View Full Version : keeping secrets
04-07-2004, 03:53 PM
i've been reading threads and a lot of people talk about what thier spouse, whoever, thought about this n that. does anyone keep thier involment with pixies, et al, a secret from thier spouses? cause i do. it's not that my hubby would mind, probably the opposite, i'm just too shy to cop. am i the only one?
04-07-2004, 04:07 PM
My ex wife didnt know, my current SO is a member...depends on the person I guess.
04-07-2004, 05:05 PM
I have fessed up, but he absolutely HATES the site. <sigh>
04-07-2004, 05:05 PM
hubby knows, didnt think it was fair to post naked pics of him if he didnt know LMAO
04-07-2004, 05:19 PM
My wife is an occassional poster. Just to keep tabs on me is my guess.
04-08-2004, 12:41 PM
Obviously, my SO is a member. :D
04-08-2004, 12:51 PM
Mine knows, but doesn't do really anything on any computer. Wish she did. :rolleyes:
04-08-2004, 12:58 PM
My S/O knows as does my boyfriend.....:p
04-08-2004, 01:26 PM
My hubby knows, but he prefers AA. Why, I'll never know. I did intially hide my sites from him, just because I wasn't sure how he'd react. That was years ago now, and I can't even recall how I let him in on it, or if he found it, or what. Odd.
04-08-2004, 05:50 PM
Mine definately knows
04-08-2004, 06:37 PM
Mine knows, he is the one that actually introduced me to the site. He isn't very active since he no longer works for "the man", and isn't stuck in front of a computer anymore. But I do give him tips on photos and other threads I've enjoyed, and I know he gets on from time to time to see what is going on. He also will comment every now and then about something I posted or said here, so I know he is watching....So baby, get going would you and post some more pics...You are way over due;)
04-08-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by huntersgirl
So baby, get going would you and post some more pics...You are way over due;)
Yes he is....;) mmmmmm more soon please!!!
04-09-2004, 08:46 AM
My hubby into'd me and he is a lurker member...which means he knows just about everything I do on here. Notice the operative words, "just about".......*giggle*
Teddy Bear
04-09-2004, 09:17 AM
My hubby knows about Pixies but isn't interested in spending time here. I've had him look at threads that I thought were particularly good, And I've told him about others. I talk about fellow Pixies sometimes and tell him funny or interesting things you've said. :) Grumble is staying at our home on his trip..... still find it hard to believe hubby agreed to it! :) He doesn't object to me being a member, he just says I spend to much time on the computer. So Pixies is not a secret, but I'll admit that some of what I do & say on here and one special person are a secret. So I'm just as glad he's not a member. :D
04-09-2004, 10:41 AM
My wife knows about Pixies. She's helped me take a few pictures and has seen my threads as well as some others I've steered her to. I'm not sure if she's ever posted an replies under my name though. It's not really her bag.
04-09-2004, 11:17 AM
My wife knows I lurke / visit and on occasions will join me on the puter to look at pics etc. She thinks it is fine as we all need our own inspiration and / or outlet for relieif.
She would rather know that i would jack off in front of the computer to a fantasy situation with a woman, than play around with the "real thing "on her. She has even told her friends about the site......
Likewise I have no problem with her looking at sites with muscle bound men in tip top shape (wwe etc ) as I know that I will be the one she spends the night with...........
Curious gal
04-09-2004, 11:23 AM
Seems we're in the minority - my husband doesn't know and I don't think he'd approve. That makes me feel guilty about being on here, like it's wrong, dirty, what have you. Working on getting over that hang-up and once I feel comfortable in my own skin maybe I can include him.
Anyone else been in this situation?
04-11-2004, 10:10 PM
The Mr. and I are both members, and he was the one that encouraged me to post my pictures. It's something we share and enjoy greatly--new friends, new excitements in the bedroom, the photoshoots. It's been a boon for our sex life like you wouldn't believe. We're interested in what the other does here, but more conversationally than in a tabs-keeping manner. We find it highly amusing when we comment on someone's thread and find the other's already been there. Similar tastes, I guess. :) I can't imagine keeping it a secret--it would be a full-time job because I learn so much here, have made friends here, (spend so much time here! :p )--so I'm glad I don't have to.
04-11-2004, 11:22 PM
I have a couple of online communities. Hubby knows that one of them is a sex-site-type. It's really not his "thing". I pretty much only come here when he's not around, more from not being able to stand someone over my shoulder when I'm message-boarding than to hide it from him. That's true of most of my computer time, though, and not just about pixie's. Unless he's got something else occupying his time, I tend to try and hang out with him and the baby over being online :)
04-12-2004, 04:03 AM
I am unattached. *offers card*
Have penis and video camera. Can travel.
