View Full Version : God Bless David Letterman
12-11-2003, 11:54 PM
I have never considered myself a David Letterman fan... often switching between him and Jay Leno depending on who they have on during a particular nite.
Tonight however... I sing his praises.. Not sure who all his guests are tonight.. but I do know that ROD STEWART is going to be :)
I can hardly wait...
I am a romantic at heart... and altho I have enjoyed most of Rod Stewart's music (I remember fondly when he brought out "Do you think Im sexy?" when I was a teenager), it wasn't until he released his CD last year "The Great American Songbook" that I was completely seduced by him..
It is the kind of music.. that when I close my eyes.. I imagine dancing barefoot with a man I love wrapped lightly in his arms... his hands touching my back gently... candlelite dancing shadows on the ceiling... *sigh*..
If you haven't heard that particular CD ("The Great American Song Book") I HIGHLY recommend giving it a listen... and I understand that his recently released follow-up "The Great American Song Book II" is also very good. (I am personally hoping that Santa might bring me that for Christmas.
Off to watch Rod Stewart...
12-12-2003, 12:48 AM
I'm home late and have missed it :(
I still adore him as well!
12-12-2003, 04:39 PM
I've been a fan of his for quite a while. Definitive album in my opinion is Every Picture Tells a Story.Remember him singing Shape of Things with the Yard Birds.His new album sounds interesting.A lot of old favourites like; As Time Goes By. Missed him on David Letterman though.
12-12-2003, 05:28 PM
I missed it jenna....(been missing alotta things lately....arrgggg!).....but I'm told, from a friend at work, he was his fanfuckintastic self in his interview with Oprah.....and again on Letterman!
*singing Maggie Mae*
Oh.....I was told by SUPERPIPE (a friend and fellow Pixie) recently....that he saw Rod in concert at a smaller venue than most of the concerts he's seen (Tower Theatre...Philly, Pa).........and, suddenly there were people making a train to the stage to dance with him! SUPERPIPE said he jumped out of his aisle seat and got in the train and up on stage and danced (he's quite a rug cutter) right next to Rod!
*sigh* SUPERPIPE never takes us to the best concerts with him! LOL!
12-12-2003, 06:27 PM
Rod Stewart was on Oprah this week and he was great. You do just want to grab your honey and dance naked in the living room!
12-12-2003, 07:50 PM
After posting this last night.... in great anticipation.. I tuned in to Letterman.. and........
I was sooo utterly disappointed :( NOT in ROD Stewart.. but in the PISS POOR programing of Letterman. Letterman wasted far tooo much time on "will it float" and interviewing the cutie from Spiderman (and Mona Lisa Smile, her name escapes me at the moment)..
Instead of having Rod completely perform.. atleast 1 full tune... they allowed him to sing small snippets going to and coming back from commercial...
COME ON DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a complete blow off.... and I wouldn't blame Rod Stewart at all if he NEVER performed for Letterman's show ever again :( :(
12-12-2003, 08:28 PM
well personally I'm kind of partial to Rod's rock n roll stuff - I am a little more into the older versions of the Standards (sinatra, tony bennett, ella etc) than Rod's - can't get into him doing those types of songs....
12-12-2003, 08:33 PM
Rod's got one of those voices that annoy me (sorry jennaflower)... He sings well, is tuneful, soulful, writes well, all the rest... but I just wish he'd clear his throat :) Can't listen to Macy Gray for the same reason. Like, get some throat lozenges or something...
Zipper xxx
12-12-2003, 09:38 PM
Now it's time to DATE myself!I remember Rod singing "Hot Legs" on Sat. Night Live. Irish
P.S.Most of you,probably, weren't born yet!
12-14-2003, 03:47 AM
I caught a bit of his Oprah gig several weeks ago. He was hilarious because he was giving a tour of his mansion in a humourous fashion.
Rod: 'ello Oprah. Here's my kitchen. Wait, this isn't my kitchen.
I saw him at a huge outdoor concert over 10 years ago. I wasn't a huge fan, it was more of an excuse for me and my cousins to line up overnight. We had great seats and I can even tell you he has a mole on his right armpit :D
Great energy but I'm not a fan of his latest albums. How can he top "Maggie May"?
12-15-2003, 04:18 AM
I have always thought Letterman was quite a poor interviewer, too busy making corny jokes than getting the best out of his guest.
Just is not in the same league as a professional like Michael Parkinson on UK TV.
Actually Letterman gives me the impression he is right up himself
12-15-2003, 10:22 AM
I'm with Ian on this ................... Never could get into Letterman. Such a Ass at times.
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