View Full Version : American Idol, anyone?
04-07-2004, 07:45 PM
Anoyone watching this year? I got suckered in after flipping through and catching the last night of open call auditions. Now I've faithfully watched every night except last week, when I was out of town.
Predictions on final winner?
04-07-2004, 08:38 PM
my prediction is Fantasia... I just love her. :D
04-07-2004, 09:24 PM
I've been hooked since last season. :) I'm pulling for John Stevens, because he's from near me, but I love Jon Peter Lewis... as for the winner this season, I really don't know.
04-07-2004, 09:35 PM
I think that George Huff is gonna win it. Each week since it started I have had trouble choosing a favorite until I heard him sing Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay. He just gets so into it and has so much fun. However, I still LOVE Latoya, Fantasia, the girl from Hawaii with the flowers in her hair and I just think the cutie pen salesman guy is adorable. LOL
04-08-2004, 12:24 AM
I love American Idol! Tuesday is the best night of the week (yes, I know I'm pathetic, but it's true just the same)
I like George, too. I think Latoya is lovely and has an incredible voice. I also like Fantasia but I don't think she'll win. It was sad to see Camille leave tonight (even tho she clearly was the right choice) amid tears.
Go Clay :D
04-08-2004, 06:43 AM
We are getting American Idol in Australia. We have Australian idol auditions on at the moment.
I like the girl with the multi coloured hair and that Latoya has an amazing voice.
04-08-2004, 06:44 AM
I am going for George, he has a boyish charm but damn is his voice like some of the great soul / motown singers of old.
04-08-2004, 06:53 AM
George makes people feel good always a plus.
04-08-2004, 07:21 AM
I love Diana, I think she has a great voice, but I also think she's got alot of practice to do yet. George and Fantasia both have awesome skills, and vocal range.
As for a clear cut winner, I'd have to say that both Fantasia and George could have it at any time, depending on the songs they choose from here on out.
04-08-2004, 11:28 AM
Yeah I definately think george will make it all the way or at least to the top 3. By the way has anyone noticed how even though Ruben won last year (and my favorite..Clay was soooo close) that nobody ever mentions him on the show? They always say things like, "you almost remind me of clay" or "you're no clay or kelly clarkson" and between us all I think tamyra (sp?) should have won over kelly...damn she can sing!!
04-08-2004, 12:01 PM
My two favorites are George and Latoya. I love the classiness and "lack of negativity" in each of them, not to mention their fabulous voices.
04-08-2004, 01:23 PM
I hadn't watched either of the other two seasons to judge their voices against others, but I have to agree, we hear more about Clay than Ruben. He got his record out faster, got his tour faster, and has been more high profile since coming in second.
I must say, though, I think there were several people who didn't make the top 12 that should have, and at least 2 that made it to the top 12, that shouldn't have.
04-08-2004, 01:51 PM
The only real reason Clay is more popular than Ruben has nothing to do with 1st or 2nd, just simply style of music. The deep soul Ruben sings just isnt as mainstream as the Pop Clay does.
But, Ruben's music is panty-melt music.
Not if I can help it... :p
04-08-2004, 02:51 PM
As a Clay-fan, I can honestly say that I love his style. I also enjoy listening to Ruben, but I don't enjoy watching him. He looks like he's in pain when he sings.
I still think Scooter-Girl should have made the top 32.
04-08-2004, 05:59 PM
Scooter girl is from my home town of Grand Rapids. Her school used to compete against ours in sports, and when she was in Track and Field, she competed against the team level below me. ;)
Course, I never actually knew her, but when I looked her up online, I found all sorts of neat "close encounters".
04-08-2004, 06:22 PM
Scooter Girl was definately great. She was so full of energy and just sooo cool. I do agree that some people who made it should not have and some people who didn't make it should have. I hate to say it but I am just not a kelly clarkson fan, I think she should be singing country..although whatever soul or r&b song she does is nice, but that is where I draw the line with her. I really did want to be happy she won but I just like tamyra well
04-08-2004, 07:27 PM
This was my first time watching American Idol. A friend got me started watching the auditions and after that I was hooked! I agree..........I LOVED Scooter Girl!!! Maybe she'll try again next season.
Tuesday this week I wondered if the judges were watching the same competition I was. I know John Stevens won't win, but I thought his perfomance of "Crocodile Rock" was very good, a nice change for him but still not out of his range. And they all trashed him. I thought JPL did a good job on "Rocket Man" and they trashed him too. The only thing I agreed with them on was how bad Camille was. She should have been voted off after she did "Desperado" on Contry music night.
I can't stand Fantasia! Yes, she can sing, but her attitude just puts me completely off! I don't like the way she's always smarting off at Simon. So he's a jerk, but she needs to attempt to accept his criticism graciously and not smart mouth him.
I think George is getting better every week. But I really love Jasmine, although I don't know how much longer she'll be around. I think my money is on George or Jennifer Hudson.
04-08-2004, 09:32 PM
I think they were fairly harsh on almost everyone this week. Now, sure, we're not sitting there hearing it live, but I think most the performances are great. I was never a fan of Camile, or Leah. Camile has a good voice, but she always looked like she was terrified and going to cry when she was singing.
04-09-2004, 08:38 AM
I adore Diana's range! She sings from deep within her diaphram and takes a note from low to high flawlessly. Fuck Simon and the boat he floated in on! OK...that was unfair, as I do respect some of his criticisms...but damn, he's harsh on her! I'm watching her closest. She's my top fave so far.
George makes me smile! He's got something that won't go unnoticed! However far he goes, a scout has seen him and he'll be a household name in time to come.
Latoya is so beautiful and has a voice to go with that beauty. "A cat on her head", my ass! I love watching all the hopefuls change their style as the weeks go on. I'm loving her short hair in the last two episodes. Simon needs to get off her ass as well...though I think she appreciates his critic, however mean it comes out. She'll go far too!
Fantasia has a shot at this! Good gawd, how will we choose just one? She gives me goose bumps...but they all do, for that matter.
I love John Steven's "crooner" voice. He's an up and coming Harry Connick Jr. I think he'll not make it to the final 3...but someone just has to take him under their wing and hone that "era gone by" voice of his! His grandparents are so proud of him! Me too!
OMG! Almost forgot the girl with the flower in her hair (shit, forgot her name)...but she is so good too...laryngitis <sp?> or not, that girl can sing!
I loved Amy as well (pink haired girl) and was sad to see her go before Jon Peter...though I like Jon Peter's voice sometime, I cannot bear to watch him dance! LMFAO!
Jennifer is good...and then not so good...and then good again...and so on. I dunno, but I don't see "idol" around her (same with John and Jon Peter).
Was glad to see Camile go. I never liked her voice or style and was totally surprised at how far she got!
I'm holding out on voting till the final 3...cause I always thought I would suck if called for jury duty!
The thing I have the most trouble with in this show is the fact that the "judges" put down the singer when they are singing (giving their all) songs completely out of their genre. This show is called "American Idol"...NOT "American Pop, I can sing it all, Idol"! Give credit where credit is due, for crying out loud! Who ever thought we'd see John Stevens get animated? LOL! Hey! He's trying, as are all the contestants!
04-09-2004, 11:44 AM
I was sad to see Amy go, too. I loved her voice. Jasmine (the hawiian with the flower) has a good voice, too. I can see her as a sort of Vanessa Williams in musical style. She does really good with the long slow ballads.
I agree about Jennifer. Sometimes she nails it, but when she doesn't, she's about 4 feet away from the nail wacking away at a peice of wood.
04-09-2004, 01:32 PM
I LOVE American Idol, and I just want to say that I'm thrilled that this thread has gotten such a good response and that I'm amid fellow AI fans! (((((hugs))))) for you all. Yes, I know that's cheesy of me, but OH WELL!
