View Full Version : Can U Believe this??
09-24-2001, 05:35 AM
What?? Believe what TDK???? :D
sorry, i try to post the remaini part of this post but it went down so i couldnt post
heres the rest of it
can u believe this??
email from Micky, a person on this board sent email saying:
--- Michele Thomas <
[email protected]>
> wrote:
>Hey slow down there my toothpicked dick man.
>Nothing wrong with being small like you a
>matter of fact theres a lot of bugs looking to hole up
>for the winter....get it needle dick the bug
>I do not need 50 inches my short peckered
>friend.........I am happy with 10 or more and my pussy
>is tight......I bet even you could make me cum.its
>that tight..........xoxoxoxoxo
thanks for making someone feel good......nice to know ppl feel this way about guys with under average cocks...
there is always a rotten apple in the barrel isnt there???
thanks for the confidence booster....:confused:
09-24-2001, 02:23 PM
Hey man you cant let one moron ruin your fun times on here, From reading the quotes, you can tell it's a guy writing it, and just prepending to be a female on here, and i am guessing his dick is smaller than just about anyones here. So go ahead and show the girls what they like and dont worry about the morons
09-24-2001, 07:35 PM
I am so sorry TDK about this FELLOW MEMBER bothering you.
To say something rude in a post is uncalled for, but to take it one step further and email you..damn the nerve of some people!!
Well this new member is certainly making an ASS out of themselves!! And personally, we don't need members like that here at Pixies!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
As for you TDK.. there is nothing wrong with your penis. And I hope that you don't let this bother you!! She can go have her 10 inches....but let me tell you..10 inches ain't everything!! I have a USELESS 10 inches at HOME!!! :D
So I would much rather have a USEFULL 6 inches!! :D ;)
Thanks Diva :)
ur the only female that really seems to care about every1 on here, im not saying others dont, but u really show it that u care :)
thanks Diva and Mikey:)
09-24-2001, 07:46 PM
Awwwe... thanks (((TDK)))
We are all a big happy family here...and I care what happens to my family!! :D
Now if I could get my hand on that family member....I would certainly take away it's Pixie priveledges!!!!
09-24-2001, 08:06 PM
I agree with LoveDiva...being rude to fellow Pixie people is very uncalled for....
Everyone is different in there likes and dislikes...which is fine...but why go out of your way to hurt someones feelings...i just dont see the point....
I've always found Pixies to be a friendly place...i certainly hope it stays that way
If you got nothing nice to say then dont say anything at all:(
09-24-2001, 09:00 PM
i'm sorry you got knocked my friend, i hope i don't offend any ladies on here, but only a stupid cunt would say something like that. for awhile i thought i was below average until i started to get compliments on here and it really raised my self-esteem, thank you ladies for helping me out.
09-24-2001, 09:52 PM
TDK, i would wrap my hot lips around your cock any day of the week!!!
Do not let some idiot deprive the rest of us from looking at your ausome pics :D
09-25-2001, 01:24 PM
TDK just send me their username and I'll delete their account. I really wont tolerate people having ago at others here!
09-25-2001, 08:17 PM
Looks like whoever wrote that (letter) Is getting hammered pretty good and rightly so. hang in there TDK. I haven't gotten up the nerve to send any pics yet. I figure any one that sends in pics doesn't deserve to be ridiculed. I'll bet this *person* isn't secure enough to pics either.:mad:
09-25-2001, 08:19 PM
Looks like who wrote that (letter). Is getting hammered pretty good and rightly so. hang in there TDK. I haven't gotten up the nerve to send any pics yet. I figure any one that sends in pics doesn't deserve to be ridiculed. I'll bet this *person* isn't secure enough to post pics either.:mad:
09-25-2001, 09:53 PM
I am very pleased at your decision! You go girl!
Sorry you had to go through that from that "Former" member. You have nothing to be ashamed of!! Be proud of what you have!!
I also have to agree with you, about Lovediva caring about everyone on here. She shows it time and time again.
~~I really hope there is a message in here to all members. Like others have said before, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all!" .....or Kim will delete your account! :)~~
09-25-2001, 11:16 PM
It's a totally different thing to disagree, perhaps even strongly,
with someone here. You should even be allowed to say it.
