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04-16-2004, 08:04 AM
I am not sure if any of you have seen this news story yet click here (

Never real thought about it but I guess being a porn star is a dangerous profession.

What's the dangers you are exposed to at work? Is it dangerous cancer causing chemicals, heavy machinery, or paper cuts?:p

04-16-2004, 08:54 AM
I'm exposed to kids. They are the most dangerous of all animals. Really, I promise, they are!

04-16-2004, 09:11 AM
I am exposed to rabid customers and purchasing agents all the time. They cause stress, sleepless nights, and headaches...and hair loss if you're male.

Also, subject to colds and accidents due to transportation mishpas (think airplane crashes), and chemical plant explosions/vapors.

Yikes!! I should get hazard pay

04-16-2004, 09:18 AM
My Mind....I have way too much time to think!

04-16-2004, 09:43 AM
I'm likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome...from playing at pixies too much! lmao

04-16-2004, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by WildIrish
...playing at pixies too much

What's that?

The Shadow
04-16-2004, 10:56 AM
long ago before i got brains !!!LOL i had a pretty dangerous profession not only from firesand many other things but i was a Hazardous Tech so i had chemicals to worry about also... Then you had to worry about diseases as a paramedic.

04-16-2004, 03:05 PM
the building industry has the second highest accident rate in
the uk only beaten by the warehouse/transport industry witch i
have also worked in motly due to the bad safety practices in both

04-16-2004, 04:58 PM
Repetitive injuries

04-16-2004, 09:58 PM
I just heard the news about the porn thing today! Yikes!

My dangers at work? Have you ever used an industrial sewing machine and felt the psi of the presser foot on your finger[s]? Or, sewed through an index finger and stopped when you realized the mistake...only to remember that the machine you are on has a needle that stops in the down position when you let off the pedal? OK...not to mention the blades and scissors (the size is ludicrous) and automated machines used for cutting patterns on leather and textile! And...I can't, for the life of me, find a comfortable chair to sit in...which wreaks havoc on my upper back!

But...nevermind me! My husband totes around dynamite and other explosives all day. He once had a girl riding his ass in her Volkswagon Beetle. He had hazmat placards all over the place and he HAS to stop at all RR crossings...and she was checking out his tonsils despite his brake tapping. He finally got to what he knew would be a long red light, jumped out of his truck (it's a pick-up with a dynamite magazine in the bed) and knocked on her window. She lowered it slightly and he said to her (I quote), "Do you see the signs on my truck"? She said she did. "Do you think they are a joke"? She said no. "Why are you tailgating me"? She said she didn't know. "Didn't you ever see the Road Runner cartoons...TNT...plunger...KAFUCKINBOOM"? She started to cry!!! But, worse than that...big rigs who are CDL licensed, tailgate him and nearly run him down when he stops for RR crossings and the like. They should know better than anyone...but they are some of the worst culprits! I worry about him every single (work) day of my life!

04-16-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Gilly
I'm exposed to kids. They are the most dangerous of all animals. Really, I promise, they are!

Being in the same field of work I have to agree fully! Besides avoiding a meltdown every day, I've broke my toe tripping on my daughters things before...and yes I understand it's just a toe, however I was 9 months pregnant!

04-16-2004, 10:27 PM
About 20 yrs. ago, I got an ultra-close fingernail trim from an industrial paper cutter, just the clamp, they have 2-handed buttons to keep your fingers out of the way of the blade...I was cutting out labels smaller than the cutter was equipped to handle, an unsafe situation ordered by the boss. Caught the left index finger tween the clamp & stock, I pulled it back just as soon as I realized, left behind a little skin & nail...1st thing I noticed was I couldn't feel the tip of my finger...& this is one of the digits critical to fretting a guitar! Fortunately only needed on stitch & some time for the skin & nail to grow back...but of course with my luck about a week later I met a well-known local singer-songwriter & couldn't play any of my songs for her...ratsass!!!

04-19-2004, 06:06 AM
LixyChick, I totally sympathize with you (More specifically your husband). I used to drive 18-wheelers and can't even begin to recall the number of times that I've seen 4-wheelers (cars, pickups, etc.) do the DUMBEST things!! Tailgating, instant unannounced multiple lane changes, high speed snow/ice driving, and nighttime operation without headlights just to name a few!!
A few big trucks fall into that same category as well. All you can do is hope for the best and not dwell on the "what ifs". Tell your husband I said to keep on keeping on and best of luck.

04-19-2004, 06:41 AM
The folk in my new office are so damn funny, I do sometimes worry I might laugh myself to death.....

But seriously, I work in an office which is a converted barn in the middle of the countryside, and there's a livery on the estate, so I suppose I run the risk of being trampled by a horse, should one escape (apparently, several did last year, and caused chaos in the neighbourhood.)