View Full Version : :o Best Mate o:

03-09-2004, 10:07 AM
Have you every fantasized about getting freak nasty with a friend of your S/O??? I have a mad crush on this lovely man from New Zealand who just happens to be Mr. Lil's best friend. Now Mr. Lil is not a social butterfly, very quiet and shy til you get to know him (or share a time-share with him;)) and this is his best guy friend. So I don't want to mess anything up for him.

Here's the situation...I have been using his PO Box, that we manage, along with all his US paperwork and finances. Well to be truthful Lilith has been using it :p sooooooooo he is back in the US and coming to dinner and to get the key to the PO box. OK so now I have to make some decisions.....

1) Tell him about me using the box as Lilith???? I don't wanna miss any sexy mail...

2) How much about Lilith should I tell him? About moderating a sex forum?

3) Or should I not say anything and see if he asks why he is getting mail for Lilith D. Bitch ????

I am not ashamed of being Lilith or of anything I have done as Lilith but I used his PO to keep my family safe. Too many records are available online and I have had identity issues and threatening emails due to site situations so I used his PO box.

Right now I can't read him enough to know if he will be shocked or turned on, I just don't want it to have a negative impact on thier relationship. Do guys work like that???

03-09-2004, 10:18 AM
Well my dear lady, your gonna do one of 2 things, scare the hell out of him or fascinate him.... If its the later, look out he just may have been fantasizing about you too.... Most of the people I know from down under are very open minded... so I would assume he is too.... In saying that be careful what you wish for.

03-09-2004, 10:32 AM
What having_fun said.

03-09-2004, 11:56 AM
Tough call Lil.

But I think you should get your own PO box and have all mail redirected there...asap.

Good friendships are not worth losing.

03-09-2004, 12:34 PM
It sounds like regardless of the friend issue, you need an alternative location for my...oops, I meant some kooky stalker's letters to land as opposed to your happy homestead. Diva's got the answer.

Now as far as this guy...some letters might get through. Let's face it, nothing with the word Federal in it's description is 100% efficient. You could tell him that every once in awhile you get some crazy correspondence for what appears to be a sexy bitch and that you used to read it for ha ha's but now just toss in the garbage whenever you see it. I'm sure he'd read anything that finds it's way in there and he'll probably bring it up with you and Mr. Lil in a joking way. You can gauge his responses and figure out whether or not you need or want to spill your guts.

Either that or get him a different PO Box and try to convince him that he's crazy...it's been that one all along. ha ha

03-09-2004, 12:49 PM
Oh my God,It never occured to me that you could be receiving threatening mail.The need to protect family members is important.I would take Mr.Lil's friend aside and tell him you have been using his p/o box for personal use and if he wants to know more,explaine as much as you can to him.Then get your own p/o box.Go simply by the name "Lilith". It is so much classier. All I can say is,that if I were this guy,I would be intrigued and a little more that mildly turned on and very discrete about it.

03-09-2004, 01:19 PM
i agree to tell him about the box but keep it simple. i wuddnt go into more detail than ur online friends get the box to mail to cuz u dont want freaky stalker ppl to haunt ur home and dont feel ur real name is their buisness so u tell then to go w lillith. i doubt he needs to know any more. and as for the crush . well i say if it was me id keep it as just a secret crush that way u can have ur fantasys .the real thing might be disapointing and then ud have to go and find another crush. all to much work for me! ehheheheheheheh


03-09-2004, 02:28 PM
Thanks every one I knew I could count on you all to get me straight!

03-09-2004, 03:19 PM
I'm stumped here Lil! If this guy is Mr. Lil's best friend.....and Mr. Lil knows all about you as Lilith, a moderator at Pixies.......

Oh wait! Um.....this is a stickier (pardon the pun) situation than I had thought when I started typing!

