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View Full Version : Forest fires

04-01-2004, 07:42 PM
Here we go again, except this time were a couple of months early. Forest fires a raging near fort collins. Let's pray for rain and hope that the drought will ease its grip. I dont know how many of you have ever fought a forest fire, but i have and i never want to do it again. Twice it two many times. I dont know maybe a pixies rain dance is in order. The weather here has been in the 70''s and 80' s for over two weeks. There goes the snow in the mountains and our drinking water is evaporating, instead of running off like it should. i wished this was a april fools joke but its not. Anyway my thoughts are with the fire crews on the lines and the folks that have and stand to lose there homes.

04-01-2004, 08:17 PM
Sounds like Oz mate.....my sympathies

Could use a bit of rain here too (quite a bit)