View Full Version : OK you're staying in a hotel with "noisy" neighbors.

02-15-2004, 04:22 PM
A load of us pixies are staying in the same hotel, we can "hear" us all having a good old shag.
The fire alarm sounds, we all gather in the reception area, wearing very little.
We all know exactly what we've all been doing, it's announced that it's a false alarm.
Who wants to go back to the bedroom from whence they came?
Or do you fancy another girl/boy there and fancy a bit of swapping/foursome? You're getting the "come on" look from several other "guests"
I'd love a swap/forsome, what's everybody elses view?

This situation will never occur again...........what do you do????

02-15-2004, 04:24 PM
Holler..."Switch" and then wait til someone pulls the alarm to swap again;)

02-15-2004, 05:05 PM
I'm with Lil. LOL. At least in theory :D :p

02-15-2004, 05:41 PM
So long as we're playing...I think I'd definately play the field. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't come back for seconds later on.

02-15-2004, 06:13 PM
I'd go! I'd be up for that, but I'd probably need to change a lot throughout the night....! :D

02-15-2004, 07:42 PM
A go for me too....

02-15-2004, 07:47 PM
so, when are we getting together and at what hotel???? :D

02-18-2004, 06:57 PM
I gonna play with skyler first, then payton, then.......hehehe

Nice Guy
02-18-2004, 11:58 PM
I'm with Lil also, and I would do what ever I could to make it a monthly thing (I was about to say weekly, but good lord we would die of exaushtion).

02-19-2004, 12:40 AM
yeah...but who's gonna take a time out to go pull the fire alarm again?????

02-19-2004, 02:13 AM
we draw straws when we meet in the hallway before we go back...hehe