View Full Version : My disappearence
12-02-2003, 01:13 PM
lol my spelling is still just as bad but I suppose a little work doesn't fix that
as I'm sure some of you noticed I've been gone for the last while, well thats because after going to the hospital for some rapidly increasing pains, and being held there for freakin thirteen hours while they told me not to scream so much so they could dianose me (pshaw if they want me to be quiet they should give me drugs faster), they said I had to have my appendix removed, so they shipped me right off to surgery, 13 hours to dianose and it took less than an hour to get me into and out of surgery geez
anyway, I'm finnally released today, although I'm still a bit lightheaded and can't move all that well, and a bit worried about the wound , they said "it might seep a little" and the first day I was home I've already had to chance the bandage three times because it just doesn't stop squirting goo out , which might explain the lightheaded ness lol, oh well I'm sure I'll survive, alrighty
anyway lol I'm back ^_^ so you can rejoice again
12-02-2003, 01:22 PM
((sammy)) glad you are ok!
12-02-2003, 01:33 PM
*Gentle Hugz* for ya hun
12-02-2003, 01:41 PM
13 hours???? Should have screamed louder!!! Sheesh! Glad to hear you are doing ok and are back.. :D
12-02-2003, 01:51 PM
Note to self: don't ever open a Sammy post after eating lunch.
Glad to have the :jester: of chat back. Get well soon!
12-02-2003, 01:57 PM
They probably told you that you don't need your appendix, so no problem taking it out...don't let them tell you that about ANY OTHER PART of your anatomy !!! :eek:
Welcome back, Sammy...but I concur with Steph's posting...I've delayed my lunch for a while.
12-02-2003, 04:57 PM
Big hugs Sammy! Get well real soon babe!:)
12-02-2003, 05:19 PM
WB (((((((Sammy)))))))!
Do you have staples? If so, I don't think you should be "seeping" so much. If not......could be normal.....but if it goes on another whole day please call the doc and make sure everything is ok!
My hubby had a right hemi-colectomy! In layman's terms......
He went to the hospital with pain in the center of his abdomen (3 weeks worth of pain) and a 102.5 temperature. They kept him in emergency for 12 hours.....doing tests and poking and prodding at him. At first they ruled out his appendix......did a CAT scan.....said it "might" be his appendix but they needed an exploritory (tiny incision) and if it was his appendix they'd only cut 6". He came out of surgery hours later (much longer than they said it would take and I was pacing and going crazy with worry).....with an incision from his pubic bone to just underneath his boobies (right through the cutest belly button on the planet). Cancer was suspected.....but they had to send the 8" section of colon they removed out for biopsy. We waited three days for a diagnosis. Come to find out....his appendix burst (week one of his pain without seeing a doctor) and imploded into his colon. Then the colon became infected (week two of pain....still no doc)......which in turn made his colon explode (week three of pain and finally a fever and a hospital visit). In his defense.....he never had "typical" appendix symptons.........but holy shit.....3 weeks of all this going on inside him! I say men CAN have a baby.......and we should find a way to make that happen so we can finally be spared that pain! LMFAO! But....I digress........
I tell you this Sammy........because his incision (it measures about 13") never weeped, seeped or leaked........but then, he did have a drainage tube (another tiny incision aside the big one) and so it may have all gone there.......not to mention the tube they had up his nose and down his throat to his stomach......draining constantly! And....when they took the staples out.....only a tiny spot (about 1/4" long).....seeped for a day.
Anyway......this "seeping" you are experiencing may only be the incision healing from the inside out........but please, PLEASE make sure.....especially if you detect an odor! No need to let an infection fester if you can start to heal it now!
*hopes she didn't gross everyone out too much!*
Great to have you back hun! Keep us informed of your progress.....and Happy Healing!
12-02-2003, 05:45 PM
12-02-2003, 06:09 PM
Take care.
12-02-2003, 08:41 PM
Ah Sammy.... I am sooo glad to hear that you are on the mend... take it easy... hugs...
can I pamper you? anything I can massage?
12-02-2003, 10:06 PM
Keep a close eye on this thing, if it's seeping. And as close an eye on your docs as you can, if it took 13 hours to diagnose.
Hope you really do make a full & speedy recovery.
Teddy Bear
12-02-2003, 10:46 PM
You live toooo far away!! You should be closer so you can be pampered properly!
GET WELL SOON! Glad your back but watch the healing process, check into that seeping.
*sending you healing & healthy thoughts & wishes*
xxooxx teddy :) :)
12-03-2003, 06:58 AM
just an update for people , after gushing far to much redish yellowish blackish orangish goo, that was a little too red for my concerns I ended up going back to the hospital, where they where nice enough, since I had just been released that morning to move me too.... third in line, right under guy with headache and guy with ache in his arm, damn them I say, so I sat in the waiting room holding my finnal bandage over the wound dripping bloody goo everywhere being a nusense till they let me in lmao
they they made me lay on a stretcher, right now I can't get up or down on anything like that without alot of work and a bit of pain because I can't use my torso, makes getting up realy hard, but they said it would "stop the bleeding" so do yoiu know what the bleeding did , instead of soaking out the bottom of the bandage, it soaked out the side, WOW go medical science
anywya after laying around like that for half an hour my hands now soaked in goo sine the last banadage I had was blatantly soaked though, the doctor finnally found some time to come see me, which he made me get up from the stretcher, and move to ANOTHER strecher in another room, oh joy, lol he then proceeded to poke and prode me and basically squish my wound like a giant zit while goo oozed out, he said it was "normal" and that there was just a bit more than expected is all, a bit more?
pshaw, they told me a little seepage, a good 7 oir 8 bandages and then a freakin lkittle cup full of goo is not a little bit dang it. but oh well, after he emptied it out and all that was oozeing out was blood he put this giant freakin patch of doom on it that consistedof a good eight patchs or so lol and said to come back in the morning just in case lol , well it's morning now, two hours before my appointment and the first four bandages are soaked though, arg
oh well lol whats a little blood goo
did I mentino I hate hospitals?
12-03-2003, 07:03 AM
get well and take care mate
Oh and what is the name of that hospital??? I want to know so i will never go near the bloody place LOL
12-03-2003, 07:45 AM
13 hours to diagnose????? Yep... Sounds like Nova Scotia hospitals!!! :D
12-03-2003, 08:22 AM
I take it that reports of your death were a slight exaggeration?
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