View Full Version : I Can't Believe You're all Here.....

11-19-2003, 07:19 AM
I thought Pixies was dead and gone! I was just going through my favourites and erasing a few. Pixies link almost went too, but I just gave it a click for old times sake. Wow! I'm home again!

11-19-2003, 07:58 AM
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO :) You have been missed.. glad to see you again :) Now get back to postin :) HUGS

Teddy Bear
11-19-2003, 08:45 AM
Are we all here? Somebody take roll-call please..... lol.

Hi ericthered,
Good seeing ya again. What a difference one little mouse click made in your day. :D

teddy :)

11-19-2003, 10:12 AM
"OK! Take the sheet off that seat. Eric's home.:)"

Welcome back pal.
You've got a lot of catching up to do.;)

11-19-2003, 11:03 AM
I can't believe you left!!!!!!!!!! shame on you!!!!!:p :D

11-19-2003, 11:52 AM
Glad to see ya!

11-19-2003, 12:21 PM
Welcome back! Where in the hell were you? ;)

11-19-2003, 01:16 PM

Reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated.

11-19-2003, 01:20 PM
lmao@ jseal

11-19-2003, 01:27 PM
Welcome back ericthered

11-19-2003, 03:46 PM
(Warm fuzzy hugs!)

11-21-2003, 03:33 PM
Welcum home ((((((ericthered))))))!

Just had a chance to check this thread and I'm so glad I did! Nice to see you again hun! Sure wish I could tell you all the happenings.....but as PF said, you've alot to catch up on!

11-21-2003, 03:43 PM
You've been getting better while I was away. That's an ass to drool over. (Drool, drool.) No - I missed Pixies but I thought it had gone, and we moved house etc etc. But I did finish my latest book and get it out Look and the New Book thread and enjoy another delicious ass on the wallpaper.