View Full Version : A Personal Thank-You

04-09-2004, 12:19 AM
I'd like to take just a moment to expound on one of our incredible Mod's. You have all seen Lilith in action. All of you know how wonderful she is and how much time and energy she gives to Pixies. She's a wife, mom, student and who knows what else and still finds time for us. That's what you do know about her. Let me fill you in on a little something you don't know about her.

The latter part of last year I was deployed with the military to a god-forsaken piece of real estate overseas. I left home and family. I had just started a relationship with a wonderful woman, whom I miss dearly. I am very proud of the mission that I am on and I have the benefit of directly seeing the good in what I am doing with the people here. Naturally, though, I would rather be home enjoying the creature comforts.

Then in steps Lil. Before I left the states, I talked with her and let her know I would be going. She told me to keep in touch and said she would do the same. To be honest, I thought her only being polite. But she kept her end of the bargain.

Then, much to my suprise, last week I got a care package. She had mentioned she was going to send me "a bag of oreos". I got oreos allright! Not a bag, but a box of em. Along with 20 pounds of candy. 20 pounds for crying out loud!!! And yes, I weighed the box! All this, plus a couple other goodies! :p

Now, let me put this into perspective. I just got a wonderful, wonderful present from halfway around the world. It was filled with the little pieces of home I can't get here. It took time, trouble and considerable expense to get to me. Time out of a very busy schedule. All this from someone I have never met face to face. I don't even know her real name!!!!!!!!

Thank you Lilith! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a saint and I will forever cherish our friendship. Bless you.

04-09-2004, 12:44 AM
And I thought you were my heroine cause you showed me where the chatbox was silly me !

04-09-2004, 04:03 AM
way to go lilith!!!!!!! thats awsome, i know when hubbys unit was deployed for the war i sent boxes to several of the men down there, but nothing like that, i got free shipping cuz i did it from my base. i know that stuff adds up . U ROCK girl. i luv to see ppl supporting the troops makes me sweel w pride for all the crap hubby has done thu out his career. darogle hun u take care of urself, and thank you so much for letting us know all this. ur right lilith is def a incredible woman!!!!


04-09-2004, 06:41 AM
Hiya ((((((darogle)))))))! It's so nice to hear from you hun! Keep safe! Oh...and brush your teeth as often as possible after all those goodies! LOL!

(((((Lilith)))))...What a sweet (no pun intended) and thoughtful thing to do! Above and beyond the call of duty, even! You are one in a million!

04-09-2004, 08:09 AM
<---has known for some time how special Ms. Moderator is. Over the last several months, there have been times when I've been really, really down about something...only to go to the mailbox and find a card or present from Lil. While not on the same scale as her wonderful surprise to darogle, nevertheless it shows what a caring, kind, and thoughtful person she is. ((Lilith))

04-09-2004, 08:21 AM
I had a sneaking suspicion about that one! It's nice to know that my instincts were correct. What a thoughtful and wonderful thing to do.

~ darogle, just wanted to let you know that what you do is appreciated! There are plenty of us out there that support and pray for you guys and gals everyday!

04-09-2004, 08:47 AM
Darogle hang in there man, we're all supporting you and the job you're doing. As for the lovely Lilith, hell I think we all know how special she is. You just have a tangible example of her kindness. She's one of a kind. Wouldn't you know she's close by and taken.

Teddy Bear
04-09-2004, 08:50 AM
((((darogle)))) your in my thoughts & prayers!! Thank you to you and all those serving our country!! What you do IS appreciated!!! And thank you for sharing this 'oreo' story with us. :)

((((Lilith)))) I had you pegged right from when I first joined Pixies as a very special person!! Who you are shows in your posts. Theres been many times I've been amazed at your insight and the diplomatic way you handle any 'problems' in the forums. The love you have for your family, friends and Pixies seems boundless. I am glad to know you. I can't help wondering though, HOW do you find the time to do everything? Are your days longer then mine?? :D

04-09-2004, 09:59 AM
darogle - Hang in there and hopefully you will be able to come back home SOON!! We miss you, and all the other troops. Thank You to all of you that are deployed.!!!!!!!

Lilith - This just goes to prove that you are a very sweet and wonderfull caring person inside that Dom shell. And we all love you. It would be such a better place in this world if there were more like you!!!

