View Full Version : Who does not like giving head and why
Dear Pixies Friends;
I would really appreciate it if those of you here who do not like performing oral sex on your partner, would describe what about it is a turn off for you. Do you feel it's degrading? Does the odor or taste turn you off? Have you actually tried it and found it disgusting? Please give me your thoughts on the subject.
I absolutely luv eating wifeys pussy and can't imagine anyone not enjoying the experience, especially when she responds with a big "O". WOW! That is the greatest.
01-29-2004, 10:45 AM
I've heard they exist, but have never met one of these mysterious apparitions.
01-29-2004, 12:33 PM
*hears crickets chirp*
01-29-2004, 12:47 PM
I think you've posted on the wrong site, my friend.
Sorry, no takers here....
01-30-2004, 11:12 PM
LOL @ Lilith :) Can't help, I love it. At first it was a little tough to get used to, considering I am a microbiology major and had to get past the no-touch policy of bodily fluids :) It is definitely not a degrading thing for me, but that also has a lot to do with the fact that I am very comfortable with my partner and his intentions. As far as taste, my boyfriend does not taste very strong really... it's slightly bitter, and while I certainly wouldn't put it right up there with champagne or Godiva chocolate, it is certainly not something I'd classify as "bad." I hope I could help out a little bit despite the fact that I like it :)
01-31-2004, 07:51 AM
Your reference to being unable to imagine anyone not enjoying the experience may be important.
Those who dislike oral sex may be influenced more by their preexisting ideas on the subject rather than the sensations.
01-31-2004, 08:41 AM
I used to dislike the act for a number of different reasons.
My first experience of oral sex took place before I was quite ready for it and I felt kind of pressured in to it.
I have also had partners in the past who were not as clean as they should have been, and I did find that more than a turn off, but I currently have a delicious man (literally) who is always clean, never puts pressure on me and is as suckable as can be! :D
01-31-2004, 08:58 AM
Well it may not be true here at Pixie's but you know why it's said a bride smiles walking down the aisle. She knows she's given her last blowjob. LOL
01-31-2004, 10:55 AM
I do know some women who don't like giving them because they feel it's a power struggle.
01-31-2004, 11:06 AM
Steph I do think that often that has a lot to do with it. Mr. Lil has never begged, bugged, pleaded, cajoled, whined, or tried to persuade me to give him one. Subsequently, I give them to him because I know he likes them (as do I:slurp:) and yet never pressures me to please him that way. Puts it in my court, which eliminates those power issues. Well except the power I have to make him writhe, and suck his breath sharply between his teeth;)
01-31-2004, 11:19 AM
LOL Lil! Amen!
"Suck my cock" is used as an insult and sometimes men don't ask nicely enough for it. :)
Wow! Thanks for the comments so far gang. Still looking for more input. I know this group is sexier than the average but still hoped to find some who just don't like to go down for whatever reason.
Thanks again... :)
P.S. Just wish wifey had your positive attitudes. :(
01-31-2004, 06:34 PM
Welcum to Pixies dick!
Does wifey know you call her wifey? LOL....oh geezzzz....ok....well....I had a thought about that.........
I think you have a valid question here.....yet I honestly thought we'd still being hearing Lilth's crickets as I don't know anyone who hates giving head.
And I got to thinking.....maybe his "wifey" doesn't like sucking his cock. Then I thought....maybe it's because she HATES being called "wifey".
But.....well...that's just my thoughts. I could be wrong and if so I appologize!
To answer your question......I've been told I could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.....yet lick so lightly at times.....he'd swear it was only a Pixie fairy's wings! I love to perfect my talent with every chance I get!
Teddy Bear
02-01-2004, 06:09 AM
lol Lixy... nice of ya to welcome Joe, but I think he's been a member longer then you. :)
You are a terrific hubby and your 'wifey' is a lucky lady!! She may not ever change her attitude about giving oral sex. I think it's her background/up-bringing that causes her to not be able or willing to do it. I don't know how you change something as deeply rooted as that. But I do think you're going about it the right way, no pressure but suggesting you'd like it. Does she read erotic stories? Maybe if she read a few with oral sex protrayed as something enjoyable for both parties concerned. Good luck.
Cya in IM... ;)
teddy xxooxx
02-01-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Teddy Bear
lol Lixy... nice of ya to welcome Joe, but I think he's been a member longer then you. :)
Oops! My mistake Teddy! I normally check profiles, but I was rushed for time when I posted my reply. Can't say as I have run into dick (Joe) around the boards very often though....and so I automatically brought out the welcum wagon. How bout I just say.....nice to see you posting dick! I said about the "wifey" thing.......I could be wrong and if I am...I appologize......but, I just know if Mr. Lix referred to me as "wifey".....or "the little woman"......or "the Mrs."......or even "the ball and chain"....he'd have an indent on the sofa cushions that would be the precise size of his ass! LMAO!
OK...carry on!
02-01-2004, 11:57 AM
I agree with what Teddy Bear says - my S/O thinks oral sex is "Dirty" when it comes to blowjobs but she still enjoys an occasional licking from me. I know her parents and I know she thinks like that because of her upbringing - her parents are very victorian in their attitudes towards sex and as a result it rubbed off their kids. I admit I don't have a problem with this because whilst not disliking oral sex I can take it or leave it.
02-01-2004, 10:57 PM
My S/O has one problem with giving oral sex. When we first started dating at got it alot, but as the years went on, I get it occasionally (like 9 times a year, but who's counting). Her only problem with it is she says it "takes too long and she gets nothing out of it." I guess I got it soo much in the beginning, my stamina become too strong. Hope that helps you.
Thanks again to everyone for the comments.
Lixy; I always considered "wifey" a term of endearment and I've been calling her that for over 30 years with no negative feedback. Oooops, on second thought, maybe never having a blowjob is negative feedback, maybe you got something there...
Teddy; Thanks for the nice words hun, you are a sweetie pie. Hope that's not an offensive term... :)
On the upbringing thing, she says her parents never talked to her about sex even once. Perhaps its just her perception of what is right and what is wrong. It took 30 years before she would admit to enjoying giving her oral sex. Geez, I hope it didn't take me that long to learn how to do it right.
Well, maybe sometime in the next 30 years I'll find out what its like to have a good blow job...
Thanks again gang
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