View Full Version : Chastity belt sets off airport security alarm

02-11-2004, 03:55 AM
ATHENS (AFP) — When a 40-year old British woman set off a metal detector alarm at Athens airport, bemused security staff found that it was caused by a chastity belt she was wearing, officials said Friday, confirming a press report.
"It happened a few days before Christmas. The metal detector went off and after a further check we found out she was wearing a chastity belt," airport police official Dimitris Tzouvaras told AFP, confirming a report in the daily newspaper To Vima.

"The woman was allowed to fly on to London on the pilot's responsibility," Tzouvaras added.

According to the press report, the woman told police officers her husband had forced her to put on the belt to make sure she had no extra-marital affair during a brief visit to Greece.

Tzouvaras did not comment on that report.

02-11-2004, 10:05 AM

02-11-2004, 11:19 AM

people still wear these things? I mean...for kicks, sure, ok, whatever. But to ensure CHASTITY? Is the husband gonna wire her mouth shut too?

02-16-2004, 08:06 PM
As an aside,I am supposed to wear orthopedic inserts in my shoes.I was once going into a Federal Building,and the metal
detector,kept going off.I told the security person that, if I took anymore off,I would be nude.He asked me,if I had inserts in my
shoes.He had,run into it before & thats what was setting off the
detector!When,I recently,had the Spinal Cord Stimulator,put in my
back,they told me to also notify security,that it was there.It would
also activate the detectors. Irish
P.S.For many years,I have had,a high security clearance.Guards
don't know that & a little awareness,is better than getting thrown
against the wall or shot.

02-23-2004, 06:02 PM
I cannot imagine being with a man who trusted me so little he would force me to wear a chastity belt while away from him.

If she gave him that much reason to not trust her, he shouldn't be with her anyway!