View Full Version : Uncut?
Cute Molls
02-16-2004, 02:09 PM
Allright I've been hangin out here for acouple of weeks and I keep seeing the phrase uncut. Now I hope I don't sound stupid when I ask but what's the diffrence between a cut and uncut penis? can you tell a diffrece by just looking at it? does it feel any diffrent?
02-16-2004, 02:46 PM
Molls, a "cut" penis means that it's been circumcised. "Uncut" means it's not been circumcised. I've been with both, and I can't feel any difference, it all feels incredible! They look different as an uncut penis has intact foreskin which covers the head.... but when it's erect, the foreskin slides back and the head peaks out. My man has alot of foreskin, so the head doesn't always come all the way out, but all men are different.
I hope this helps!
02-16-2004, 02:47 PM
Cute Molls,
Uncut & Cut = Uncircumcised & Circumcised
Cute Molls
02-16-2004, 03:28 PM
oh ok, so why are some Circumcised and some Uncircumcised
02-16-2004, 04:01 PM
Good question! I believe most poelpe who have their children circumcised do so due to religious, medical, cultural, or aesthetic beliefs.
02-16-2004, 04:46 PM
I foolishly had both of my sons cut so that they would look like each other and like their dad. Stupid I know, but I thought differently back then. My oldest son (married), says he's perfectly happy as he is. I just wish I'd given them a chance to choose for themselves.
02-16-2004, 04:51 PM
flutelady I too made that decision. I wrestled with it but was pushed by my socialization to conform. I am sure it is not the only motherhood guilt pang I will experience.
02-16-2004, 05:59 PM
Im glad it happened at birth and personally i think it just looks better.:) i would not EVEN wanna think about a scapple or scissors or anything else sharp beside maybe teeth down there:P
02-16-2004, 07:57 PM
Cute Molls,
There is no longer any national or international public health authority in the western world which advocates routine circumcision.
Religious and cultural beliefs continue to be powerful motivators for circumcision. Abraham ordered his followers to sacrifice the foreskin as evidence of their covenant (Gen. 17:12), but St. Paul asserted that Christians are freed from ritual circumcision (Gal 5:6). Jews and Muslims have largely continued to follow Abraham's directive. With Muslims, it is not mentioned in the Quran but is regarded as a tradition of the Prophet (hadith) and is customary.
Slow Ride
02-16-2004, 09:07 PM
Cute Molls........hi again ;)
I'm uncut and have never had any complaints*knocks on wood*
speaking of wood.......when erect,you can't really tell the difference
02-17-2004, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Slow Ride
Cute Molls........hi again ;)
I'm uncut and have never had any complaints*knocks on wood*
speaking of wood.......when erect,you can't really tell the difference
Not true. I'm still quite covered when erect.
02-17-2004, 11:06 AM
Uncircumcised are more prone to fungal infections. In some places in Africa, females are circumcised as well.
02-17-2004, 11:16 AM
slow ride is right, when erect you can't really tell the difference,
i'm an Uncut man, i guess there isn't any problems being uncircumsized, as long as you treat it like an ordinary body part keep it clean and there won't be any troubles
also i do have some pics in the men's forum if you care to take a peek
02-17-2004, 11:18 AM
I'll remember to never ever move to Africa.
Slow Ride
02-17-2004, 10:18 PM
when get erect,the shin pulls back nice and neat...........and I keep him clean and no uncut penis is more likely to get a infection ..IF he's not kept, my cockandballs get regular can enen cleaner if you shower with a friend ;)
02-18-2004, 05:48 AM
I have strong views on conducting a surgical procedure that is not medically indicated.
I pose the question, why would there be a foreskin if it was not meant to be there?
My ex wanted my son to be circumsized and I refused to allow it.
The only time that I ever would not give ground LOL. We discussed it at length and she finally acceded to let the status quo remain.
I have seen a circumcision done on a baby. They are too young to be given a full anaesthetic and only a topical one can be administered. The baby was distressed I can assure you and the penis would be sore till it healed.
The baby has no choice in the matter and once gone thats it. I would have preferred to have a foreskin but it was taken without my giving permission.
The reference to female circumcision in some African societies is actually not circumcision, ei, removing the hood around the clitoris, but removal of the clitoris itself. I have read articles on it and consider it to be a barbaric practise.
I refer you to this site to read about it
02-18-2004, 06:09 AM
I've always found it interesting that the majority of American guys I've encountered on Pixies and in porn etc seem to be circumcised, while the British guys I've encountered are not.
Funny how countries with similar ethnic/religious mixes can still end up with such cultural differences.....
02-18-2004, 12:29 PM
I agree with you that circumcision need not be propagated. We decided to not circumcise our son.
However, to respond to the question of why would there be a foreskin if it was not meant to be there, one must admit that, as it fails to perform any biologically active function, it may fall into the category of vestigial organ. I’m using the term "vestigial" in the sense of an organ which is no longer or not being used as it is in most other animals.