Maybe Mr. Lil never told this friend about you and Pixies. OK....that said (and assuming it is correct).....I think I would have this conversation with Mr. Lil first and ask him just how much he wants his bud to know about you as Lilith. There are bound to be questions from this guy.......like...."what site are you a moderator on?"...."do you post pictures too?".....ya know, stuff like that! You can just brush him off with..."oh...it's just a site I moderate from time to time....nothing special", if you and/or Mr. Lil doesn't want to divulge all about it.....but there are bound to be questions!

From what I can gather from your post......Mr. Lil doesn't know you've been receiving mail at said friends P.O. box....eh? If so....the plot thickens!!! *dastardly laugh*

Um.....well.....I would just tell this friend that I was a mod at a site and I needed a temporary P.O. box and since he was away you thought he wouldn't mind you usuing his and you would appreciate if he would let you know if you continue to receive any mail in the name "Lilith" (your moderator nick) till you can avert it to another P.O. box. Then......GET ANOTHER P.O. BOX.....ASAP!!!!!

Now.....need I say.......keep us informed? LOL!

Loads of luck on whatever you choose to do!

Hmmmmmmmm........this sure is a thinker!

03-09-2004, 03:28 PM
Oh Mr. Lil was the one checking the mail so he knows.....I hide nothing * cringes waiting for lighteneing* ok so I hide very little:p

His friend has been in NZ for over a year and no Mr. Lil tells no one his wife is naked on the web.

I think I will give as little info as I have to unless he looks as sexy as he did the last time he came over ;)

03-09-2004, 03:29 PM
Oh and I think I will get a new PO.

03-09-2004, 04:00 PM
Lilith~ I think that you are making all the right choices...

Be honest with Mr. Lil and tell others only as much as they are willing to hear.

Hay did you know my daughters middle name is Lilith (I've always loved the name!)

03-09-2004, 04:09 PM
Lmao been there done it got the t shit got the badge etc !

03-09-2004, 04:11 PM
Soon it will be mine too!

03-09-2004, 06:03 PM
Lilith have you thought about Mr. Lil's freind getting the new PO Box #. With you useing the old PO#. This way he will not inadvertanly get any mail for Lilith D. Bitch.

Just my 2cents worth

03-09-2004, 11:01 PM
The sweet man suggested I still use it. We had a lovely evening catching up on old times. He was not too shocked but I also did not divulge too much.

03-09-2004, 11:55 PM
I am glad you got that out of the way. Was her turned on in anyway, or want to spank you? :spank: Detail, I want details!!


03-10-2004, 12:00 AM
He seemed slightly interested for a second and then just dismissed it all. Either I'm not as charming as I like to believe or he is a really good friend to Mr. Lil. I don't think he is attracted to me. I'm his best friend's wife, off limits I suppose. Morals/honor/loyalty...damn them all.

03-10-2004, 12:02 AM
Yep damn them all...to bad all the world can't think like us...

03-10-2004, 12:03 AM
Well that might be boring too...:mad:

03-10-2004, 05:09 AM
Glad it worked out for you, Lilith.

03-13-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
I'm his best friend's wife, off limits I suppose. Morals/honor/loyalty...damn them all.

Hehehe...you are definitely "off limits" in this situation.

A good friend of mine has the hottest wife...she wore a "very mini" skirt once when I came over to watch football with him. It seemed like whenever my buddy wasn't looking that I got a peek at her panties. Believe me, I thought about how nice it would be to give her a good fucking right over the kitchen table. But I quickly came to my senses...way WAY too dangerous.

Back to life, back to re-al-i-ty... :p

Now you Lil, you would definitely be "in bounds" as I am not friends with Mr Lil... :D ;)


03-13-2004, 06:24 PM
maybe his "disinterest" was a cover for how interested he is but knows it is not appropriate so pushing it away. It's a nice thought. (he finds you attractive, but is a truly great friend ... best of both worlds) Glad it worked out so well. :D

03-13-2004, 11:03 PM
God...I think that because it's so wrong it seems so...well right! Some of my best fantasies have been about my husbands friends. In fact my husband still teases me about certain ones if he mentions them and I get a strange look on my face. (or so he says I do) :o :D