View Full Version : Truthfully... (for ladies especially, but guys too)

03-18-2004, 08:15 PM
Since Pixies is a wonderful place to express and share one's own sexuality, I wonder... how often are your answers... well... "liberal"?

Since everyone here is, in general, horny while they're here, are answers given to questions generally really accurate? Or perhaps "fed" by how you're feeling when you're browsing these forums?

Especially from us ladies, who can at times be a bit of a "tease" ;)

Seriously though... like, when questions are asked, "how much do you masturbate?" and you say "every day" or more, are you being honest?

Or big ones for the guys, when women are asked if they like anal, or swallowing, and many here do, but is everyone being totally truthfull? Or just a little more, a little bit of a tease?

Don't get me wrong... I'm surely not calling anyone a liar :)

Just wondering if your answers are ever "jaded", or they're 100% how you feel/what you do, even when you're NOT on Pixies forums?

These types of questions have been asked a million times, but I wonder... do you REALLY love getting your ass pounded? Do you REALLY masturbate as much as you say? Do you REALLY enjoy swallowing cum?

I'm sure there are others who wonder sometimes too, so I just figured I'd put it "out there" and see just how accurate people's responses are... that's all :)

03-18-2004, 08:25 PM
I have wondered the same thing!!!!!

For me I answer truthfully here as I do in life away from here. The way I am here is the way I am anywhere else.

Midnight Kiss
03-18-2004, 08:30 PM
I will admit I am a little slow to warm up in "real life" but if I say I like or don't like or I will do or will not do something here at pixies you can rest assured that the answer is the same in every other part of my life.

03-18-2004, 08:38 PM
My answers are liberal as am I. I'm not conservative in regards to anything I am passionate about.

03-18-2004, 08:48 PM
My posts are honest

03-18-2004, 09:03 PM
My posts are always honest if anywhere we should be able to be ourselves and be truthful here at Pixies :D

03-18-2004, 09:04 PM
I don't see why one would lie on here. Pretty pointless if you ask me.
Of course it's a little easier to open up in a place like this, but my views ARE my views and my answers won't change regardless of where I'm asked.

03-18-2004, 09:12 PM
My answers here are truthful... those who know me best in my everyday life would not be a bit surprised to read anything I have written here (tho I imagine there are a few exceptions, things I haven't directly shared with them).

I am as flirtatious.. and sexually open here as I am in real life... my friends.. and their spouses.. all know that I am the wild one.. LOL.. and believe me.. they have come to that conclusion with plenty of examples. LOL

03-18-2004, 09:44 PM
I just got my computer back from the shop,so I'm a little late on
this.I have always said that the only people,that you really have
to satisfy,is the person,that looks back from the mirror!Therefore,
what I say,is exactly,how I feel.If people don't like,the way that I
am,too bad,I always say the way that I feel.If I think that it will
hurt someones feelings,personally,I just don't reply! Irish

03-18-2004, 09:44 PM
Guess what? I'm a tease in real life too.
I just find it incredibly sexy! And I love to be sexy.:)
As far as the answers goes...... I have no reason to butter it up so to speak. I'm just me!:) so, no I don't stretch the truth.
I love giving head and hell yeah I swallow!
I love anal.....especially with a vibe in my puss.;)
I ride cowgirl style..(my specialty):D
lets say every other day on the orgasms. some days it's 3 or 4 times. Depends on whether someone is talking sexy to me.
I love women too..... love having my pussy eaten! MMMMMMM!;)
And I really enjoy threesomes. I want everyone to have a good time!:) :slurp:

03-18-2004, 09:48 PM
I tend to be more reserved in "real Life" until I warm up to a person, but everything I've said here at Pixies is truthful.

03-18-2004, 10:18 PM
I am who I am both here and in real life. I have no reason to be someone I'm not.

03-18-2004, 10:27 PM
I play it straight.

03-18-2004, 10:32 PM
LOL...I doubt very seriously that someone is going to come along and post that they are dishonest and so a thread about being honest is not going to really cure your skepticism is it???