04-09-2004, 10:24 AM
darogle I think it is awesome that you posted this! I know a certain someone who is "verklempt" over it.

Lilith has been and still is a close friend of mine for many many years. She is what she is and I love her for it. Whenever she says she is doing something she does it!
So keep on Lilith! You rock!

04-09-2004, 10:31 AM
I'm verklempt..and don't know what to say. (I know, not common for me)

darogle~ You left your baby girl to travel 1/2 way across the world to protect a million baby girls. How could I not adore you! The bravery and sacrifice exampled by you and your platoon/ my platoon:p touched me. I learned a long time ago not to let people go throughout life not knowing how you feel. I feel grateful and honored to be amongst the people you call friends. I can't believe I got the porn past the censors ......WOOT!!!! I am good :p Those were some sexy OREOs huh????? Kisses to you and my boys from your Auntie Lil;)

way22hot~ I am glad I could help!!!!

nikki1979~ TY! Regardless of my politics, I've been a millitary wife (Gulf War #1) and I can't imagine not supporting the men and women who sacrifice their freedoms to prtect mine. I think you are great too btw!;)

LixyChick~ Thanks! It's rarely about duty when it comes to Pixies..mostly all about pleasure. LOL about the teeth...someone has to keep the millitary dentists busy:p ((hugs))

IAKaraokeGirl~ Hey now! You started it! You are an extremely thoughtful person yourself! I love my friends with my whole heart and try to let them know. ((TY))

huntersgirl~ TY!! See you are pscho.... er I mean psychic just like me:p

BigBear57~ "one of a kind" and most peeps are saying...Thank Heavens! :D:D:p If I ever get a green light from Mr. Lil you are gonna be in trouble! Mr. Lil knows how much I love you all.

Teddy Bear~ ((hugs)) Somedays people love me and somedays they feel quite the opposite, I am certain. And that is ok! I try to do everything I do with respect, love and genuine appreciation for all the treasures I have been given. I consider you one of those treasures. You hit on my greatest fear Teddy, that somehow I am short changing someone by being so busy. I guess I'll find out when my kids get to therapy :p

You guys are too sweet to me, and I love you all. I don't say it often but I do.

04-09-2004, 10:36 AM
cobalt~ LOL a hell of scarier place:p I do think every little girl should own a whip:p

Summer~ You are prolly the one I shortchange! ((((((Missing You)))) I take our friendship for granted cause I have faith you know. Thanks for always being there for me...and can you imagine how I was dying to bust the damn diet with 20 pounds of candy in the damn house...I had to get it mailed quick!

04-09-2004, 12:25 PM
Babe, this is just but one example of why I doug you so much. You are awesome. You are sexy. You are honest. You are faithful. You are gracious. You are kind. You are funny. You are caring. You are thoughtful. You are wonderful. You are amazing. You are Lilith, and You are extrordinary!

Thank you for being you and for not being afraid to show it. :love:

04-09-2004, 12:28 PM
Alot of people,don't realise,what things like that mean, to a serviceman, away from home!I went in in 1961 untill 1965.When I
was in Basic & Techschool,my female cousin,always wrote to me &
sent me Beetle Bailey comicstrips daily.It sounds corny,but at least you knew that someone cared.After all of these yrs.,she is one,of the few people,from Conn.,that I stay in touch with.She is a schoolteacher now & has 3(three)kids,but the friendship is still
there!Lilith,thanks for caring.It means alot,when you are away from your loved ones! Irish

04-09-2004, 12:33 PM
Um, Lil, I'm like, all alone, and like.. I don't have any oreo's, and like... um... yeah. ;)

Seriously, that's a great thing to do. I did something similiar for a friend I knew online a few years ago. He had just moved in with a girl, she had 2 kids, both him and her were dead broke, and mentioned that the kids wouldn't have easter baskets. I started out to get a few small things, and ended up making huge over stuffed baskets for both kids, plus towels, bath stuff, candles, and what not for the adults. I wish I could do stuff like that more often. That box was huge, but it was worth it when they got it. They hadn't even known I was sending it.

04-09-2004, 03:16 PM
Aqua~ I think you may be biased;) and I'm grateful everyday that you are.

