View Full Version : ???? Question for Teddy Bear??
04-16-2004, 08:38 PM
I know I could have asked this in a PM, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to know the answer to this question.
I am totally enthralled with your adorable Teddy Bear avatars! I've been dying to ask you for the longest you dress your own Teddy Bear up and take the pics? Or do you somehow find these wonderful pictures of dressed up bears online? And if you dress them yourself, where do you find such great outfits for them? I especially loved the dominatrix one you used a while back.
04-16-2004, 08:47 PM
and I want to know if you'll dress and undress me? :D
(any way you want :) )
Teddy Bear
04-16-2004, 09:15 PM
LOL.... TY for noticing and commenting. At first it felt odd to be using 'cutesy' little teddy bears in a adult site, but I like them so I got over that quickly. :p
They are not my bears, although I'd love to have them all. :) I found them all on line. I'm not sure what the 'rules' are for using pics in this way. Are they copy righted? If so, is this theft?
I got quite a few comments on the dominatrix one. It is on an e-greeting card. I think theres 4 or 5 others in the set. I wasn't planning on using them cause I'm not comfortable in the Domme role, but maybe I'll put one up once in awhile. ;) I feel more 'at home' with the sweet/cutsey bears. Although I enjoyed the few 'suggestive/sexy' ones I found too. They're hard to find, since teddy bears are not usually thought of as sexy. lol.
Thanks again for noticing SS. I don't feel 'invisible' now. :D
Teddy Bear
04-16-2004, 09:16 PM
But I think I'd prefer you undressed.... ;) :D
04-16-2004, 09:23 PM
Invisible? My Goodness, you always get my attention Hon. I happen to think you're a precious contributor and I know I'm not the only one to think so.
04-16-2004, 10:21 PM
Also love the different Bears.
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 01:32 AM
BigBear57, Thank you so much!! What a wonderful thing to say. :) I think you're pretty special yourself and you just made my day. :D
Scarecrow, TY. I really didn't think so many people noticed them. :)
04-17-2004, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Teddy Bear
teddy bears are not usually thought of as sexy
Well, YOU make that statement totally inaccurate, Teddy Bear! :hot: ... And you're AV's are great also. :)
04-17-2004, 08:37 AM
TB---I'm just curious.The radio station,that I listen to,for most of
the day,advertises for(I think that the name is)Vermont Teddy
Bear.I have never had any dealings with them.I guess that they
put different outfits on them & send them as gifts.Have you or
anyone,that you know,ever dealt with them?I'm wondering,
because May 1,is our 39th anniversary & I'm sick of most of the
gifts & looking for something different!Thanks. Irish
04-17-2004, 09:30 AM
How could you possibly think you're invisible???? As you can see that's far from the truth. ...You're one of our very nicest members and definitely NOT invisible!!! :heart:
I'm glad I was right and that others have noticed your adorable avatars and enjoyed the different costume changes too. And who says you can't have a "cute" avatar at a sex site? Personally I prefer yours to some of the more "revealing" avs. But that's just me. And I don't intend to make this thread a referendum on types of avatars. Just keep those adorable Teddy Bears.........we love 'em, just like we love OUR Teddy Bear. :D:D
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 10:18 AM
(((((rockintime))))) Thank you!!
(don't know what else to say here... will tell you more later. ;) )
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 10:45 AM
You've found one of my favorite places!! The Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. (quite a few of my AV's are pictures of thier bears) The factory is not far from where my mom lives and I have been there several times. Thier bears are great but rather expensive. So I only own two of them, my daughters each have one.
If your up in northern Vermont I highly recomend the factory tour. You see everything from just pieces of fur, to cutting, sewing and stuffing. They give you a little bear shaped piece of fur as a souvenir. All thier bears are guaranteed for life. If anything happens to your bear (dog ate it, lawn mower chopped it, etc) send it to them & they will repair or replace it for free. On the tour you also see the bear 'hospital'. :)
This is the home page with links to everything they offer:
Here are a few quick links for you to check out:
They suggest these bears for anniversary:
But near the top left of the page click on ‘bear galleries’. Theres so many more to chose from. You could get her a bear depicting a hobby of hers; sewing, cooking, gardening, etc....
When you order a bear as a gift its called a 'bear-gram', it comes with a card (make sure you pick out the anniversary card & personalize it), and candy:
life time guarantee
on line factory tour
Have fun!
