View Full Version : Ugh, head hurts

04-05-2004, 01:22 PM
I think I desperatly need a dental visit. I think I've been grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw tightly when I sleep. I took a brief nap earlier today, and my head is just pounding now, and my jaw hurts bad. :(

...counts down the days until taxes come

04-05-2004, 01:50 PM
Completely understand where you are coming from...feel like that everyday! Yuck!

04-05-2004, 02:03 PM
It totally blows, doesn't it?

04-05-2004, 02:16 PM
Could be caused by lack of sex...well maybe that is just what I blame headaches on


04-05-2004, 02:20 PM
I was about 15 when I was diagnosed with TMJ. Prior to that, the doctors didn't really know what was wrong with me. They just knew that I had a migrane headache that had gone on every day for about 3 months. I was eating prescription strength tylenol like they were sweet tarts. I had CAT scans, heart checks, pretty much everything. I was down to 2 choices. See a psychologist or a dentist. I chose the dentist and he got me fixed up. Trust me, I completely understand what you are going through.

Let me try one piece of short term advice until you can see someone.... Go to the store and buy cotton rolls. They are what the dentists use in your cheeks when doing work on your mouth. slip 1 on each side of your mouth between your upper and lower jaw. That allowed my jaw to relax and my headaches to considerably subside until he could get me my mouthpiece.

Good luck to you! *HUGS*

04-05-2004, 02:27 PM
Just picked mine up and slept with it for the first time last night. Leth than sexthy I'm afthaid

04-05-2004, 04:42 PM
I’m so sorry to hear you are having problems Gilly. :( I can only offer something to maybe take your mind off of it a little.:)

You are NOT waiting for your taxes. You are waiting for YOUR MONEY! THEY have YOUR MONEY for whatever tax they feel they want to take from you. They are taking it out of YOUR MONEY that YOU earned and never got because they TOOK it from your employer because they are not allowed to give YOUR MONEY to YOU. As Cobalt mentioned in the other thread, they have had YOUR MONEY, interest free, and without any penalty for taking too much or keeping it for longer than they have a right too.:rolleyes:

If you still want to get your mind off your dental problem, get a few rolls of pennies and your last paystub. (Actually do it! Don’t just write down some numbers or try to visualize it in your head ;)) Using a penny for each dollar, just make a pile equal to your gross income for the work you’ve done. Then make a separate pile from that, of the money you actually received. Look at YOUR money!

04-05-2004, 05:01 PM
-chuckles- Yes, yes, I realize the Govn't get's my money for free. And we have looked at it. We could do it the opposite way, and not recieve anything back at the end of the year. All we'd have to do is start claiming the kids through the year, so they'd take less in taxes.

However, an extra $20 every two weeks on a fairly tight budget means what? Being able to splurge on a pizza? We don't make enough to put it into savings. It'd just be gone a week later when we ran out of diapers.

However, letting the government keep it, well, it adds up to being able to get the kids a new set of bunk beds this year, new mattresses for those bunk beds, a new toddler bed and mattress for Gilly, a freezer for the garage so we can do more stocking up on food, dentist visits for all of us, car repairs that are despretly needed, and two new computers. All this with money to spare.

So, yeah, I do realize we let the government use our money, but they spend it better than we would, and we get it back anyway. ;)

04-05-2004, 05:43 PM
....but they spend it better than we would, .....
OMFG! :eek:
... and I loved you.:(

;) lol

04-05-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by PantyFanatic
OMFG! :eek:
... and I loved you.:(

;) lol


04-05-2004, 11:03 PM

04-06-2004, 03:50 AM
Gilly I'm sorry to hear you are in pain, lemme suggest something that the dentist told me about when my kids were grinding their teeth (so loud at night they woke me up, which is pretty hard grinding), go to a department store to the sports section and get a mouth guard that football players, wrestlers, etc wear. It's plastic and just a couple of dollars. Cut the part off that hooks to a helmet of course. Get a pot of water boiling and dip, very quickly, this mouthpiece in the hot water to soften it up then put it in your mouth and bite down. This will adjust it to fit your mouth. Wearing this when you sleep might help and is a lot cheaper than a mouthguard from the dentist. Hope this helps. :)

04-06-2004, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by TinTennessee
Cut the part off that hooks to a helmet of course.

But that's the part my wife uses to drag me around the mall behind her. :confused: