01-04-2004, 03:24 AM
Madness or Genius read this and tell me which you think.
With the coming of the New Year I have decided to loose a few pounds I am not really all that much over weight but I need to drop 15-20 pounds. My biggest weakness is lack of will power with the late night snacks that I eat right before bedtime; I don’t really snack because I am hungry but more because I crave the taste of something. My wife does not believe me in that I just want the taste she thinks that I overeat because I am hungry. So I am trying to workout a deal with her, what I suggest is that when I get a craving for something to eat, I will just eat her pussy instead of junk food. Let me say that eating her pussy is one of my favorite things to do, but for some reason she can’t explain she rarely lets me do it. Now my spouse claims this won’t work, because it will not satisfy me or my hunger and I will snack any way. But I believe that this will give me some serious motivation to quit the junk food and get in to shape, because if she does not see any results she will break off the deal. I mean what better situation could I be in I get to eat what I love and loose weight it’s a win win situation not only me but for her as well.
So what do you think am I on to something or just out of my mind?
With the coming of the New Year I have decided to loose a few pounds I am not really all that much over weight but I need to drop 15-20 pounds. My biggest weakness is lack of will power with the late night snacks that I eat right before bedtime; I don’t really snack because I am hungry but more because I crave the taste of something. My wife does not believe me in that I just want the taste she thinks that I overeat because I am hungry. So I am trying to workout a deal with her, what I suggest is that when I get a craving for something to eat, I will just eat her pussy instead of junk food. Let me say that eating her pussy is one of my favorite things to do, but for some reason she can’t explain she rarely lets me do it. Now my spouse claims this won’t work, because it will not satisfy me or my hunger and I will snack any way. But I believe that this will give me some serious motivation to quit the junk food and get in to shape, because if she does not see any results she will break off the deal. I mean what better situation could I be in I get to eat what I love and loose weight it’s a win win situation not only me but for her as well.
So what do you think am I on to something or just out of my mind?