One more comment about Camille. I really hope she gets some professional training, because she's got a very Sheryl Crow-like quality about her voice.
I too hope that Scooter-Girl comes back next year. I was amazed when they cut her.
It's tough to predict who the final 3 will be, but I hope George and Latoya are among them.
04-09-2004, 02:03 PM
Camile does have a great voice, but does need the training. I liked Matt, but he just seemed more like a wedding singer than a pop star.
And just what is the deal with William Hung getting a record contract? My god, hello people, open your ears!
04-09-2004, 02:13 PM
I think William Hung is horrible, but he's also got a charming way about him.... I think he's so bad that people love to love him... make sense? I, however, am not one of those people.
His CD's are supposedly out in the local stores and I'm willing to bet that they sell well... as gag gifts.
04-09-2004, 03:01 PM
I've gotta go back to Camile for a moment, because I think she is so misguided! She has this "homey in da hood" thing going on...and then when she sings, she sings as if she is singing along with a rap/R&B song! She has a voice...but seems as if she's so used to singing along with the CD or radio, that she loses something in person...without the original artist singing back-up for/with her. Paula kept trying and trying to tell her..."be true to yourself and choose songs that let your style shine through". I think Camile could use a reality check and a voice coach to get her up to her obvious potential. But, I bet she is a f'in blast at a party!
Oh...and while I'm here...who loved John Stevens' version of "King of the Road"? OMG! I was a singin and a singin...right along with him!
04-09-2004, 03:06 PM
LMAO Lixy... I was singing along with "King Of The Road", too!! My girls were yelling at me to be quiet, but I couldn't resist!
I agree about Camille... and I hope she follows thru and does the work she needs to do to train her voice. She's darling, isn't she?
04-09-2004, 03:22 PM
"Trailers for sale or rent...rooms to let, fifty phone, no food, no pets...I ain't got no cigarettes............."
04-09-2004, 03:26 PM
Shit...that reminds me of a place I stayed when I moved to Fla. Had no job or destination and stayed in a two bit motel for the first week in Key Largo. Oh, the memories!
04-09-2004, 03:29 PM
LOL... were you snapping your fingers while you were singing? I was!
04-09-2004, 03:33 PM
OMG YES! I had to! Ain't no other way to sing that song! LOL!
04-09-2004, 03:35 PM
LMAO... atta girl... ^5
04-09-2004, 03:39 PM
^5 backatcha flutelady!
Now we gotta get him (John Stevens) to singin..."Oh the shark bites...with his teeth dear...and he keeps them...pearly white............"
*snapping fingers again*
04-09-2004, 03:49 PM
pssst... Lixy, am I the only one singing "King Of The Road" right now? My daughter just moaned "oh gawd mom... not THAT song again!!"
"Mack The Knife"... excellent choice for John. I don't think he's got alot more time left in the competition tho. He sure is cute, too bad he's so young *WEG*
04-09-2004, 03:58 PM
I doubt if he has much time left either, flutelady. I sure would love to hear him croon before he goes though. It would be sooooooooo cool if, to make sure they cover the gammit of all music genre, they would get Harry Connick, Jr. to oversee a portion of the Elton John and Ashford and Simpson did. OK...let's say Harry or Frank Sinatra, Jr. or.................(you name it)...
04-09-2004, 04:52 PM
I think that's a good idea.... or else maybe have a night where it's "performer's choice" (but they won't have such a night). I wasn't too thrilled with Elton John night... not a big fan of his. I loved Ashford and Simpson night tho. My girls keep talking about how much they loved "big band night" during the first season, that would be another good one, and I think John might shine there.
04-09-2004, 05:58 PM
I think Elton John was a bad choice for a night, because all the songs have a preset sound to them, which no one else was able to recreate. They had to put their own spin on the song, because if they hadn't, the judges would have called them sell outs. But when they did, they were either butchering the song, or not being true to it.
It's much better to pick a genre, and let them pick which artist and song they want.
Speaking of Genre's, I couldn't believe how Amy belted out that country song. It was very nice.
04-09-2004, 08:03 PM
Amy didn't deserve to be cut... not yet. I loved the class and poise she showed, tho. I wonder if Fantasia will behave so well when it's her turn to leave.
04-09-2004, 08:27 PM
I agree, Amy should have stuck around much longer....she really rocked when she did The Dixie Chicks' "Sin Wagon". I missed Soul Music night because of watching a hockey game.
I really doubt that Fantasia will be classy when it's her turn to go. She already smarts off to Simon and that's the main reason I don't like her. Not that I agree with Simon, but she doesn't show the class that Jon Peter, or John Stevens both show when the judges criticize them.
04-09-2004, 08:39 PM
-nods- I really don't like it when people mouth off back, and say they don't agree. Especially when it was during the open call auditions and the person sucked ass. Good lord, there were some wretched ones that were all like, "Well, that's your opinion, but I know I'm good". Uh huh, keep telling yourself that on kareoke night.
I don't sign good at all, but at least I don't pretend I can. -shudders- It'd be a cold day in hell before I go and try and sing on a show for any reason.
Well, that or a million bucks. ;)
04-11-2004, 09:47 AM
In the very first American Idol...I hated Simon (initially). I thought he was really unecessarily harsh on some people. OK...he still is "over-the-top" at times. He says some really rude things. But...I have to admit that some of the things he says are really so very, very true. His comparisons (to lounge singers and such) and his personal feelings (about looks and weight) could be sweetened up a bit...but for the most part Simon knows his shit when it comes to recognizing talent and what is needed to hone it from the contestants.
When Randy and Paula are speaking, no one says a word about their comments (hardly...if at all) and they have their say. And then when it's Simon's turn...everyone, including Ryan Seacrest, jumps all over him instead of listening and taking away some wisdom. So far, the only person I have ever seen take Simon as constructive is Latoya. She nods her head and it seems as if she is sorting through his personal opinion and absorbing what he is saying, and then the very next week you'll see that she has changed up a bit to satisfy him.
My point is...that now that we know that Simon can be an asshole sometimes, but that he really is just basically trying to help (in his weird, Simon-like way) the hopefuls better themselves...I wish the "powers that be" (producers...etc.) would tell Randy and Paula to shut their cake holes and let him have his say! We all know that whatever he says might have a harsh tone...but deep down, if they choose to hear it...he is helping and/or letting the kids know not to waste their time!
04-11-2004, 09:49 AM
He was a hoot on SNL last night!
04-11-2004, 11:15 AM
Damn, I'da loved to see him on SNL!
I couldn't agree more about the rudeness of Randy, Paula and even Ryan (blech, him I could live without) when Simon's talking. I've never seen Simon interrupt them, and they always say the same things... it was aiight, dawg, you've got to take it and make it your own, be true to yourself.... yadda yadda. Simon might lack a tad bit of finesse, but he knows his shit. It wouldn't be AI without him.
04-11-2004, 07:59 PM
I wish I'd been able to see SNL last night, but LORD it was a LOOOONG ass night, and not in any way shape or form GOOD. (See my divorce thread later)
04-13-2004, 04:58 PM
That show is actually pretty cool.
It demonstrates that the American Public votes on all sorts of strange criteria. For instance
Camile? Really?, how the hell did she make it so far? Thank God she was finally booted. I couldn't stand to watch her sing with the sound on! I mean the sound of frogs mating is more melodic.
I was sorry to see Amy go so soon, that girl has some chops.
John Stevens is a cute kid but he lacks the confidence to really make a song his own and arrange it better to suit his style.
JPL…chicks dig him. Go figure.
LaToya….great singer but has a personality deficit She deserves a contract just for being so classy. Maybe too classy to be pop.