Irish~ I think it's important to remind the guys that there are people back home waiting for them. Little touches of home to remind them why they need to be safe and get back quickly. Kick ass, do the job, and come home!

Gilly~ That was a kind thing you did as well. Not sure I could avoid the temptation of having OREOS in the house again :p

04-09-2004, 03:53 PM
Oh well done, Lil. And thanks, daroogle, for having the grace to "out" her good deed. There's no part of this thread that doesn't have me smiling.

I'm glad that at least one well deserving military man got a pick-me-up (I'm assuming you're gonna share your haul with your friends, Daroogle ;) ).

I'm glad that the gesture is being recognized publically. The people who do these things don't do it for praise, and therefore rarely get it. But they do so deserve it, and I'm glad our Lilith is getting some.

And I'm loving the way everyone else chimed in, adding their stories to the pile. Good people here....definately the cheer up I needed tonight.

04-09-2004, 04:13 PM
Mother Lileresa :cool:

04-09-2004, 04:44 PM
I totally agree with all of the above.Lilith you are nothing short of a professional in all you do.I was thinking of the same thing for a while.You are a mom,student,teacher, lover and a great moderator and friend to all of us pixies.You find the time to do so much and still have time to run a quality dungeon and turn us pixie lads and some lasses no doubt on with some of the sexiest pictures on the web.My personal favourite being an upclose shot of your lips puckered up for a kiss.YUMMY.Thank you for making this world a better place by just knowing you are in it.

04-09-2004, 06:00 PM
Well, today, I used my friend as an excuse to buy an "adult" easter basket. It's like all the stuff your friends would get you when you broke up in high school.

04-09-2004, 11:22 PM
*High fives Lil* I know I'm Damn proud to call you my friend!:)
Thank you!!!!! yep, I do believe you are the real commander of that platoon! :D She's got a heart the size of Texas!!!!

Darogle..step lightly around those land mines darlin....... we want you home all in one piece!!!;)

04-10-2004, 04:26 AM
Darogle thanks so much for letting us know about the thoughtfulness to you of our own Lil! Thanks for all you do and I think it's great that you received this show of appreciation from Lil -- and hopefully from others who are in your life.

Lil, 'you the best' thanks for being YOU! Aqua said it all so eloquently ... hope you know that you are loved very much in return!!! :)

04-10-2004, 08:56 AM
Lil, I am soooooo PROUD, SOOOO PROUD of you.



04-10-2004, 09:00 AM
darogle, did you share the candy? :D

This is the sweetest thread! You rock, Lilith!

04-10-2004, 01:19 PM
GingerV~ Thanks for your kind words. It's funny that I can post my naked ass on the web but praise for doing something like this makes me verklempt.

PantyFanatic~ That's Me!!! spreading porn and cavities to the masses;)

lakritze~ many smooches to you!!!

Gilly~ Love the idea of a "pity party" basket!!

cowgirltease~ *blushing* Thanks! I second the "go lightly" sentiments.

fzzy~ Just knowing that Darogle and the troop felt loved and appreciated was enough!!!

rabbit~ Thanks! But all I did was send some "sex & candy".

Steph~ lol it would not be humanly possible to eat that much candy alone! It was a filled box like a box paper comes in:p

Thanks for all your kind words about what I did. Funny, but I handle the criticism I get from members much easier than all this praise. I was unsure of how to respond to it! I think the true goodness of all of this is that the members here realize that we have unsung heroes among us. Men and women who have made sacrifices so that we can have freedoms like the freedom to perv at this very site. I just sent a box of chocolates (and hot lesbian porn):p

04-10-2004, 02:08 PM
It's not the ruby slippers but what is in the heart. Lilith you have enough love for all your friend and family. God bless you for your kind acts for others. :daisy:

04-10-2004, 03:26 PM
Lil - you never cease to amaze me.....way to go girl!

04-10-2004, 08:17 PM
(((((((( LILITH )))))))

You are the very best.

And, to you darogle ... thanks as well. In a very special and real way, brave people like yourself are what make Pixies and freedom possible.

04-12-2004, 06:49 AM
Scarecrow~ *clicks her heels* there's no place like home ((hugs))

musicman~ I feel the same way about all of you!

dicksbro~ hugs to you as well!