An example of such a structure is the pelvis of whales. All tetrapods (including whales) have pelvic bones. In most animals the pelvic bones are needed in order to be able to move the lower or rear set of limbs for the purpose of locomotion. In some species, such as whales, these limbs don't exist for the most part - although vestiges of them may remain. Despite this lack of any need for them, whales still have pelvic bones. They are quite small compared to their counterparts in other animals, but they exist.
Another example is the appendix. In humans, the appendix has little apparent function, although it may store some immune cells. However, the analogous organ in many other species does have obvious function. Moreover, the human appendix is positively disadvantageous in the sense that it is subject to nasty infections that can be fatal. The appendix is a vestigial organ since it does not serve a function like the homologous organs in other animals.
If you grant that vestigial organs exist, then if the foreskin is considered to be vestigial, the justification for the procedure becomes less difficult to defend.
02-18-2004, 02:57 PM
a very well worded arguement jseal, foreskin does biologically fall into the catagory of vestigial organs. I think the choice to circumcise a male infant is the choice of the parents first and the male later in life. I can make an arguement for either side, and most or them pertain to social or religious reasons. However I knew a young man in high school who was uncircumcised until an accident with his zipper, which was very traumatic for him. We as parents of male children make the decision on a daily basis and it will always be a personal one.
02-18-2004, 03:39 PM
It is possible these days with skin graft to get it back if one so wished to.
02-18-2004, 06:16 PM
I'm not going to write it all again.The subject can be viewed in
previous threads.Sometimes(no matter,how clean,you keep it),
you HAVE to be circumcised,because of a medical rash.There is
even a medical name for this because it's so common.I wasn't
done until my 40s & believe me,if I had it to do over,if medical
conditions permitted,I would choose at birth.Contrary to popular
belief,there is NO difference,in the feeling of sensitivity.I know,I've
experienced it both ways. Irish
02-20-2004, 08:31 AM
On the topic of whether you can tell the difference when erect between cut and uncut - every guy's penis is different. Some have foreskin that covers the whole head even when erect, others have foreskin that peels back when the penis gets erect. And some have no foreskin at all. Personally, my foreskin covers most of the head when I'm erect, unless I pull it back.
02-20-2004, 01:43 PM
For the entire 9 months of my pregnancy I looked up information trying to make the decision on weather or not to circumcise my son. I eventually left it up to my husband who chose to do it since he himself is and as kids grow they look to their parents to compare themselves. We were so 50/50 on the subject that it was a hard decision. But kids are aware of their parents bodies and do in fact wonder about the differences. I remember when I was 3 and noticed my father had a penis. I went running crying to my mom yelling "daddy has a tail, daddy has a tail"! And my loving mother told that story to everyone for the longest time! In fact I'm sure if she was alive today she'd have already told my husband and be looking forward to the day when she could tell my children! :rolleyes: :D
02-22-2004, 08:14 AM
But what is it a vestige of?
The Coccyx, funnily so called Kissy, is the vestige of our tail.
I've said before that I am very attached to mine and enjoy the choice of retracting (as in my recent pic in post a pic of your cock here) or letting it hang.
02-22-2004, 11:41 AM
For those that don't know medical terms,the coccyx,is the bony
protusion,at the end of your spine!(above your a** hole) Irish
Tamer Brad
02-23-2004, 01:03 AM
I'm non-circumcised, and I can't imagine being circumcised...I think it would be so uncomfortable to have the glans constantly exposed.
Cute Molls
02-26-2004, 03:07 PM
thanks for all the info:)
02-27-2004, 03:45 AM
While we're on the subject of circumcision, I've got a question about masturbation.
I'm uncut, and when I masturbate i basically do so by sliding the skin and foreskin up and down along the shaft. If I were to try that with the foreskin pulled back, with my hands making direct contact with the head of my penis, I'd be very sore very quickly.
So my question is to guys who are circumcised: when you masturbate, do you have to use lube or something? Or are you so desensitized that you don't feel pain when rubbing the head directly?
Just wondering!
02-27-2004, 04:23 AM
That's something I've always wondered too, CasperTG!
02-27-2004, 07:36 AM
CasperTG---I have been circumcised & uncircumcised!Even before
I was circumcised,I didn't run my hand over the head.I hold the shaft,below the head(still do)The MAIN thing to remember, is that,
where there is a will,there's a way.I couldn't be circumcised,until
(approx)my 40s,because of an earlier clotting problem.I have had,
almost,every kind of sexual act,both ways.Many say that there is
a difference,in sensitivity & feeling,but I notice NO difference.I am
60,today & have had orgasms,since my early teens,so I can compare!Barring medical complications,I wish that,I could have,
had it done at birth! Irish
P.S.Q:What do you do with the old foreskin?
A:You have it made,into a wallet!That way,if you have to take a trip,you just rub,the wallet,&you have a suitcase!
02-27-2004, 10:59 AM
Happy Birthday big guy!
02-27-2004, 11:23 AM
jseal---Thank You!When my YOUNGEST daughter turned 34,I realised,that I wasn't a kid,anymore.I bet that there are alot of
people,that I graduated with,that have lost alot of money,betting
that I wouldn't live this long! Irish
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