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View Full Version : What happened to the pictures of that sexy college girl from vermont?

12-25-2003, 11:55 PM
Damn, they were hot, and now they're gone!!


I'd love to be able to see them again.

12-26-2003, 12:23 AM
I don't view all the Pics of Women threads so I'm not an expert but I don't recall anyone from Vermont. Anyone?

12-26-2003, 02:41 AM
I think he is actually wondering about Scarlet Angel. Kinda makes me wonder where she is too...

12-26-2003, 08:30 AM

If you are referring to scarletangel, the pics may no longer be available. A few days ago she was introduced to one of the dark sides of our brave new digital world. She discovered that some of the pics she posted here at pixies had be reposted at another site – with out notification or her consent. Most regrettable.

She was quite distraught about this, and may have asked that her pics be taken off line.

12-26-2003, 09:47 AM
Her pics have been removed at her request. She seemed to have a problem with someone online which she has since indicated they have worked through.

12-26-2003, 11:49 AM
Whew! I know the feeling scarletangel! It happened to me (along with a few other Pixie ladies) a year or so ago! I was frantic! But.....all is well now.........I think!?

*NOTE TO SELF: figure out photo program and add nic to all new pic posts!*

12-26-2003, 05:01 PM
Scarlet Angel is a very beautiful young lady and some idiot took advantage of her sharing herself with us so now she's pulled her pictures, (understandably) I do hope in the future such acts can be avoided. We really treasure our ladies and I want to believe we respect them as much or more.

12-26-2003, 05:09 PM
Using a measure of caution is important when making new friends online. This is a site with reccommendations for children but much of the information is pertinent to adults as well


12-27-2003, 12:44 AM
damn that is very serious and scary as well...unfortunate for us all but moe importantly i hope all is well with scarlet

12-27-2003, 02:12 AM
Yes, Scarlet Angel is who I was asking about.. I knew it had Scarlet in it but I tried and tried to remember the rest and couldn't..

I hope all is resolved now and that no harm was done..

I know some people have had the unfortunate experience of their pictures from their online lives showing up in their offline lives.

If she's reading and theres anything I can do to convince her to post again, feel free to let me know :)

12-27-2003, 04:08 AM
that is horrible!!! i never even thought that ppl wud do that... kinda makes me scared to post more.

12-27-2003, 10:07 AM
People don't typically do that nikki1979 but it does occasionally happen. We also experience the opposite of this which is men(and rarely women) trying to post pics of someone without their permission, here. Luckily Sharniqua and I are very quick to spot these types of threads and deal with the persons posting them.

This situation, from my understanding, is infact resolved. I received a PM from ScarletAngel a couple days ago saying she had been speaking with the person in question. The person in question had been a member here less than a month and she had brought him here. It was not the member but supposedly a friend of his who did this. I am not sure of all the particulars but I think that this was a personal and specific incidence. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me.

12-27-2003, 10:45 AM
being a photographer - copyright is sacrosant! Breach of this is the lowest thing that can be done. Haven't come across any misues of any of my images (that's pics i've taken not pics of me!) yet. Also it is against the law!

12-27-2003, 12:33 PM

This is what the music and film recording industries are up in arms about. The films are still pretty safe, as the multi-hour download time for a bootleg copy of ROTK would place a severe strain upon contemporary home broadband capacity. The music industry does have justifiable concerns in re its products – ref the Napster brouhaha.

I tried to take the time to explain the issues to my children, and I THINK they understand the issues (they did, at least, extend the courtesy of remaining awake until after the end of the discussion), but even afterwards, they get CDs from their buds with obviously bootlegged cuts.

Even with the tinkering to the legal system that has occurred over the last few years, the captains of the recording industry have their work cut out for them. With broadband access becoming ubiquitous and capacious, I fail to see an easy out. In the long run, I suspect that those companies will have to make drastic changes to their business model in order to see off this type of infringement.

Project XANADU, a hypertext scheme proposed by Ted Nelson, attempts to address this issue. The World Wide Web is a one-way static hypertext scheme, and is too simple to technically accommodate copyright issues. The Xanadu project foresaw world-wide hypertext back in the 1960s, and endeavored to create a much deeper system.


12-27-2003, 06:01 PM
*snarls and thrash's his tail meanly* who did it...... i'll chew uhm up and burn uhm down... dirty rotten little snots... need to be stamped on.....