03-18-2004, 10:50 PM
the only thing that i'm not included in this group you will find at the left of this post, but otherwise i'm honest here and in real life, life isn't worth living if you hide all that you do

03-18-2004, 10:53 PM
Oh, did I forget to tell you that my av is not a home picture?

03-18-2004, 10:56 PM
LMAO @ Denny....:D

03-18-2004, 11:42 PM
I am probably more honest here than in real life, because in RL I just think a lot of these things, rather than say them aloud. If I thought my audience could handle it, I'd say it right to them, but I'm not up for dealing with the parochialism of the general populace on a constant basis. I'm pleased to be able to come to a place where I can say what I like and not have to worry.

03-19-2004, 03:20 AM
I don't make it a habit to lie in any aspect of my life - there's no point in leading people to believe you're something you're not.

After all, if on Pixies, I'd lied about my sexual tastes, I'd have been up shit creek when Fussy and I eventually met up in r/l, wouldn't I?

And if someone did exagerate on here, why would they do it? To gain popularity with the opposite sex? What's the point in being popular, if it isn't really you, but a fictional person created online?

03-19-2004, 04:33 AM
I don't lie at Pixies. Not much point. Generally you don't know other Pixies addresses or real names, so there's not much reason to lie.

AZRedHot made a good point, I'm probably more careful in real life to hedge what I say regarding sex and things sexual.

03-19-2004, 04:51 AM
I'm truthful :)

I don't post that a person is sexy, or whatever unless I really do think they are.

03-19-2004, 01:08 PM
I think cowgirl is the only one who quite understood my point, and maybe a couple of others kinda got it.

It's not about being "dishonest", nor about anyone "lying", as was state quite clearly.

It was simply a question asking if anyone ever takes just a little liberty with the truth, since everything is about sex, and it can be easy to be sucked into being a little "liberal" (in the sense of "buttering up") with your responses.

There would be nothing wrong in admitting that, becuase it doesn't make anyone a liar.

The whole point of this post seems to have been lost on most... oh well.

03-19-2004, 01:26 PM
I knew exactly what you meant and I still stand by my answer. I am liberal in that I am extremely open sexually. I am also and extremely dominant woman, here, home 24/7. Do I have a stable of boy slaves??? No....would I know what to do with them if I did???....absofuckinglutely.

03-19-2004, 01:44 PM
ROFLMAO...Lilith...sign me up as a boy slave....

03-19-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by hornybigirl
I think cowgirl is the only one who quite understood my point, and maybe a couple of others kinda got it.

It's not about being "dishonest", nor about anyone "lying", as was state quite clearly.

It was simply a question asking if anyone ever takes just a little liberty with the truth, since everything is about sex, and it can be easy to be sucked into being a little "liberal" (in the sense of "buttering up") with your responses.

There would be nothing wrong in admitting that, becuase it doesn't make anyone a liar.

The whole point of this post seems to have been lost on most... oh well.

Like Lilith, I knew exactly what you meant too.

But exagerating or misrepresenting oneself IS lying, and if you don't think it is, you're kidding yourself.

03-19-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by cowgirltease
Guess what? I'm a tease in real life too.
I just find it incredibly sexy! And I love to be sexy.:)
As far as the answers goes...... I have no reason to butter it up so to speak. I'm just me!:) so, no I don't stretch the truth.
I love giving head and hell yeah I swallow!
I love anal.....especially with a vibe in my puss.;)
I ride cowgirl style..(my specialty):D
lets say every other day on the orgasms. some days it's 3 or 4 times. Depends on whether someone is talking sexy to me.
I love women too..... love having my pussy eaten! MMMMMMM!;)
And I really enjoy threesomes. I want everyone to have a good time!:) :slurp:

oh my god i would love to get some of that!

Teddy Bear
03-20-2004, 10:33 AM

"dishonest", "lying", "taking just a little liberty with the truth", "being a little liberal", and "buttering up".... all mean about the same thing. And no offense to CGT, but we all 'got it', she just put different words to it.