Jenifer…Big girl bigger voice have you seen stranger facial expressions in you life…I bet she could scare most small children.
Fantasia. She has it going on!... but what an abrasive personality.
George…My pick to go all the way. People just love the positive attitude
Diane she is really good, her illness last week really put a kink in her performance. I hope we see some better performances or she is gone in a week.
Jasmine….My favorite. Not the most powerful singer but she makes the song hers and some how I really feel emotion coming from her. I like the flower thing too am I alone here?
I don't vote as I tend to Tivo the 2 shows and watch them back to back.
As for Simon...
Simon is simply acting the foil, if everyone said some thing good and sweet and supportive that would not be good TV. Every hero has to have a villian. The way the contestant support each other the villian wasn't going to come from inside their ranks so they have Skmon. Paula's dimples are getting bigger every day I think that is where most of the weight Randy Jackson must be going.Dog...gone it. pat my chest pointing fingers in weird directions....I guess he is like a black Joe Cocker with all those hand gestures.....
04-13-2004, 08:59 PM
It's been a while since I've been can see I have missed a bunch. :)
OK, so going back to william's kinda like a carwreck on the side of the know it's awful and you shouldn't look but you do anyway. So I typed his name in online under like a general search engine and there was an option to listen to his CD....ummmmmm....well....I just don't think I have any words for it. He covers songs like "she bangs" obviously...."I believe I can fly" and well I just can't remember, but thank god!
As far as tonight being I hear they are playing two episodes tomorrow night. Who knows what they will be. Any guesses on what the next theme will be?
04-13-2004, 09:03 PM
Two tomorrow? I thought there was only 1 tomorrow, with OC following, then the loser is announced thursday. Dunno for sure though. Only found it was booted when I turned it on to watch tonight.
04-13-2004, 09:22 PM
The Idolonfox website announced that the competition will be held on Wednesday and the result show will be on Thursday. The local FOX affiliate showed commercials stating the same thing.
04-13-2004, 10:01 PM
That's so strange because I have digital cable and I scrolled all the way to tomorrow night and there are two listings and one is from 8pm to 9pm and it says 8 compete...then there is one from 9 to 9:30 and it says one is voted off.
See I would think that the way FluteLady and Gilly said would be the right way to do it for the voting's sake so maybe my digital line up thingy is wrong. I kinda hope so.. :(
I wonder how many complaints they will get for cancelling it tonight? Did I already say that? lol
04-13-2004, 10:11 PM
OK I am changing what I Starfish just came downstairs and I explained everything I have been told and so forth and we checked the digi cable listing and the whole thing says American Idol for all of wed. night after 9, however when you click on it to see the discription it says O.C.....our theory..they are in the middle of changing it as I type
I love all the Pixies and am sorry if I caused any know I was confused. :p
04-14-2004, 07:01 AM
I would expect FOX's website would have more correct information than the cable system. The cable system most likely didn't find out in time from FOX what the new game plan would be in time to update their listings.
04-14-2004, 02:06 PM
Ok, who's everyone's vote for being voted off next? Yes, yes, even before they sing. ;) See, I think that everyone left has a fantastic voice, and needs only to have a bad performance to get the boot. So, who do we think will biff it up tonight?
I'm waiting for them to give John Stevens a song style he can't sing. I like that he's unique, but I can't envision him trying to sing pop wiith his sauve smooth voice. Or rock, for that matter.
04-14-2004, 05:07 PM
I hope that Diana gets voted off next... I really don't like her.
04-14-2004, 07:03 PM
Oh GOD PLEASE let it be Fantasia!!!!!!
Can't stand her attitude!!!!
04-14-2004, 07:54 PM
I don't much care for Diana or Fantasia, but they've both got good voices... well, better than John Stevens or JPL. Cute and fun, both of them (meaning the guys), but not much in the voice department. Either of them should have gone before Amy, no doubt about it. Talentwise, I think they should go next. Pain in the buttwise, Fantasia's gotta go.
04-14-2004, 08:33 PM
I think that most of them did very well tonight, I especially like Jennifer's and John Stevens'. I thought that Diana did horribly, she butchered that song. I liked most of Quentin Tarantino's comments, he was a good guest judge. I thought that the theme was very broad tonight but it let the contestants pick what they wanted, which is nice. It was a good show overall. I thought that Fantasia did well, but I really don't like her, so my opinion on her is biased, but I didn't think it was the best Idol performance ever.
04-14-2004, 09:10 PM
I missed it :( Hubby came home with a baby sitter, we went and bought my cpu, then went to see a movie, and then dinner. Just got home.
What was tonight's genre?
04-14-2004, 09:14 PM
The genre was favorite movie songs... which is interesting I think, but very open.
04-14-2004, 09:17 PM
It allows for all of them to pick from pretty much whatever genre they are good at. Outta curiosity, what did John Stevens and Diana sing?
04-14-2004, 09:19 PM
I don't know what they sang but my pick is Fantasia but she will never replace my precious from last season Clay
04-14-2004, 09:20 PM
Hurry up, Gilly... it'll be on here in about 40 minutes. I'll save you a spot on the couch.
04-14-2004, 09:23 PM
John Stevens sang As Time Goes By from Casablanca, and Diana sang My Heart Will Go On from Titanic.
04-14-2004, 11:36 PM
-grins- Flutelady, it doesn't show live there? I guess I figured that because it says live, it was showing at the same time everywhere. Huh, I learn something new every day ;)
Thanks Ready4Ty. :) I figured John would go for old. He has an amazing voice, but I think he's also very genre specific. That voice is just too smooth and sauve to fit most things.
04-14-2004, 11:55 PM
Nope Gilly, it comes on at 8pm PST, 3 hrs later than on the east coast! Last year I accidently found out who won, long before it showed here. Talk about a bummer.... (especially since it wasn't Clay)
I am not a Fantasia fan, simply because of her attitude. But, she earned points with me tonight. She sang and behaved beautifully... WOW!
04-15-2004, 07:25 AM
let's see I would pick Diane, JPL and John Stevens for tonight's bottom three...Jasmine had a rough night, George was not great...well let's say with the exception of LaToya and Fantasia the night was pretty lack luster....Say what you will about Fantasia's personality she was exceptional last night...better than a good many professionals...If I had to pick on the basis of last nights performances she wins Hands Down...but that attitude....ugggg
04-15-2004, 07:33 AM
She's a diva. Lord save us.
04-15-2004, 07:44 AM
As much as I like them all, I would guess JPL, Jasmine and Diana to be in the lower three, with JPL being the one to leave. Dammit, I really like JPL, and I enjoyed his performance but I would have to say he just may be the one to go.
Fantasia sang well, but "best performance ever on American Idol"????? I don' t think so! I think you've got it right, Gilly................she's a Diva alright, in the worst sense of the word.
Just my NSHO (not so humble opinion):D
04-15-2004, 10:23 AM
-giggles- She'll give some of our "current" diva's a run sometime.
I like JPL. He's just sooo "boy next door". Very likeable, very friendly, and what not. I'm not sure he's pop star material, but I definatly like him.
04-15-2004, 07:03 PM
John Stevens sang the song from casa blanca "you must remember this a kiss is just a kiss" and diana sand "my heart will go on" from titanic...I thought latoya and fantasia and JPL were awsome last night...actually the only two who weren't great were diana and cutie girl with the flower..why can't I remember her
04-15-2004, 07:36 PM
I am not so happy with the outcome tonight... but I won't give it away... :(
04-15-2004, 08:04 PM
I'm not happy with it either, but I sort of figured it would turn out this way. I hate it sometimes when I'm right. :(
04-15-2004, 09:41 PM
Yeah I definitely thought it would have turned out differently tonight but what can you do I guess.
