tight*

I almost feel guilty for what my parents would have endured...

04-23-2004, 08:28 AM
All those dinosaurs marching, stomping the world.

Is that where the flat earth theory came from?

04-23-2004, 09:49 AM
Yeah mine was sweet and innocent too long ago. she's 14 and constantly compares her boobs to mine. wants to know what bra size I wear, can I do this move to a certain dance,(which you could probably get thrown in jail for in public) wants to know when are we going to Victoria's secret shopping, :rolleyes: and when am I going to get off the phone or the computer. :dizzy:

yeah I definitely miss the innocent days! when she caught frogs in the creeks, brought slimy things home, rode the goats, tormented the cats and had a burial for everything that died....

04-24-2004, 01:38 AM
I have 3 boys and I love it sometimes! I am trying to figure out how a mixture of peanut butter ketchup and glue handprints got on the walls and ceiling in their room. And how the hell I'm going to get it off! I mean even my seven months old hands are on here.

04-24-2004, 04:46 AM
We had seven children ... four boys and three girls ... and I wouldn't sell any of them for a million dollars ...

Three of the boys are still at home, although two are really adults. The youngest is a junior in high school.

Wouldn't trade any, although there were times we would have loaned or rented some. :D :D

04-24-2004, 09:54 AM
I'd loan mine out for some mexican blankets. :D

04-24-2004, 12:42 PM
LMAO@ gilly:D

04-24-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by dicksbro
We had seven children ...

Wow dicksbro, that's all I can say is Wow! :p :D

04-25-2004, 06:56 AM
I grew up with 5 brothers. My poor mother had 6 boys in less than 7 years. Imagine dealing with terrible twos every year for 6 years. Even with that Mom still loves kids. She'd start over tomorrow given the chance. I guess that's where my strong love of kids and family came from. I only have 2 but that's because of fate and her gentle way of changing things. I'm 46 and truthfully if I find the right partner, I'd do it again. Yeah I know, some people never learn.

04-25-2004, 08:02 AM
Oh yeah, the singing story... if you remember R. Kelley's "I Believe I Can Fly" My son loved that song. We were in a grocery store waiting for Mom to check out and we'd drifted past the registers. Suddlenly here he is "Daddy! Daddy! Pick me up." So of course I reached down to lift him. As I did, he extended his arms Superman style and gave a leap and forward lean. Upon his launch he began to sing loudly "I believe I can fly!" Half the people in the store heard him and had a good laugh. It was one of those adoreable moments all of his future girlfriends will hear about. LOL

04-25-2004, 10:19 AM
BigBear... you always share the sweetest things here... thank you :)

04-25-2004, 03:05 PM
The things kids do, priceless...

Why does god make babies cute?

So they grow up to be adults. :D