View Full Version : Question on 3-somes and more?

11-22-2003, 10:14 AM
I have noticed that alot of people here are interested in 3-somes or more. My question s are for women;
(1) what is your opinion if the 3rd person was bisexua
(2) mmf with a bi-male
(3) ffm with a bi-female

For men: same questions.
(1) what is your opinion if the 3rd person was bisexual
(2) mmf with a bi-male
(3) ffm with a bi-female

For both:
Just curious as to peoples thoughts and /or fantasies. Do you think it would be:
(a) sexy and hot
(b) not sure how you would feel about it
(c) would try it
(d) totaly grosses you out.

11-22-2003, 10:22 AM
I am dying for a MMF as many of you know:D

It matters to me not one bit if one ofthe M are bi or straight. I think who it matters to is the other M. Then he has to decide how open he is to it being a true 3 way and not just 2 men with all their attention focused on me (*drip*drip*drip*). I really want it to be as comfortable for everyone involved. I want it to be an intensely erotic experience with as little nervousness and awkwardness as possible. Maybe just a little nervousness;)

11-22-2003, 10:39 AM
Done the FFM thing where the Females were Bi. Totally erotic but my little secret is that I would love to try the MMF with a Bi male. There now you lot know.

11-22-2003, 10:50 AM
My wife & I have always had a very MONO type of relationship.I
have had,a few,mutual masturbation relationships,with other
women.If she knew,my wife would be "pissed"!We are, each very
possesive.Therefore,it would GROSS each of us out.I have nothing
against other people having threesomes.I respect my wifes feelings,because she & my kids,have stuck by my side thru many
things(alcoholism,multiple arrests,etc.)in which others would have
quit.Everyone,has their good & bad sides.Evidently,she figures I
am worth it!Without it happening,to me,I doubt that I would have
that loyality! Irish

11-22-2003, 11:06 PM
Done it several times with the same female friend, and once more with a stranger. The girls made sure the other one was fully enjoying experience - although I don't think that makes them 'bi'.

Definitely 5-star experiences, but do discuss the rules in advance so you are able to jump only any opportunities.

11-22-2003, 11:31 PM
Personally I wouldn't care what the make up of people were, I'd be willing to try it all and then some.

I'll try anything once, twice if it feels good, and three times if it gets me high.

11-24-2003, 12:45 AM
ahhh i keep questioning if i should do a f/f/m with my boyfriend or not. I mean hes not pushing for it but theres been times when he brings up two girls without "realizing it" or not really pushing just saying it once in a while. Im bi curious, but im inlove and this relationship means a whole lot to me and i wouldnt want to take a risk of destroying it cause i would be devestated. I think its better left in the mental arena for now. Even if all the time i keep masturbating its all i can think about! And im not usually a jealous type but hes possessive as fuck too, so i just wanna say to him if he ever brings it up "well okay but we have to have a m/m/f threesome too" Than maybe he'll understand where im coming from. I mean its just sex and we have a bigger thing called love or whatever but still, i dont think either of us could handle it.

11-24-2003, 03:04 AM
I dont think id be too botherd if the 3rd person was bisexual to be honest it adds more fun in the proceedings.

Id prefer two guys though and me i guess i wouldnt like the guys to be buisexual though im not sure.

Threesomes are wicked by the way for anyone qhjo hasnt had one. thats all im saying!

11-24-2003, 05:08 PM
I would be more than happy to be part of a MFM where the other M was bi - I'm not into the male to male touching per se, but if things got heated, I don't know what I would do (and if we were doing shots) As for the FMF, I could only but dream of something like that with my wife (and any of her hot teacher friends!)

11-24-2003, 06:10 PM
Mrs. WI and I always said that if we ever entertained a third or even fourth partner in bed that the gloves would be off and anything goes. No limits, no regrets. I can't see engaging in such an erotic encounter and not putting all of your efforts and desires in to it.

11-24-2003, 07:45 PM
Hey WildIrish
Why have you not done it then? If my wife said that I'd be there yesterday!

11-25-2003, 09:28 AM
Well, the only 3-some I've ever been in was a MFF. Both women were straight (as far as I know) but did do some playful stroking amongst each other. It was an incredible experience.

As for an MMF, even with a bi-guy, I would be OK with it...depends on the guy and the situation. As long as everyone stayed within their comfort levels, I would be OK with it.


11-25-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by NightRider
Hey WildIrish
Why have you not done it then? If my wife said that I'd be there yesterday!

The key word was IF, not WHEN. ha ha

11-25-2003, 11:25 AM
I haven’t participated in a 3some or more-some but whatever sexuality they were it wouldn’t bother me, but then I am 99% lesbian, but like men for some things as folk have seen by some pics I posted ;) Even though I don’t want to be penetrated by a cock, I find it a turn on to watch a straight couple fucking, two women fucking and would also watch a gay male couple fucking. Transexuals & tranvestites included whatever their sexuality, all types of people are shaggable.
How about this for a combination - I suppose would be easiest if all bi-sexual: A girl is stood with a dildo harnessed to her, she fucks a guy with it, he in turn fucks another guy with his own nob, that guy fucks a girl up the ass who in turn bends down (if all this physically possible!!) and licks out a girl with her legs spread, who is licking out another girl squatting on her mouth; so a 6-some!!! Possibly only do-able in fantasy land :slurp:

11-25-2003, 01:24 PM
Sounds like a very hot senario, would love to see that.

11-25-2003, 01:39 PM
(1) what is your opinion if the 3rd person was bisexual sexy and hot

(2) mmf with a bi-male no thanks

(3) ffm with a bi-female - hell yes, and a major hell yes!

11-25-2003, 05:02 PM
I've been in a FFM before. The 2 women were curious, but neither had tried anything with another woman before. It was a hot experience, but all they did was kiss a little. I think they were both waiting for the other to take the lead. Had they both been bisexual, I would have very much enjoyed seeing them together.

As for a MMF with a bi male, it would be a definite possibility. I'm bi-curious; however, I am not sure if I would really try anything. Some things are better left to fantasy. This could be one of them. Of course, if some good looking couple got me drunk, who knows....

11-25-2003, 05:31 PM
Have been in a MMF & MMMFF were all were straight, it is still a lot of fun. The females in the MMMFF said it was all they could handle.

11-30-2003, 02:32 AM
I'm of the "the more the merrier" persuasion ... I've been w/multiple women, multiple men and mixed it up a bit, i enjoy pretty much anything that my partner(s) are comfortable with ... i'm a go w/the flow kinda girl

12-05-2003, 11:04 AM
I being a bisexual myself I would like both a mff and a mmf threesome where everyone is bi.

Hell I would really like to take part in a gangbang, but I don't think that will happen.