04-15-2004, 10:41 PM
It just ended here. I was sooo wanting to read this site earlier this evening, but was afraid that I'd find out who got the boot...
Even tho someone has to leave each week, I'm always sad to see them go. The look in their eyes always gives me a lump in my throat. The bottom 3 tonight was as it should be... and it's just a matter of who leaves when, they're all on their way home. Ever notice how much better they sing on result night?
04-15-2004, 11:26 PM
who got booted? I was at "friends" night!
PM me if no one wants to give it away
04-15-2004, 11:29 PM
Since it's been shown all across the contry by now, there's no harm in telling.
JPL got voted off tonight. I was really sorry to see him go. They all did really well last night, but I think he did the least good job.
Next week they'll be doing Barry Manilow music. John Stevens should do well.
04-16-2004, 02:44 AM
J.P.L. Finally gone.....I consider it a miracle that JPL WAS EVEN STILL AROUND.Only reason I can see why is the chicks seen something in him - sorry, but he can't sing. I felt like he was singing in a kareoke bar every week. Great guy and a lot of fun, but needs major singing lessons...well now its time for John S to go...
04-16-2004, 04:37 AM
If someone would hone that kids voice (JPL's), I can imagine he'd do well on a broadway stage. He has the projection and can hit the notes if he'd just learn how to breathe. And for crying out loud...make him stop that ridiculous dancing! LOL!
This is the time in the show when ya know someone has to go, but they are all so good in their own right that it's sad when they get the boot!
04-16-2004, 07:27 AM
every time I hear John Stevens sing, I think: High school play. He'd do well on broadway, I think.
I'm sorry PL had to go, but they're down to the talen now, and each week will be hard to see someone go.
04-17-2004, 11:14 PM
I agree, Gilly. They're down to the cream of the crop now. I hate to see any of them go, with one notable exception. But that has nothing to do with talent.
Are there any guesses who will be the next to go?? Not who you WANT to go, but who you THINK will go. :D
04-18-2004, 10:54 AM
As much as I like Diana, she's been on the bottom for a bit now, so I don't know how well she'll do next week. Jennifer Hdson I am torn on. She has given some steller performances, and she has given some bottom of the barrel performances.
I don't know how much longer John has in him, because his voice is so type specific. Once they throw him a genre he can't do, I don't thik he'll make it.
04-18-2004, 11:40 AM
I agree on John, but I think he'll make it through this week. They'll be doing Barry Manilow music and Barry himself is doing the arrangements for the contestants. This should be right up John's alley. I think LaToya should do well too. I don't think there's anything she can't sing. She's not my favorite, but I will say she seems to be able to sing any genre. I'm not as sure about Fantasia, George or Jennifer. It's really going to all come to which song they choose for themselves. I also agree Diana is a bit weak and this could be her week to go.
Has anyone been watching Nashville Star?
04-18-2004, 02:05 PM
I have to add my agreement that this is probably Diana's week to go. With all that's said about John Stevens, I think this will be his week to shine. With regards to Diana though, I'm really shocked that she didn't go last week, because I thought that her out-of-tune, inconsistent performance last week was worse than what JPL's lacked in musicality.
04-18-2004, 08:30 PM
Thank you R4T! As cute as she is I have to agree with you!! I just feel l ike, of all the celine dion songs you could sing (if you can pull it off) that song, although a good one, is sooo played out and boring. I also think that after all the bad dancing (which can be cute sometimes) it finally fit when JPL was singing jailhouse rock. I just think everything is up in the air right now, but if I had to pick I would say it's Diana next. I love her and think she is cute and has a pretty good voice, but I I just think it's her time to go. ok and now I will stop repeating
04-20-2004, 07:14 PM
Diana just sang (first singer) and I really thought she nailed it. Yay!
04-20-2004, 07:34 PM
Really? I thought quite the opposite, as did my friend that I'm watching it. She really was off-pitch throughout the whole song. But we appear to be in the minority with that thinking, because the judges seemed to like it. Who knows. I just don't think that she matches up to everyone else tonight.
I also thought that Jennifer did fantastic tonight. It was good to see her come into her own.
04-20-2004, 07:56 PM
I think George was rotten, and John wasn't great, either.
I'd love to see Fantasia gone, because of her Diva tendancies. Not a big Jennier fan, either.
04-20-2004, 08:41 PM
It's very sad but I think George was the worst tonight. Is it me or is Jennifer super scary when she sings. She just makes strange faces.
04-20-2004, 09:14 PM
45 more minutes and it will be on here. I can't wait!
04-20-2004, 09:23 PM
I liked John tonight... but mainly because he sang my song. :) I was hoping that he would. He started out really strong, but the end was kinda weak. I agree that George wasn't fantastic. He was good, but not as good as usual. Camille was alright. LaToya I thought did fairly well. No one really shined except Jennifer I thought. I missed the last performance tonight, was that Fantasia? I'm not sure. But that's my $.02.
04-21-2004, 06:52 AM
Camille? Jasmine. ;)
Yes, Fantasia was the last performance, and her ego is as big as ever. I'm thinking it'll definatly be George to go this week. Though, John doesn't have many supporter's around. If you look at the Idol forum (the official one), most people want him gone.
It makes me think he's on borrowed time, whether he puts in a good performance or not.
Did they say what they'll be doing next week? I didn't hear.
04-21-2004, 07:25 AM
thanks, I knew something was wrong when I wrote Camille, but my mind was elsewhere. :) I'm really not too sure about who will be gone this week, but I doubt that it will be George, because he has quite the following. And this week was his first off-week that I've noticed. Who knows.
And as for next week, I didn't hear either. :) We'll probably find out tonight.
04-21-2004, 10:21 AM
I hope George doesn't go. I think he might be in the bottom 3, but I don't think he's gone quite yet. I think it's John's turn to go. John, JPL and Diana... just a matter of who went first. I hate to see any of them leave, I know how much it means to them.
04-21-2004, 11:27 AM
Yeah, when it gets to this few, it's hard seeing any go, because they all have amazing talent. I think what it comes down to, is who needs voice training, and who doesn't. I think each and every one of them could go far, if they had the training needed to control their voices better.
04-21-2004, 11:35 AM
I agree with you Gilly. I think too that they're all going to have careers in this field, should they choose to. I'm very sure that those who have recently gone have been contacted already.
04-21-2004, 03:57 PM
Well as far as all of them having contracts and stuff, when the first season ended and Kelly Clarkson had won I know Tamyra Gray was 3 place -so to speak- got signed to Babyface's record label and I think that may be the better label anyway. He has people like Eric Clapton doing stuff with him. But you're right, they all will probably get picked up by someone.
04-21-2004, 06:40 PM
Kimberly Caldwell was picked up by the TV Guide Channel, Kimberly Locke has a cd about to be released in Europe, Josh Gracin has a soon to be released country cd, Trenyce is working on Broadway... I can't remember what Carmen and Julia are specifically doing, but they're both involved in the music industry. I don't know anything about the first season, because I didn't watch it, but I became an addict last season!
I wonder who will go tonight...?
04-21-2004, 07:57 PM
I won't say who is in the bottom 3 for those who haven't watched yet, but my jaw hit the floor, as did Simon, Paula, and Randy's.
Shock. Big huge shock.
04-21-2004, 08:04 PM
I won't spoil it for the West coast viewers either, but DAMNNNN!!! What were they thinking?????? I can't believe the results, I'm in shock!!
04-21-2004, 08:06 PM
I am shocked because out of that person's performances, it was better than most in the past. That wasn't the worst performance of the night by any stretch. Then again, all 3 on bottom kind of surprised me.
