View Full Version : Perscription Drugs!

04-08-2004, 08:52 AM
More States Link To Canada

North Dakota is doing what New Hampshire's doing, setting up a Web site directing citizens to cheaper prescription drugs in Canada. In addition, the North Dakota Prescription Drug Guide directs users to a list showing savings for generic alternatives to brand name drugs and a state program that helps people find out if they're eligible for free or reduced-price prescription drugs. Minnesota and Wisconsin also have set up Web sites to help residents buy cheaper drugs from Canada.

04-08-2004, 08:57 AM
Want to REALLY get pissed off?I found recently,that many Drug Cos,are paying OTHER Drug Cos,NOT to make a generic drug
equivalent.I guess that they figure,it is worth the money,compared to what they'ld lose,if there was a generic.

04-08-2004, 12:52 PM
And the government has paid farmers not to grow certain crops for years... it's accepted practice...even if it's wrong.