04-12-2004, 10:50 PM
I just recently found this site, so it's safe to say my hubby doesn't know. (None of you "seem" like him, anyway. lol) And, I think, with this name I couldn't tell him about my involvement with Pixies. :o Maybe I could tell him that I've just been reading the stories and peeking at the board? lol
~Wifey :heart:
The Mrs. does not know. If she did... well... I probably would not be coming here anymore. :(
04-13-2004, 05:07 PM answers slightly more complicated. My bf knows there IS a site I'm playing at...and he's cool with it provided I obey the ground rules ;). But he doesn't know which one and doesn't want to.
So it's not really a secret, just a sort of kind of secret.
04-13-2004, 11:59 PM
My hubby knows and sometimes will even ask me to sign on so we can look around and other places online :heart: And just recently he has told me that if I want to start posting pictures he would help me. He also said he didn't want my playful side to go away either. Needless to say I have quite the open marriage and I just love it. I think my husband loves it that may just be because this valentine's day (among many other exciting and wonderful things he got from me) a big package filled with girl on girl porn and tons of toys came to the door with his name on it..teehee :hot: :heart: :hot: I love playtime :slurp:
Oh have I gotten off the yes he knows :)
04-14-2004, 01:34 AM
*Shows other card*
Free trial. Batteries not required.
04-14-2004, 07:19 AM
My SO knows about Pixies and has heard some of the funnier bits,
but still knows only a small part.
04-14-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Oldfart
My SO knows about Pixies and has heard some of the funnier bits,
but still knows only a small part.
She knows you had a torrid liason with some wild woman when you came to the states right?????
06-09-2004, 12:43 AM
06-09-2004, 02:16 AM
Obviously my other half knows about Pixies - it's how we met!
In fact we often sit and 'perve' together, which often sparks animated discussion about members or their posts. I often run my posts by him, so he can give me a more balanced view on them.....I'm usually saying 'Is this too harsh?' when I'm saying something contraversial.
06-09-2004, 06:13 AM
wyndhy...glad you decided to 'fess up :)
I wish I could get up the guts to do the same! Take it from being just some sex stories site I visit, to pixies-place, the forum about all things sexual. But how to bring it up after being involved here for almost 3 years? There are times when I think it would be wonderful to have him share this place with me...but other times when I want to keep this my escape.
06-09-2004, 10:59 AM
shhssssss my wife will here you.
06-09-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Curious gal
Seems we're in the minority - my husband doesn't know and I don't think he'd approve. That makes me feel guilty about being on here, like it's wrong, dirty, what have you. Working on getting over that hang-up and once I feel comfortable in my own skin maybe I can include him.
Anyone else been in this situation?
I, Curious gal, am in the same situation except I live in Wash. People are drawn to these boards for many reasons. I was drawn here for a very basic reason. This is my sexuality. The sex I have at home is as frequent as leap year and about as enjoyable as sawdust sprinked pancakes.
I originally came to Pixies to express my sexuality, to reveal my urges, to speak my desires, and to have fantasy cyber sex with real women who actually enjoy sex themselves. Now that I have been here for a few weeks and am just starting to make individual connections with Pixie people, I still thrive on the flirting and fantasy sex, but I'm beginning to care about the people as well. This world is both a little familiar to me and a lot different.
There is just nothing like having come of age in the 60's: early rock and roll, drugs far less dangerous than those out there today, rock festivals, flower power, bell bottoms, black lights, and free love. The sex as great, free, and hot as ever. But I doubt that we would have chatted about it on the internet if we could have the way the younger people talk here about sex. It's like, we opened the doors wide for self-expression and freedom but didn't walk very far into that new world. The people at Pixies were born in the new world we opened up, and know this world far more than we oldtimes who first discovered it.
"Will you shut him up?" "He does go on and on, dosn't he." "Like he knows what he's talking about too." "Ya, he's something alright."
Curious gal, you, me, everyone else...we a doing nothing wrong. We have nothing to feel guilty about. We are not doing anything dirty. (Well, sometimes, but in clean way.) Guilt, worry, shame, fear: that stuff is dead and buried in the 50's.
We just be having fun man. Far out. (If you feel a connection, write me, PM me, IM me, hard-drive me, ya, modem me with you ISP baby just where I like it.) You know what I mean.
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