04-21-2004, 08:14 PM
I agree, Gilly. This week was a shocker for sure, all the way around.
They never did say what next week's genre is going to be did they? It looks like no matter what genre they have to sing next week, choice of song is going to be all-important.
04-21-2004, 08:31 PM
For sure this week was a shocker! I was rather upset. I heard that next week's guest judge is going to be Gloria Estefan, and the genre will be salsa, but don't quote me on that one. :)
04-21-2004, 08:47 PM
i agree the teenage girls have taken over, i was shocked and amazed at who was in the bottom three, why on earth would someone vote that way.........but then again i guess we'll see when the sales come out of the person that does win ...........* like last year*
04-21-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Ready4Ty
For sure this week was a shocker! I was rather upset. I heard that next week's guest judge is going to be Gloria Estefan, and the genre will be salsa, but don't quote me on that one. :)
I would just LOVE to see John Salsa. I would pay a month's salary to see that live. ;)
04-21-2004, 11:30 PM
Well, since I'm on the west coast, I guess I can say it... HOLY SHIT, they booted Jennifer??!!! LaToya and Fantasia also in the bottom 3? Obviously, someone's stuffing the ballot box. Something smells reaaaal bad.
04-22-2004, 10:20 AM
I about shit myself when he told George he was supposed to join the top circle, and that he was in the wrong one.
04-22-2004, 10:26 AM
I think George almost shit himself
I mean everyone was either crying or stopped breathing!!
I think the judges were right when they told people to stop making it a popularity contest. I mean I thought she made strange faces when she sang but MY GAWD...SHE COULD SING!!!! lol
04-22-2004, 10:49 AM
She did sing great, but I almost wonder if part of the problem is that too many people figured she'd be in the top 3 anyway, and to vote for someone a bit less likely to make the top 3. I am figuring that all 3 were just shoved out by their obvious musical talent, because so many thought other's were already voting for them.
After last night, though, I have a feeling people will think about who they vote for.
04-22-2004, 11:03 AM
I think you're right, Gilly. Several weeks back when we were voting (we've only voted on three occasions, but might now either vote more or not at all... the jury's still out), my daughter insisted on spending some of her time voting for JPL... because she likes him, wanted him to stay, and felt sorry for him. NOT because he was the best.
Totally blew me away last night. I wonder what the atmosphere is like in the house they're all living in... glad I'm not there.
04-22-2004, 11:55 AM
They've had that every season so far. Once it happens, the voters tend to fall back in line. I'm pulling for La Toya. I may have convinced the wife that she should join us for a 3some, too. LOL
04-22-2004, 01:23 PM
I've been a LaToya fan from the start... I love her voice and her presence. You're right, Skyler.... in the end, hopefully the right person will win, and the rest will be voted off at some point. But still...that bottom 3 last night absolutely floored me.
04-22-2004, 03:02 PM
I was very impressed when LaToya made it into the top 12, because she was quite composed, and classy about it. I can't wait to see what next week brings us.
04-22-2004, 06:00 PM
I wonder if Fantasia and Jennifer were in the lower three because people didn't like the arrangements of the songs they did, even though Barry did them himself. I know I hated the way Fantasia did "It's a Miracle" and was really hoping she'd be the one to go when it came down to her and Jennifer. But I did like Jennifer's rendition of "When Will I See You Again", and LaToya did a wonderful job on her song. I agree, LaToya is a class act and easy on the eyes as well.
If Salsa is the genre next week I would guess it will be the end of the line for John Stevens. And wasn't that incredibly rude of Simon to say, on live TV, that John reminded him of Stan Laurel? It had nothing to do with the way he sang and I think he could have told him privately. But that's just my opinion.
04-23-2004, 11:39 PM
In the round of seven, Jennifer wasn't able to handle the music of Barry Manilow. Now that we're in the round of six, who will be able to handle the music of Gloria Estefan? The rhythm is gonna get American Idol this week as the contestant take on Ms. Estefan's upbeat numbers.
Who will make the Miami Sound Machine proud? And who buckle in the face of increasing pressure? Find out during another round of live performance this Tuesday at 8/7c on FOX!
That was on the idol website. R4T was right ;)
04-27-2004, 06:59 PM
oooOoOoo It's on in a few minutes here. I am chomping at the bit to see who sings what, and how they do. :)
04-27-2004, 07:02 PM
I have the song list already... don't want to spoil anything though. Just like to say that I think everyone's songs are fitting. :)
04-27-2004, 07:12 PM
How didja get that?!?!
04-27-2004, 07:18 PM
Ok, I didn't like performer #1's dancing. It looked... like a chicken strutting.
Performer #2 felt really flat on the song. The voice just wasn't the right tone.
04-27-2004, 07:25 PM
LOL - I don't know where my friend found the list but she sent it to me. As for #1 - I agree about that, and the voice was just a little childish for the song. #2 - Yeah, the performance just didn't blow me away.
I'm so excited that the Miami Sound Machine is there! :)
04-27-2004, 07:51 PM
It's not even 6:00 here.... I wanna see it too!!! :(
04-27-2004, 07:59 PM
Ok, I think #3 was good, but not that performer's best. #4... well, I think everyone knew that performer wouldn't mesh. "Chocolate ice cream and onions". #5 I thought was good, and well, I'm just a huge fan of #6, and loved it.
04-28-2004, 07:57 PM
Well, the results are in.
04-28-2004, 09:12 PM
I'm not surprised at the results, but I hated to see that person go.
Have you heard where Elton John is pitching a bitch about last week's results and calling them "racist"??
04-28-2004, 11:18 PM
Yep, I had read that. I think it's kind of funny, personally. He's basically saying that 3 million people conspired to be racist on the same week. :rolleyes:
04-28-2004, 11:55 PM
I just want to thank everyone for once again not revealing who the "boot-ee" was. I like knowing that I can come to this thread prior to air-time in California and not worry that I'll get info I'd rather get from the show itself. Means alot to me, so thank you everyone! :)
I hate to see anyone leave, but John HAD to go! It was weeks past his turn. Amy and Jennifer both deserved to be there beyond him... but oh well.
As for racist, that's such crap. Don't EVEN want to go there... but it's bullshit. I didn't hear anyone crying racism when Ruben won last season. Sheesh.
04-29-2004, 06:56 AM
Yeah, it was his time to go, and he knew it. He was very calm about it.
04-29-2004, 08:13 AM
Yes, he knew it. You gotta respect him for the way he took not only getting booted, but all the criticism every week. At least Simon gave him credit for that. Unlike Fantasia who always has some smart comment when she gets uncomplimentary comments from the judges. Honestly I was shocked that she was in the top 3 last night. I don't think she did such a great job Tuesday. But then Salsa type music isn't that easy to sing, unless that's what you've been raised with. Does anyone know what the genre will be next week?
I read where Simon has said that he thinks Diana and LaToya will be the last two finalists. Any comments? He may be right, but I think George will hang in till at least the last 3. Personally, my favorite out of the five that are left, is Jasmine, but I don't know if she'll make it. I think the last few weeks will boil down to choice of songs for each of them.
(Damn, I just used my 10,000th post to gossip about a reality show....*LOL*)
04-29-2004, 11:19 AM
I'm willing to et her votes this week were due simply to her being in the bottom 3 last week, and al the critisism that was atached to it.
I really did NOT like her dancing. First, she looked likse she was going to fall out of dress, and it wasn't flattering looking, then she had this wide eyed bewildered look to her face through the whole thing. She did not look comfortable dancing.
(Grats on 10k :D)
05-04-2004, 07:45 PM
Big Band night- I think they are all doing very well so far, and 4 have sang. Only 1 more left. Each of them get's 2 songs tonight.