What about yourself? Can we believe what we read from you or is some of it 'buttering up'? If it is..... why?

03-20-2004, 11:15 AM
Not much is changed since last time I answered this question……. I’m happy to say.:D


03-20-2004, 11:23 AM
Hmmm...I tend to be a bit more reserved in everyday life...in fact, sex rarely comes up. :(

BUT....I am the open-minded person you see here once I decide I can trust you...and ALWAYS in my own home (and the occasional hotel room whilst traveling :D )

03-20-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Teddy Bear

"dishonest", "lying", "taking just a little liberty with the truth", "being a little liberal", and "buttering up".... all mean about the same thing. And no offense to CGT, but we all 'got it', she just put different words to it.

What about yourself? Can we believe what we read from you or is some of it 'buttering up'? If it is..... why?

None taken my dear.:)

03-20-2004, 10:38 PM
I would expect people to be more liberal when they're "here and horny" than when they're in bed with the flu. I know that's not your point exactly, but who can tell, really? Lets just say that I'm the person I want to be. Why would I come to a place like this to lie to myself about the sex I like, or women I love? I can't gain anything by it, other than creating a phoney impression of myself. If you can write an interesting piece of fiction about a fantasy you would never think of indulging in, does that make you more liberal in this sense? I don't have an answer for that.

03-21-2004, 05:57 AM
i understand what u mean hornybigirl. sometimes i wonder about the same thing. but i think that the people are here because they like this stuff. u know. the people who do not like all this naughty stuff just are not here.
for me, i love lickin' pussy, suckin'dick, yes, i swallow - not always, but i like it. i love anal sex - on the giving or the receiving end. i love to masutrbate, sometimes more than once a day. much more. ;)
i love pixies and i especially love saying this:

03-21-2004, 06:20 AM
Understood what you meant...and still say i'm honest...and i talk about sex all the time in real life...i have no problem discussing it...its a natural thing

03-21-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
I knew exactly what you meant and I still stand by my answer. I am liberal in that I am extremely open sexually. I am also and extremely dominant woman, here, home 24/7. Do I have a stable of boy slaves??? No....would I know what to do with them if I did???....absofuckinglutely.

I want boy slaves, too! Can I have any of your leftovers, Lil?

03-21-2004, 03:14 PM
Personally, I would think that people would tend to be more open and honest here than in real life.

03-24-2004, 12:22 AM
I think being open and honest here is very liberating. I think that's what attracts most people to Pixies. What I think Hornybigirl is asking is if being horny affects your posts or point of view at that moment? I'd have to answer yes, it makes me even MORE honest and open than I would normally be. If I don't want to reveal something, then I don't. Otherwise, I let it all hang out (so to speak...lol).

03-24-2004, 12:40 AM
I agree, I'm more open here than I can be in my real life.

Which raises the question of which is real, the life that I live most of the time with the little lies and concealments or the life I live briefly and anonymously, but openly?

03-24-2004, 12:58 AM
What I think Hornybigirl is asking is if being horny affects your posts or point of view at that moment?

Yeah, I think that's exactly what she meant.

And I guess sometimes, yeah... but like you said, it is still the truth... just the extreme, fullest truth that you probably wouldn't tell anyone else in real life most of the time :)

03-25-2004, 12:33 PM
II have nothing to hide, eccept my phone # and maybe my front door, but otherwise I am as honest as is possible.

03-25-2004, 03:24 PM
I think folks here "got" your question....and I think Lilith's right. Take people here on faith, or assume they're exagerating, either one. Because the truth tellers won't change their story, and any lyers (if any) will keep on telling woppers ;).

But for what it's worth, I'll take my stab at your question. I have no reason to fib here....what I show is very much me. Hell, not everything I've said here is bragging or beautiful ;). This certainly is not the part of me that my co-workers or my students get...but I think we always show different facets of ourselves depending on the situation. But what I do, what I want, what I like...it's all as advertised here. Although, apart from my love of casual flirting, you'd never know it if you met me at a dinner party. I'm not sure if you consider that lying or not....I know that I don't.