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View Full Version : the new inquisition

04-05-2004, 10:12 AM
(London) A move to add sexuality to the list of categories protected by the United Nations has been dropped in the midst of intense pressure from the Vatican and Muslim nations.

It is the second year in a row that the motion has been withdrawn at the Geneva-based UN Commission on Human Rights. The proposal had been put forward by Brazil and supported by Canada and most of the European Union states.

Brazil dropped the motion when it became clear the Vatican and Arab countries led by Egypt would not let it pass.

One member of the European Parliament called the opposition "The Unholy Axis".

“Millions of people across the globe face imprisonment, torture, violence, and discrimination because of their sexual orientation,” said MEP Michael Cashman, who is gay.

“For the second year running the UN has failed to condemn this discrimination and the continuing abuses of human rights on the basis of a person’s sexuality.

“Both the Vatican and the Conference of Islamic States should hang their heads in shame for having reduced their beliefs to the gutter of bigotry and discrimination,” said Cashman, an actor before he turned to politics.

The same "axis" is attempting in New York to revoke an executive order by Secretary General Kofi Annan that would provide the same-sex partners of UN workers the same benefits as married couples if their home countries approve.

by 365Gay.com News centre Staff, ©365Gay.com® 2004
the pope and his gang of homophobes have used the church to further there own political ideas


04-05-2004, 10:18 AM

Whoda thunk it? Politics does indeed make for strange bedfellows.