05-04-2004, 08:42 PM
I missed tonight, but heard that everyone did well. :)
05-04-2004, 09:28 PM
Yep, they did. Fantasia got Paula crying.
05-05-2004, 12:30 AM
I loved the music tonight! I knew I liked big band music, but had no idea how much. Tough decision, but I think it's either George or Jasmine who will go home tomorrow. I hate to see any of them go....
05-05-2004, 07:40 AM
I have to agree with Flutelady.........and as much as I like her, I think it's gonna be Jasmine this week. It really is coming down to choice of song and the need for a real kick-ass performance. I thought Diana was totally excellent last night. Great songs and great performance.
05-05-2004, 01:12 PM
I really liked George's voice with the songs, but I agree that he should have picked different songs to really kick ass. I don't really want to see anyone go anymore, but I am thinking Jasmine tonight.
05-05-2004, 02:01 PM
George is pretty much gone, in my opinion. And I think I'm about to start stalking La Toya... she's just amazing.
05-05-2004, 02:38 PM
La Toya is great. I think Fantasia has a great voice, sure, but everytime they put her in a catagory with La Toya, I cringe. All it's doing is making her head bigger.
05-05-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Gilly
I think Fantasia has a great voice, sure, but everytime they put her in a catagory with La Toya, I cringe. All it's doing is making her head bigger.
NO KIDDING!!! Actually I wasn't all that crazy about the second song she did, the one that made Paula cry. I really don't want to see anyone go either, with one very large exception and that exception is Fanta-zee-ya (as Simon pronounces it :D)
In my opinion, LaToya has an advantage in that she performs with a band on a regular basis. This is not new for her and her poise shows it. I'm not criticizing her...not at all, just saying she's got a leg up on the other contestants because she does have a little more experience. I'd have no problem with any of the last few winning.........except Fantasia. Her attitude just grates something awful.
05-05-2004, 08:01 PM
Next week- The final four sing Disco with Donna Summers.
05-05-2004, 08:18 PM
was anyone surprised Jasmine triumphed over george?
05-05-2004, 08:19 PM
Yes, I was...........but I'll say no more since Flutelady hasn't had a chance to watch yet. Don't want to spoil it for the West coast folks. :D
05-05-2004, 10:07 PM
OMG, THANK YOU Sugarsprinkles!!! I just read Musicman's post and about croaked!! Thank you for thinking about me, I can't tell you how much that means. I know it sounds terribly sappy, but it's also terribly true.
05-05-2004, 10:12 PM
No problem, FL! I know how I'd feel to get the results before watching so I won't do it to anyone else. Just simple consideration, that's all. :)
So, what was your feeling at the outcome tonight??? I was surprised. I really thought it would be Jasmine. I think he had a better performance last night than she did. My guess it's gonna be her or Fan-tay-zee-ya to go next. Not sure how good either of them will be with Disco.
BTW, do you find out what the genre is going to be ahead of time when they haven't announced it on the show??
05-05-2004, 10:14 PM
*Looking at my watch*.... well, the result show starts in about 15 minutes.... so I'll tell you my reaction in a while...
05-05-2004, 10:34 PM
Are you kidding??? I thought you would have seen it by now. I'm in MO and we get it at 7:30. You're two hours after us, I thought you would have seen it an hour ago. Damn, hun..........I'm really so very sorry!! I didn't mean to spoil it for you.
05-06-2004, 12:03 AM
You know what? This time it all worked out.... I sat down to watch it and about 10 minutes later my 17-yr-old daughter needed her mom (man problems... sigh), so I missed it anyway.
BTW, it comes on at 8:30 here... and I'm not upset with you. I totally appreciate the sensitivity shown to me about my "west coast" time issues.
Next week, we'll talk about it at 9 PST, lol... and you still get a big hug if you'd like it!!
05-06-2004, 03:43 AM
Been missing this thread lately, but so glad to see it still going on! I fell asleep before the end of the show last night so I am grateful that I can get the results here. I'm sad that George had to go, but at this point I'm sad to see anyone go. Thems the breaks though!
I totally missed John Stevens getting the boot because that was the week Grumble was here. I just wish I could have heard him sing something he was made to sing! So sorry he missed that genre of song this past week! I know he would have taken "big band" by storm!
OK, well...I'm setting my sights on LaToya now. She's proven grace and style and range...time and time again! To me, she is simply elegant and her voice is spectacular! Oh...and I think Simon wants to do her! LMAO!
Thanks you guys...for keeping me up to date!
05-06-2004, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
BTW, do you find out what the genre is going to be ahead of time when they haven't announced it on the show??
At the end of the show last night, Ryan Seacrest said it just as the credits started rolling. :)
I had a weird dream last night. I was staying at a motel (which incidently, the 'rooms' were actually restuarant booths), and Simon was staying in the 'room' next to me, so I kept taking pictures of him using a fake camera. Odd.
05-06-2004, 09:29 AM
Ok, FL, now I know for sure what time you get the show and I will zip my lips until after you've gotten to watch it.
Gilly, somehow I missed Ryan telling what next week's genre would be. And what an interesting dream........wish I was able to interpret dreams....that would be a fun one. :D
Lixy, I think you're right.......Simon would do LaToya in a heartbeat. Who could blame him? LaToya is a beautiful woman.
Too bad John Stevens got booted when he did. He would have rocked this week. I must say he was very gracious when he got the news he had been voted off, as was George last night. I was really sorry to see him go. He was a classy guy and you could tell he was having so much fun on stage.
Any guesses on who's the next to go???
05-06-2004, 09:30 AM
The other night when Ryan was playing around with Randy and Simon, telling them to go onstage... I looked at what Simon was wearing when he stood up. He looked like he was about to go outside to wash the car! Now, I think he's hot as can be, but I'd just like to see him dressed a tiny bit nicer....
Go LaToya!
05-06-2004, 09:42 AM
Randy bugs me with his continual "Dawg", and "Aight", and the weird finger thing with the loud "Yah!" It almost feels to me like he's trying too hard to be 'cool'. It doesn't sit well on him, I guess.
Simon is... well, he is hot. He also has the accent. Sure, he's a bastard, but he plays it magnificently. ;) It's kind of cute seeing the way him and Paula interact, even if it's only staged, or just friendliness.
05-06-2004, 10:01 PM
I"m sorry for spoiling it FL - didn't even dawn on me about the time difference....will try to be more careful next time
05-07-2004, 02:05 AM
Musicman... you meant no harm and I know that... I just live too far west, haha.
05-07-2004, 04:53 AM
SS...I'm guessing Jasmine is the next to go. She's got a beautiful voice but, someone has to go and I'm betting it's her. Just a feeling...but I had a feeling about last years winner and I got screwed (Clay was spose to win) I could be wrong!
05-11-2004, 07:08 PM
Ok, well it's Disco night.
The first person who sang, so far... well, it was a horrible performance. She sounded very hoarse, and her voice was cracking on regular notes.
05-11-2004, 11:49 PM
*shrugs*... well, I'd been excited about tonight, but I wasn't at all thrilled with the choice of music. I'm not a Diana fan, but I think she did really well and looked great, too!
I think it's pretty certain that Jasmine will be leaving tomorrow.
Lixy, I don't care what anyone says, Clay was the winner! I still get chills when I listen to that last note of BOTW... wow!
05-12-2004, 07:32 PM
I'm all for Jasmine going. She has a great voice, but last night, she showed her stress levels off, I think. She's also been pushing her voice too hard, and it showed when she sang. She was cracking on quite a few low notes.
05-12-2004, 08:09 PM
I missed both tonight and yesterday's... can anyone fill me in after the show's aired in the PST zone? :) Thanks!
