View Full Version : the ladder thoery
11-23-2003, 12:55 AM
I just saw this and will admit it has a certain ring of truth in it, what do you think.
11-23-2003, 03:03 AM
Hate to say it, but there ARE one or two recognisable elements in there - on BOTH sides!!
11-23-2003, 04:21 AM
Some definite ringing of the truth bell there. I for one can't think of a any female friend I've ever had that I won't have jumped into bed with given half a chance. And I've offered a shoulder to cry for several girls fucking total wasters, but was never rewarded with the smallest bit of sex.
But I'm smarter now. Not only have an excellent and full-time lady, but am impervious to other female charms (unless they strip their clothes off and roll on the floor in front of me - some chance!). No one puts me on a 'friends' ladder because I let them know that I consider their pussy to be a vital part of their warm and interesting personality.
11-23-2003, 08:23 AM
I think it's horse shit or maybe even frog shit but then I ceased reading when I got to the women's page cause it was pissing me off:D
11-23-2003, 10:17 AM
All that I can say is that the "man" (used in term only) who wrote this will probably never find himself in a meaningful relationship until he can achieve a level of maturity and a different perspective.
11-23-2003, 12:00 PM
I agree whole heartedly with the least what it said about how a woman judges a man. I didn't get further than that either. The catagory of "Things women say matter but don't" is my biggest category! Of course attractive men are nice to look at..but if he dosn't have a brain in his head and a great sense of himor..I'm not interested! And money and power are the LAST things on my list.
11-23-2003, 02:04 PM
The arrogant asshole who had all the time in the world to jot this down......has missed the boat....while sitting and analizing what he thinks he knows!
Guys? Do yourself a huge favor and totally disregard the theories in this link! I can only agree with one thing that was said (and I read it all no matter that I was pissed off to the max)........
Men [do] want to fuck....even their closest female friends! Doesn't matter if it's ever's their heads......and at first opportunity....they'll roger you roundly!
Other than that.........this site is a piece of shit paper and should be flushed thusly!
11-23-2003, 04:31 PM
Wow - true or not, the guy certainly managed to seriously piss off our ladies! OK - he's a bit of geek etc etc and has a jaundiced view of what attracts women. but this much IS true -----
If a woman ever says "I value you as a friend" you'll be welcomed into her confidence but never into her bed. If a man says the same, he is seeking intimacy - and the more the better. And sex is definitely on the wish list.
11-23-2003, 04:37 PM
Reading over both rating systems made me sick in the stomach. :( :mad: *groans* Most of the girls I know do not follow this rating system. Also, I refuse to believe that 90% of the male's rating system is based on looks/sexual potential. Thats not really it?
11-23-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by ericthered
but this much IS true -----
If a woman ever says "I value you as a friend" you'll be welcomed into her confidence but never into her bed.
I both fucked and married the man who I valued most as a friend. If we can't be friends we can't be lovers. I might fuck you but I won't love you.
11-23-2003, 09:27 PM
Lilith - you are a Lady in a Million, and it would be my loss.
11-23-2003, 10:09 PM
ericthered~ I was speaking in a general "you" not to you specifically.
11-23-2003, 10:18 PM
What is actually sad about this belief is that some men and women who do go by this theory will loose out on some pretty good friendships and perhaps a long lasting relationship that doesn't involve "scoring" or "fucking".
Hopefully this guy will eventually realize as he gets older, that friendship is just as important as sex, and when they go hand in hand, the sex and friendship is that much better.
11-24-2003, 12:47 AM
OK, OK - referee steps in....... speaking in general terms .........
- 1. Women can be very intimate with men that they have absolutely no sexual interest in - and that can confuse the men because
- 2. Men find it hard to be intimate with anyone - male or female. The exception to this is the woman he is making love to - so feminine intimacy is seen as part of sex, or at least leading in the direction of sex. The frustrating thing (to a man) about friendly intimacy offered by a woman is that it seems to be almost impossible to convert it into sex. Oh well....vive la difference
11-24-2003, 06:09 AM
I'll go with Lixy, and Lil so she won't hit me to hard.
11-24-2003, 06:22 AM
^^^ smart man!^^^
11-24-2003, 12:54 PM
The author of the theory is enjoying the joke.
11-24-2003, 07:08 PM
I hope he is, jseal....cause with an attitude like that he's going to be enjoying fuck all else.
11-25-2003, 12:38 AM
Proof indeed of the dangers of seeking your fifteen minutes of fame by presenting your magnus opus to the world.
What a dickhead - twenty five years experience - my arse - I place him stuck at about fifteen.
11-25-2003, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Cassiopeia
. Also, I refuse to believe that 90% of the male's rating system is based on looks/sexual potential. Thats not really it?
Sorry Cassy, I've been designated by the other patriarchs as the one that has to break the bad news to ya, i.e. Yes, we are all a bunch of scoundrels and scallywags. Ignore that lameass rating system. Availability is the primary determinate.
There's an evolutionary / biological basis for this behavior - we're always horny and we'll fuck any female that will let us. That strategy is the best way for a guy to propagate his DNA.
It is best expressed by this existential, post modern nugget of male canine philosophy
- " If ya can't eat it or fuck it - piss on it." :rolleyes:
Don't make the mistake of thinking us guys are more complex than we really are.
best regards,
"Keep close the words of Syadasti:
11-25-2003, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Vigil
...I place him stuck at about fifteen.
Age or IQ?
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