View Full Version : Can I Get an Amen????
04-07-2004, 04:29 PM
From my sister friends.....
Don't you just love that feeling you get when at the end of the day you can finally sit back, relax, and
take off that damned bra????:D:D:p
04-07-2004, 04:33 PM
oh yeah! i'm preggers now too so freeing the globes feels twice as nice
04-07-2004, 05:04 PM
<~~ Often goes without a bra in public. Geez, I like being small-chested... :p :p
I once went an entire week without one...and I went into work every day :D :D :D
04-07-2004, 05:04 PM
ooooooooooooo AMEN i gotta agree w ya !!!!!!!!!
best feeling in the world!
ok well maybe not the BEST but damned close
04-07-2004, 05:08 PM
Amen! The shoes, the bra....Hell, sometimes all the damned clothes.
Some days I'd trade the rack for a nice, neat, perky pair. Still think they ought to be like heels...pick the size appropriate for the day ahead.
04-07-2004, 05:53 PM
Bra burning
My place
next Tuesday
no reservations needed
04-07-2004, 06:00 PM
Consider this my RSVP Scarecrow;)
04-07-2004, 06:05 PM
the only thing better is when hubby's right there and rubs your back afterwards :)
I'll not only give you an amen ... I'll give you an "amen and amen!!!" (one for each one getting freed) LOL!
04-07-2004, 06:26 PM
Can't amen you on the bra thing, because I can't even remember the last time I wore one. But definitely to the taking off the shoes, putting comfy clothes on etc....So amen!!!!!!
04-07-2004, 07:02 PM
Taking this industrial stength over-shoulder-boulder-holder off is just bliss!!
Never do i venture out into the public eye without it on...eeeeek....i'd get gravel rash on me nipples :eek:
04-07-2004, 07:35 PM
LOL Sharni...gravel
I wear mine out too. The girls just don't stand up like they used to. I hate it when guys talke to me and just stare at my boobs but I'd really hate it if they were staring at my knees:p
04-07-2004, 08:31 PM
LOL @ Sharni and Lilith!!! MeeeeeeeeeeTOOOOOOOOOO!
Damn torture devices! I also can't go "out" without on on either!
04-07-2004, 09:38 PM
LOL! I just got home and took mine off a bit ago and I have to say... it's a wonderful feeling to let the girls loose :D
04-07-2004, 10:19 PM
I gotta say that next to taking the bra off at the end of the day is wearing a bra that is the right size! lol I have been wearing the wrong size for years and didn't even know it. I had been measured before but a friend told me you have to remeasure every year or so. I found out I was a whole cup size bigger than what I was wearinig!! Let me tell you when I put on the right was like angles singing, violins playing, can I get a witness...AMEN!!!!! ;)
04-08-2004, 05:07 AM
OMG Lil!
This thread could go on for a year and I'd give you an "amen" each and every day I was here!
04-08-2004, 07:46 AM
Hell sometimes I don't even make it home..I take if off in the car on the way home and hope I don't get pulled over the poor cop would be trying to figure out why there were nipples in the floor board of the car!
04-08-2004, 09:35 AM
I'd like to pipe in and say a huge amen to having all of you ladies take your bras off.
04-08-2004, 10:36 AM
whew that is the best feeling in the least the best i know right now, sometimes i would like to go back in time and smack that person who envented the underwire, if i didn't trip over my boobs on the way there lol
Oh yeah AMEN!
04-08-2004, 11:17 AM
what is it about every single bra with an underwire where only ONE wire thingy like burrows it's way out of the bra just enough to stab me under my arm!! And it's always just both...ALSO, I would like to add that I want to declare the birthday of the person who invented the tank top with built in bra a national holiday!! It's so wonderful that even my unruly 36 D can be kept under control. ;)
04-08-2004, 01:06 PM
ROFL StarfishBaby! I was thinking the same thing about the !@#$ underwire!
ROFL Sharni - gravel rash!
It feels soooooo good to take that bra off!
04-09-2004, 05:44 PM
Adding another A-fuckin-men!
*bounce, bounce*
*hears "Born Free" playing in the distance*
04-09-2004, 05:51 PM
Mine managed to avoid capture all day;)
04-09-2004, 08:08 PM
You know I asked my husband this morning why it is any time I go out of the house in my sweats (basicaly my pj's) I get hit on. It's happened to me 3 times in the past month and only when I look my worst. But after reading this thread it just dawned on me! :D :D
This morning I had to run to the grocery store at 6 am for diapers (long story) and as I was loading the kids in the car I hear someone talking to me. I turn around and some weirdo is sitting in the back of a truck :confused: and he's waiting for his friend to buy ice. (I didn't ask, he offered the info) and he starts making comments every time I bend over to put another bag in my car. I was so creeped out, as soon as the kids were buckled I got the hell out of there.
Anyway, not every time has been under such strange circumstances, but it's always when I'm in my "comfy" clothes and now that I think about it, without a bra. I would never go without one out of the house, but I've been so tired I've forgotten a few times. :D
04-09-2004, 10:03 PM
Amen! I love it seems like the cuter the bra the more uncomfortable it is!!!
04-09-2004, 10:05 PM
The only thing I hate when I go that my nipples remain perpetually hard. Quite attention-getting, actually. :D
04-09-2004, 10:45 PM
OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
Amen Sistah!!!:D
I don't wait for the end of the day...... Mine's coming off as I walk in the back door!;)
04-09-2004, 11:04 PM
I too would like to say amen for you ladies taking off your bras!!:slurp:
Kissyface..just think about were you no it wasnt me that was looking at you!!
04-09-2004, 11:11 PM
AMEN and double amen. "The girls have gotta breathe", that's my motto. It's so damn true about the fucking underwire sneaking out and poking under the arm. It's always the right side, too. I've got pretty good sized breasts, but I'm still wearing camisoles (minus the bra) more and more... strange how I'm in a much better mood.
04-11-2004, 03:31 PM
You ladies have my full support!! Both hands!! hehe
04-12-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by osuche
<~~ Often goes without a bra in public. Geez, I like being small-chested... :p :p
I once went an entire week without one...and I went into work every day :D :D :D
I remember a few years back when the ladies were foregoing that particular garment. Regrettably, it didn't last.:)
04-12-2004, 10:52 PM
Bet she feels better (
04-12-2004, 10:54 PM
LMAO... hey, you found my sister in law!
04-12-2004, 10:57 PM
Is this a plausible alternative??? (
Better take it of quickly:D:D:p
04-12-2004, 11:07 PM
Just as well we came from apes and not some other mammal, otherwise you may have all ended up with six breasts.
04-12-2004, 11:37 PM
AMEN!!! In the door... out of the shoes and then the bra!!! And the tank top with the light lining holds them gently for the rest of the night... at least until there is a certain Grumble here to do that for me!!
Catch 22~ that is a horrible thought!
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