05-12-2004, 08:56 PM
I missed the performances last night too. I'm watching the show right now and all I can say is I'm shocked! I'll tell you more later.
05-12-2004, 09:10 PM
Just think of worst case scenerio tonight.... and you might be right.
05-12-2004, 09:11 PM
OMG tell me...some one PM me please!!!!
05-12-2004, 09:42 PM
Oh man, I've still got 45 minutes to wait before it comes on!!! OMG, I've got some baaad vibes
05-13-2004, 12:13 AM
Thank you so much everyone for not spoiling it for me, this means alot to me!
That having been said, I'm assuming (hopefully correctly) that now that it's aired on the west coast, it's ok to discuss the outcome...?
All I can say is OMG, I can't believe it, I'm floored! I've been a loyal and devoted fan of this show, but this is complete and utter bullshit! LaToya's smugness last night bothered me, but this is BULLSHIT... and I don't believe it's how "America voted". :moon:
05-13-2004, 12:33 AM
tell me tell me!
05-13-2004, 12:49 AM
LaToya went home tonight.
05-13-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by flutelady
Thank you so much everyone for not spoiling it for me, this means alot to me!
That having been said, I'm assuming (hopefully correctly) that now that it's aired on the west coast, it's ok to discuss the outcome...?
All I can say is OMG, I can't believe it, I'm floored! I've been a loyal and devoted fan of this show, but this is complete and utter bullshit! LaToya's smugness last night bothered me, but this is BULLSHIT... and I don't believe it's how "America voted". :moon: :D OK, FL, how do you really feel?
05-13-2004, 04:42 AM
Originally posted by flutelady
LaToya's smugness last night bothered me, but this is BULLSHIT... and I don't believe it's how "America voted". :moon:
Some say potato...some say potahto...
I didn't take LaToya's reaction as smug. I think she was in shock and being as gracious as possible under the circumstances. But, that's just my take on it.
Damn! I had her pegged for the winner!
It seems to me like America is doing all it can to show Simon who is running the show! If Simon were as truthful as he pretends to be...he'd admit that too! He might try using a bit of reverse psycology from here on in if he doesn't want to ruin the outcome. There is still a glimmer or two of hope for a "real" idol when all is said and done. If Jasmine wins it all...I'll NEVER watch the show again!
05-13-2004, 05:47 AM
Here is my take on it.... I think that the voters figured that she already made it. The judges have repeatedly said that she is a "star" and has a "great career" ahead of her. So I am assuming that the voting public figured why not give someone else a shot. Especially after her comment Tuesday night. Which btw, didn't bother me in the least, but I am sure alot of people took her confidence and words as if she didn't care if she won or lost.
Lixy, I am with you on the Jasmine thing! I am shocked that she has made it as far as she has. I think she was downright awful on Tuesday. :rolleyes:
05-13-2004, 06:06 AM
It ceased being a talent competition quite a while back.
05-13-2004, 06:39 AM
Guess this kinda hands the winning slot to Fantasia. Ugh. Welcome another Diva into the world.
05-13-2004, 09:26 AM
What is American Idol?
After all these years I thought that was me!!!
I can happily & honestly say that i haven't seen a single show...
05-13-2004, 10:04 AM
Coaster- AI takes roughly 70,000 people who think they can sing, and wittle it down to 5 groups of 12 people. Each of the first 4 groups gets wittled down to 2 more people, based on call-in votes done by the viewers. The 5th group is call backs. They are people who didn't make the cut, but that the judges feel have excellent voices. They gow through the same process again, except votes only pick 1 person, then each of the 3 judges pick someone, and that gives us the final 12.
Each week, they sing 1 song, and again, people call in votes. The next day, they hold another show where they eliminate someone, based on votes. The person who goes is the person with the least amount of votes.
Right now, we just got whittled to the top 3- Diana DeGarmo, Jasmine Trias, and Fantasia Barrino. La Toya London was cut last night, and Fantasia was just barely above her in votes.
What's rather upsetting right now, is that Jasmine bombed her songs on Tuesday, and still managed to not get cut. She garnered a lot of pity votes, I think. That, and I'm willing to bet that most the voters felt that both Fantasia and La Toya had plenty of votes to keep them in. They were the two who were being hailed as the top 2 singers in the group.
So, now it's down to Diana, Jasmine, and Fantasia, and the contest is pretty much over, because Fantasia is a favorite, though Diana is my favorite. Jasmine just won't hold up another week.
The way I got hooked was the audition stage, where they show some GOD AWFUL singers trying to act like they are good. It's hilarious at that stage, then you get hooked into watching it to see how far it goes.
05-13-2004, 10:13 AM
I wasn't pleased by LaToya's comment on Tuesday night. She didn't sound excited or one bit "hungry". I don't know if that's why she got cut or not, but it might have cost her some votes. I do know that this isn't the first time that the person sent home was so obviously the wrong person. Why Fantasia was also in the bottom two is a mystery to me. Clearly it should be Fantasia and LaToya duking it out on the last night.
Sad to say, I'm not going to be watching the show any longer. At least last year, it made SOME sense.
05-13-2004, 10:19 AM
My guess is just that so many people figured others would be voting for those two. I'd be interested in knowing the actual number of votes each person gets from week to week, though.
05-13-2004, 10:31 AM
They've come this far. But who has what it takes to go all the way? We may learn Tuesday night when the ladies each sing three songs, one that they chose, one that the judges chose and one that music industry giant Clive Davis chooses for them.
05-13-2004, 05:29 PM
It makes me sad that it's come down to these three... but after reading all of your posts, it seems that the same fate has befallen LaToya as did Jennifer. I can't say that I'm sad to see LaToya go, as I was not a fan of hers, but she was talented. Of the three that are left... I hope that Fantasia wins, as much as it pains me to say that. :) Neither Diana nor Jasmine deserve to win, if you ask me.
05-14-2004, 12:14 PM
If Jasmine makes it to the last round, I think they pretty much have to give up on half their veiwing audience.
Diana is good, R4T, she has an amazing talent, one that is natural born. She would blossom rather nicely under the teachings of a regular vioce coach, though, so she can get a bit more control.
I don't really think it's a contest anymore. Fantasia will sweep the votes hands down.
05-14-2004, 05:33 PM
Not sure who will win now...and I better not hope for any particular contestant. It all goes kaplooey when I do. I'm hoping it's Diana and Fantasia in the final two. With the way America is voting...the winner will prolly be Jasmine, though!
05-14-2004, 06:44 PM
That wouldn't surprise me one bit, Lixy :rolleyes:
05-14-2004, 08:46 PM
-grins- I signed up for an american idol yahoo group tuesday night as they were playing the show, and a big theme in the past few days has been: Yeah, but would America actually buy Jasmine's cd's?
My thought is, Hell, if they buy William Hungs shit, of course they'd buy her music.
Overall, she's not a bad singer. She just needs some coaching, and a break to recuperate. She's showing her stress in her voice, and cracking under the pressure. I can't imagine her holding up well on concert tours, and what not, if she can't handle this.
Simon's big gripe has been that Diana is too young, but I think in terms of how well prepared the girls are, it's Jasmine who's just touch too young yet.
05-14-2004, 09:50 PM
who is jasmine paying off?
05-14-2004, 10:32 PM
I think another thing that won Jasmine votes was her water works display. I felt bad when she cried..but damn that dosn't mean people should vote for someone who dosn't deserve to win. I've been a Fantasia supporter from the beginning. I like her....I know a lot of you don't. I like her spunk. And I love her voice.
05-15-2004, 12:02 AM
I like Fantasia too. LaToya is my favorite, and in a FAIR world, she and Fantasia would have been the last two standing.