What we should not have to put up with is the sort of
abuse TDK was hit with.
My 10.4 cents (5 cents US).
09-26-2001, 12:31 AM
We R like one big family here, and the women on her look out for the family, [how maternal of em]. Don't get me wrong the men here rule too, but the women r extra caring i find. Way to go girls...and men let's show em we can care too. Lets keep up the good work.
09-26-2001, 10:59 AM
If you are comfortable with who you are who cares what one person has to say about you? You have the rest of us here at Pix that back you 100%!!
09-26-2001, 06:37 PM
Amen, sister. We got your back TDK:)
Thank you all, im glad i have all of ur support.....this has ment so much to me :) and u all ahve my full support when things goes bad
Thanks again all :)
Pussy Willow
09-27-2001, 07:19 PM
I'm so sorry this had to happen to you TDK.
I think most of the guys here at Pixies are really decent guys and
that's something you can't fake for long as the a*&^%$e who
e-mailed you has just proven...............................
As previously discussed, it's the entire package that counts,
and I'll echo Diva's sentiments........I'd rather have a useful,
decent 6 in than a useless, insensitive 10 in. ANY DAY !!!!!!
Please add me to those in your corner. I think it's appallling that
anyone could be so low !!!!!!!
WOW that is low and from a small mind.
I you DON'T have something nice to say DON'T say it!
That is what I was tought.
Looks like every body is watching out for every one.
The ladies here do rule and are wonderful
Hell every one here is, almost, but the bad ones Kim takes care of if they don't change.
And for sure it ain't the meat it is the motion and the the Pixies ladies have said so!
10-29-2001, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by TDK
sorry, i try to post the remaini part of this post but it went down so i couldnt post
heres the rest of it
can u believe this??
email from Micky, a person on this board sent email saying:
--- Michele Thomas <
[email protected]>
> wrote:
>Hey slow down there my toothpicked dick man.
>Nothing wrong with being small like you a
>matter of fact theres a lot of bugs looking to hole up
>for the winter....get it needle dick the bug
>I do not need 50 inches my short peckered
>friend.........I am happy with 10 or more and my pussy
>is tight......I bet even you could make me cum.its
>that tight..........xoxoxoxoxo
thanks for making someone feel good......nice to know ppl feel this way about guys with under average cocks...
there is always a rotten apple in the barrel isnt there???
thanks for the confidence booster....:confused:
I prefer smaller cocks anything over 5" is a waste plus it is more delicate when in ones mouth.
10-29-2001, 07:40 PM
interesting comment, pussygurl. I am just 6.5 inches (but wide) and my wife repeatedly says that she is glad it is not longer. When we were first dating I thought she was just being nice but then she explained why she felt the way she did. He answer was almost exactly the same as yours.
TDK, tell that rude bitch to kiss your ass. Who does she think she is?
10-29-2001, 09:59 PM
TDK don't pay any attention to this jerk who ever he or she may be. No One should ever put another down, that just shows their IQ level "O". On second thought that may be a little high.
There is a great bunch of people here at Pixies, Hang in there with you friends TDK,
celt guy
11-01-2001, 03:52 PM
TDK you had the guts to post it. Even most of regulars here cant claim that. If it takes 10 in to be normal, I'm glad to join the brotherhood of the small. I've had complaints in the past., but it hasn't been for lacking. I'm guessing you've found the same. Anyway only a BIG prick would take those kind of shots here.
way to go for taking them out.
11-02-2001, 08:30 AM
Ditto to Sharniqua and to most of the others.I also believe that if
you can't say anything nice about someone,don't say anything at
all.One of the things that;drew me,to pixies,was that like the old
motorcycle lifestyle--everyone stood up for the others and were
loyal to each other. Irish
06-03-2004, 04:33 PM
check out the date of the first post, Pixies family stick together.
06-03-2004, 07:45 PM
I came to this thread after reading the responses to Naughtyangel's request for positive vibes.It just goes to show,Pixie people are great.Lots of love for one another.
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