04-20-2004, 05:03 AM
Hi Pixieites,
I gave up trying to use Alison's laptop, way too tempremental and the keyboard layout was different and as she is working on her flat, there were no chairs with backs on, LOL.
Alison is just a wonderful friend, we got on famously and increased an already strong friendship. Her kids and Mum are all lovely and I saw a lot of the Scottish countryside. Loch Lomond is impressive and we went up some gondolas on Ben Nevis to a ski field. This was pretty special for me being an avid skier (not enough snow to ski on :() and seeing the mountain I ski on in Tasmania is Ben Lomond which is next to Ben Nevis, well i felt right at home.
The worst thing about scotland is understanding what people say. I was understanding one word in three when I got there and was always asking Ali to repeat things. I had to watch her lips as well as listen. I am very good at saying Och Aye the noo now LOL but am not good at rolling my RRR's.
Ali gave me some gifts to give to my and Curvy's kids, she is just so generous and a nice fun person.
I gave them all some Tasmanian gifts that I have brought along and Becky and Grant loved their little Tasmanian Devil soft toys I brought them. Naturally they were made in China LMAO!!!
I am in London now and spent 4 hours at the Tower of London. It is such an amazing place with such gruesome history. The white palace is 1000 years old and has walls 15 feet thick at the foundations tapering to 11 feet at the 4th story.
Today. Tuesday 20th April I am going to see the RAF museum and Lords Cricket Ground. Tomorrow will be off to see buckingham palace, Big ben , Traflagar Square, Houses of Parliament.
Thursday off to Heathrow airport and then to Boston to meet Teddy.
will post again after i get to Teddy's with some pics
I gave up trying to use Alison's laptop, way too tempremental and the keyboard layout was different and as she is working on her flat, there were no chairs with backs on, LOL.
Alison is just a wonderful friend, we got on famously and increased an already strong friendship. Her kids and Mum are all lovely and I saw a lot of the Scottish countryside. Loch Lomond is impressive and we went up some gondolas on Ben Nevis to a ski field. This was pretty special for me being an avid skier (not enough snow to ski on :() and seeing the mountain I ski on in Tasmania is Ben Lomond which is next to Ben Nevis, well i felt right at home.
The worst thing about scotland is understanding what people say. I was understanding one word in three when I got there and was always asking Ali to repeat things. I had to watch her lips as well as listen. I am very good at saying Och Aye the noo now LOL but am not good at rolling my RRR's.
Ali gave me some gifts to give to my and Curvy's kids, she is just so generous and a nice fun person.
I gave them all some Tasmanian gifts that I have brought along and Becky and Grant loved their little Tasmanian Devil soft toys I brought them. Naturally they were made in China LMAO!!!
I am in London now and spent 4 hours at the Tower of London. It is such an amazing place with such gruesome history. The white palace is 1000 years old and has walls 15 feet thick at the foundations tapering to 11 feet at the 4th story.
Today. Tuesday 20th April I am going to see the RAF museum and Lords Cricket Ground. Tomorrow will be off to see buckingham palace, Big ben , Traflagar Square, Houses of Parliament.
Thursday off to Heathrow airport and then to Boston to meet Teddy.
will post again after i get to Teddy's with some pics