And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY a little early to you & Mrs Irish!!
I'm posting pics of some bears that made me think of you Irish... :D
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 10:47 AM
Mrs Irish's lover boy......
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 10:48 AM
Irish & pal.....
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 10:53 AM
Not far from the Teddy Bear factory is another great place:
From observation windows, you can watch state-of-the-art machines transform cream, sugar and chunks of fruit and candy into approximately 190,000 pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream daily. Visitors get free flavor-of-the-day samples. Equally cool are the sprawling hillside grounds and the visitor's center filled with interactive games like the Flavor Wheel and the Hall of Fame, which humorously documents this company's offbeat history.
If your that far north you might as well check it out too! :)
04-17-2004, 11:01 AM
TB---Thanks!We have always liked gifts that are personalised.
They mean so much more to us then just something,bought(more
or less)as an obligation.I don't get her or my daughters candy,as
they are always dieting.(I don't know why)They take pride in their
appearances.I appreciate that,but they know me good enough to
know,that I would ride them,if they got out of shape.The Teddy
Bears,sound just like what I'm looking for! Irish
P.S.Their dedication,to their appearances,keeps me aware of mine!I want them,always to count on me as a loving,protective
person.With age,you slow down,but that doesn't mean sitting
around feeling sorry for yourself.
Motto:A quitter never wins & a winner never quits!
Teddy Bear
04-17-2004, 11:04 AM
Thank you SS!!
You are so sweet and have always been so nice to me. Your nick fits you perfectly! :)
Thanks for the ego boost. I've been feeling down and this couldn't have come at a better time. You made me teary eyed..... ((((SS))))!
04-17-2004, 01:38 PM
Also loved your avatars but never thought to ask where you found the pictures. SS, I'm glad you asked!
TB, you're a great addition to Pixies.
04-17-2004, 01:43 PM
those little guys and gals are so cute, i'm glad somebody thought to ask (ss). i always thought they were yours too.
04-17-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Teddy Bear
Not far from the Teddy Bear factory is another great place:
From observation windows, you can watch state-of-the-art machines transform cream, sugar and chunks of fruit and candy into approximately 190,000 pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream daily. Visitors get free flavor-of-the-day samples. Equally cool are the sprawling hillside grounds and the visitor's center filled with interactive games like the Flavor Wheel and the Hall of Fame, which humorously documents this company's offbeat history.
If your that far north you might as well check it out too! :)
I just want to say that Ben & Jerry may in fact be my ultimate 3 way :p
TeddyBear...everyone should be aware that they are special to more people than they even know. ((hugs)) count me too!
04-17-2004, 03:13 PM
TB---You're right!I just checked out the VTB website & they are
super expensive! Irish
04-17-2004, 08:19 PM
I've also been a long time admirer of your avs, as you know :) I thought this thread would be a perfect opportunity to show off the wonderful av. you generously found for me recently :)
*hugs TB* :D
Teddy Bear
04-20-2004, 12:23 PM
I am completely blown away by this thread!! I saw that all of you had posted to it but I've been speechless as far as what to say to you. Maybe someday I'll share with you why this couldn't have come at a better time in my life. We all need friends to lift us up when life knocks ya for a loop. I am so glad to know I have such friends here at Pixies!! :)
TY so much DB, coming from one of Pixies finest sure means alot.
dreamgurl, TY, I think if I owned all of them I'd need a bigger house. ;)
(((Lilith)))..... Don't know what to say..... Your post made me cry, (emotions are on edge & all screwed up) but they were good tears. :) TY!!
If you & I go out for Ben & Jerry's together, would that be a 4 way? ;) :D
Yes Irish, sadly they are expensive, basically cause they're made here in the USA. If they were imported from overseas they'd be a fraction of the cost. I hate to think of Vermont Bears with a 'made in China' label on them. If we don't support American made products they'll move out of country too.
(((Belial))) TY for your friendship & your never ending supply of hugs! It was fun finding your computer bear AV..... And you are not geeky!! :)
04-20-2004, 12:44 PM
TB---I'm afraid that it's true.More & more things are made out of
the country now.Baseball is known as Americas sport.Try to find a
baseball that is made in this country now.After 9-11,American flags were in demand.My buddy finally,bought one for his antenna.It had a "Made In China"tag on it! Irish
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