View Full Version : My plan for tonight

04-09-2004, 02:06 PM
Give me your thoughts/opinions/ideas on a plan I have been working on today.
I am off of work but my wife is not so I have been a busy doggy. I have sent the pups
to their grandparents house for the night. I have washed and dried her favorite satin
sheets for the bed. I bought several candles and have them placed in the room.
During her lunch break I went to her office and left a single red rose
with a card that read "Guess Who?" on her desk. I also called and sang You Are So Beautiful
(in my best Joe Cocker imitation) on her voice mail. Asd I am typing this I have a beef roast with
carrots, celery, and potatoes roasting slowly in the oven. (I'm a helluva cook by the way)
She usually gets hone at about 5:35 so I will have the bread maker timed to be done a few
minutes earlier than that so the house will smell like fresh homade bread. For dessert I
have planned to make a peanut butter pie which is one of her favorites.

After dinner I plan to draw her a hot bath complete with her favorite bath oils.
I have even more candles placed in the bathroom for this also. Next I'm planning a full
body massage for her.

That's all I have come up with so far.

My question is what do you think could or should happen next?

Oh and do you think I might get lucky? :) :) :)

04-09-2004, 02:17 PM
If she doesn't do you I will:p Sexy sexy!!!

04-09-2004, 02:58 PM

Some women have all the luck!!!!!

If you don't get lucky, Bardog, there's something wrong somewhere. You're wife is one very lucky woman!!!!

04-09-2004, 03:01 PM
Damn, Dog......any one of those'd get you properly rewarded in my world.

She must be a wonderful lady to deserve such treatment from a wonderful guy.

04-09-2004, 03:16 PM
ooooh lovely. on a nice romantic evening like this she should be ready before the massage!!!! lots of soul kissing is always a bonus tho. you know, the real romantic type with fingers running through hair, thumbs brushing swollen lips. ooh shiver.

you are sooo sweet and she is VERY lucky to have you

04-09-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by wyndhy
ooooh lovely. on a nice romantic evening like this she should be ready before the massage!!!! lots of soul kissing is always a bonus tho. you know, the real romantic type with fingers running through hair, thumbs brushing swollen lips. ooh shiver.

you are sooo sweet and she is VERY lucky to have you

You gave me the "chivers" reading that....great descripton of a kiss!

bardog~ your wife is one lucky lady! Sounds like a wonderful romantic evening. Have a great time.

04-09-2004, 05:27 PM
Geezzzzzz! I hope Mr. Lixy reads this thread early on in this weekend! *jabs him in the ribs with a pointy elbow*

OMG! You better get "lucky" or my name isn't Lixy! OK...not my real name...but you know what I mean!

Please...oh please...let us know the outcome of this venture!

(((Bardog))) You da man!

04-09-2004, 05:29 PM
Oh wow, what I would give for all that to happen to me! Dream come true!!!!

You are an amazing man and she's a lucky lady!

04-09-2004, 07:47 PM
All I can add is don't forget the chocolate syrup for the peanut butter pie

04-09-2004, 10:46 PM
Oh yeah.....gotta have the chocolate syrup....write some love letters to her on her body.....and lick it up.

04-09-2004, 10:50 PM
OMG!!!!! Do you have a twin brother??????????:D

04-10-2004, 09:14 AM
You had me at peanut butter pie. :D

04-10-2004, 01:48 PM
Hey Bardog ,
thanks for the idea, got right on it after reading your thread
Only problem is I don't have a receipe for peanut butter pie .could you share your's please ?(had to subsitute strawberries soaked in grand gala w/ ice cream served on pound cake and of couse chocolate syrup)

04-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Steph
You had me at peanut butter pie. :D


04-10-2004, 03:21 PM
The best laid plans of mice and dogs.....

Thanks for all of the replys.
Everything was going as planned. She walked in the door at 5;38 and I had dinner on the table.
The roast was one of the best I have ever cooked. Tender and juicy and the baby carrots, pearl onions
and potatoes were mouth watering. The fresh bread tasted almost as good as it smelled. The pie did need
to set just a little longer but over all it was delicious.

After dinner was over I had just started her bath water when the phone rang......
And I had to go to work! If I have never told any of you befor I do engineering work for a local radio station.
Some of the dj's had somehow destroyed the remote control unit for the transmitter. This is the kind of thing
that has to be taken care of immeditely or the FCC will fine the crap out of you. When I got back home at
12:45 she was asleep on the couch.

Maybe tonight things will work out better.

Oh for Way22hot how I make peanut butter pie, it is very simple

1 12oz bowl of Cool Whip topping
1 jar of peanut butter (I prefer smooth)
1 can of sweetened condensed milk (I use about 3/4 of the can)

Blend all of these together and spoon into a graham cracker pie crust
and chill in the freezer for about an hour

Sometimes I after blending all the stuff together I stir in about half a bag
of choclate chips also

04-10-2004, 05:12 PM
well I'd say you got f--ked bardog just not the way you expected !I hope your wife has a good memory and can remember how special you treated her last nite.
Your plan worked wonders for me and we can't wait to try your receipe thanks so much.(peanut butter pie has become one of my favorite treats)

04-11-2004, 12:12 PM
Now I am torn, I mean on one hand I want to immediately say wow what a nice thought. Can't wait to live in the same town as my to be wife so I can do such things, but on the other hand I am ready to go start the Pixies cookbook thread (I know it was attempted before). Also I seem to keep remembering one of the funniest stories about doing the unexpected for the wife stories I know. A friend of mine wanted to go fishing with us guys but his wife was unsure about letting him go. He decided to butter her up with a nice thought, but since he is a bit untalented in the domestic arts the only thing he could do was throw the drapes in the dryer on tumble with a wet cloth. It cleaned the drapes ad he put them back up. She noticed and was so impressed that he got to go on the trip. He was late however, I guess the drapes are among the greatest aphrodiesiacs known to women. Seems he had a little buisness to finish at home before he could leave. Ok long reply but one last thing. If youre SO cleaned the drapes do you think you would even notice? If you did would such a small gesture really be that impressive?

04-11-2004, 12:20 PM
Honestly, the smallest gestures are the most impressive sometimes. IMHO

04-11-2004, 12:37 PM
Well bardog.. I'd say tonite is Part Deux!!

Serve a piece of that pie on her tummy and spread it out from there!

I'll need to try that recipe too... never heard of it in my sheltered life!

Good Luck.... and knock the phone off the hook!:)