05-16-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Gilly
-grins- I signed up for an american idol yahoo group tuesday night as they were playing the show, and a big theme in the past few days has been: Yeah, but would America actually buy Jasmine's cd's?
My thought is, Hell, if they buy William Hungs shit, of course they'd buy her music.
Overall, she's not a bad singer. She just needs some coaching, and a break to recuperate. She's showing her stress in her voice, and cracking under the pressure. I can't imagine her holding up well on concert tours, and what not, if she can't handle this.
That's the problem, she's not comically bad like William Hung, just not that good.
05-18-2004, 10:21 PM
*sits waiting for it to be safe to post :D:D:D *
It's a really good show tonight, flutelady! Enjoy!!
05-18-2004, 11:18 PM
SS... you're a sweetie for sure and I thank you ((((hugsss)))). I was shopping for a wedding dress for my daughter and missed the show. NOT that I tried to hurry back for it. I'm still stunned about last week.
05-18-2004, 11:25 PM
I am too, really. But I missed last Tuesday so I didn't see the performances.
I really think this is Jasmine's week to go...she could have done so much better than she did.
05-19-2004, 07:11 AM
I liked Diana's last song alot. Jasmine hit some nasty notes on her first song. Fantasia did the same as always.
05-20-2004, 04:12 AM
Oh damn! I wasn't feeling well last night, and went to bed before the show was over. Was hoping it would be posted this morning as to who the final two are.
Diana and Fantasia?
Oh just has to be...right?
05-20-2004, 06:25 AM
05-20-2004, 07:26 AM
I'm rather glad by last night's results.
05-20-2004, 09:35 AM
I really liked Jasmine, but being totally objective, it was way past her time to go. I know she knew it too. She was extremely gracious, as have I'm hoping for Diana right now, but not holding my breath. The only way Fantasia loses is if she really screws up royally next week.
But besides the actual results, why the hell did they have to stretch the show out to a full hour last night? Every other results show was only half an hour. But the one with only 3 contestants left they feel the need to drag it out with useless bullshit to a whole hour. Sure as hell irritated me.
05-20-2004, 09:38 AM
Because there was 2 1/2 hour episodes of the season finale of That 70's Show airing as opposed to the usual 1/2 hour.
05-20-2004, 10:30 AM
They've had it an hour long show for a few weeks now for the results. I think it's over played, but eh, it gets them the ratings, I suppose.
I can't wait to hear next weeks show.
05-25-2004, 09:05 PM
Well guys...who's it going to be? Personally I was floored by Fantasia tonight. (well...except for her first one....??) Her last song had me in tears.
05-25-2004, 09:10 PM
I cried too damn it.....
05-25-2004, 09:11 PM
Her first one belonged at the bottom of the ocean. She was repeating the same thing over and over, filled in the spaces with the gaps, and left the actual singing to the backup singers.
Her second two were great.
Diana's were all pretty good, all around. A few mess ups here and there, but not nearly the calamity of Fantasia's first song.
I think the voting will be fairly tight.
05-25-2004, 09:16 PM
Oh I think Diana completely fucked herself with a huge mistake in that last song. Just as she sang, she "almost had it all."
05-25-2004, 11:52 PM
I heard the last two songs by Fantasia, and the last song by Diana. Yowsa, she did fuck it up royally in the middle. I think Fantasia is the winner regardless. That girl can sing!
05-26-2004, 05:02 AM
It's gotta be Fantasia!
Diana will still be heard from though. She needs to be seasoned and get a few singing/dancing lessons. Randy was right about her register on the lower notes. She can belt out the high ones but I think she has to learn some breathing techniques to pull off the low notes.
Fantasia is just fantastic!
05-26-2004, 10:59 AM
It was interesting last night, when they showed the audience and the members of the top 12...a few other top 12 members were missing, but I thought it was notable that LaToya wasn't there.
05-26-2004, 12:14 PM
I didn't see either Latoya or Leah, but it may have just been the camera angles we got, as well.
I'm kind of hoping that they'll all do a number together tonight. I heard that several of the top 12 parents sat in on the rehersals this past week, so my fingers are crossed.
I didn't like Amy's hair. It was too dark for her. A brown would have looked nicer.
05-26-2004, 12:30 PM
Gilly, Leah was there, I saw her. I agree with you about Amy's hair, I liked it pink!
05-26-2004, 01:43 PM
The pink just rocked. :D Course, this is coming from a girl who once dyed her own hair pink to match a prom dress. :p
I didn't notice Leah at all, but I wasn't paying as close attention when Fantasia was singing. More just listening, and doing some house work. ;)
05-26-2004, 08:35 PM
Barry Manilow followed by Ruben -- too much! It was like a train wreck!
05-26-2004, 08:39 PM
I'm going crazy tonight............trying to watch IDOL and the Academy of Country Music Awards at the same time......totally unfair to have them both scheduled at the same time.
05-26-2004, 09:02 PM
I forgot to tape them. :( Went out wit hubby and my FIL (up from NC for the week), so I didn't see it until the last 15 minutes. I got to see the duet between Fantasia and Diana, and the results, though.
05-26-2004, 11:59 PM
yeah, all I saw was the last 10 minutes as well. I can't say that I'm happy with the way this season turned out, but I think that it ended appropriately given who the final 2 were . :)
05-27-2004, 12:16 AM
It's interesting, because in the early part of the competition, Fantasia so clearly had quite the attitude. I'm really pleased about how she's evolved, and the humility I've seen in her. I watched her as she won tonight... and I know this isn't really fair, but (and I was a LaToya fan all the way) I wondered if we'd have seen the tears and gratitude streaming from LaToya, remotely like we did from Fantasia... had LaToya won.
It's actually neither here nor there. I think Fantasia was fabulous and deserved to win. I never cared for Diana, but I think the girl was a class act throughout the competition, and damn did she grow as a singer!
Still disillusioned with the whole American Idol thing, but I'm tickled pink for Fantasia, and so proud of Diana.
05-27-2004, 12:44 AM
I'm just ready for a seacrest break
musicman - OUT!
05-27-2004, 01:40 AM
Amen, musicman... I couldn't agree with you more!
05-27-2004, 04:48 AM
Would you believe I'm still not feeling up to par and went to sleep before the end of the show last night?
Geezzzzzzz! I sat through this entire season (with the exception of maybe, 2-3 shows) and then I miss the grand finale?
Well...TY all so much for keeping me informed when I've missed out on pertinent info! This was a fun thread! I'm happy that Fantasia won (according to all accounts above) and I hope for the best for all the other (obvious) new, up and coming singers!
LixyChick ~ OUT!
05-27-2004, 07:16 AM
Did anyone notice the little incident when they attempted to let Fantasia's little girl up on stage?
05-27-2004, 07:20 AM
yep - ryan called for them but security wouldn't let them up
05-27-2004, 07:40 AM
I think Ryan just wanted the kid.....
05-27-2004, 09:10 AM
I've never seen the show!Besides,my wife thinks Toby Keith is
great,so the Country Music Award show was on.Am I to assume
that William Hung didn't win?I saw his video,on another "news"
show & thought-"Only in America! Irish
P.S.Everytime,that I get in my wifes car,I have to move the Toby,
Alan,etc.CDs from the front seat.The CD holder is full!
05-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Ahh, the legacy which is William Hung. He auditioned in San Deigo (or was it LA?) and was told a big resounding no, and told that he couldn't sing, he couldn't carry a tune, and he couldn't dance. And they were right.
However, they aired his audition, along with a LOT of previews of him on the commercials. He got himself instant fame. Despite his WRETCHED singing, he was offered a contract. And he goes on "tour" of gymnasiums. And he has girls dancing with him in skimpy cheerleading outfits. :rolleyes:
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