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View Full Version : Steriods?

04-15-2004, 01:56 PM
I just got back from my foot Dr.While there,I was looking at a Sports Illustrated,that questioned,what I was thinking about,this
morning.I want your opinions.Do you think that a sports record
should be broken,by another athlete,that is proven thru blood
tests,to be using steroids.My opinion is that I don't think so.
Ex.I do amatuer natural bodybuilding.While MOST contests are
drug tested,some are not.It pisses you off,when someone beats
you,that has taken a short-cut & used steroids,when you have been busting your ass,day after day.Not counting the detrimental
effects that they can have on your organs,do you think that long standing records,should be broken? Irish
P.S.Yes,I'm getting older now,but I like to stay in shape!

04-15-2004, 02:00 PM

Keep the performance enhancing drugs out of sports.

04-15-2004, 02:31 PM
I have to agree, that there is no place in sports for steroids or any other performance-enhancing drugs. Though I heard an interesting point on Sports Center yesterday morning. For those other baseball freaks like me out there, there was a story on Barry Bonds and how he passed Willie Mays on the HR record list. And one of the commentators was talking about steroids, and whether or not Barry Bonds' alleged use of steroids would change people's opinion of him. And he said that taking steroids doesn't help you catch sight of the ball faster, nor does it help you position your bat or aim for the fences. I thought that was a good point. That while steroids do add the extra power, there is an innate talent that must be present. Don't think that I'm condoning steroids or anything, it's just another point to consider.