View Full Version : How many guys "do it" for themselves?

11-03-2003, 03:24 AM
Bet you're wondering, "Why isn't this in the Sex Talk forum?"

'cos I'm talking about IRONING is why!!

I got to thinking about this as I stood ironing my shirt for work just now..... how many of you guys do your own? And, if you do, is it due to a military background, like me, or is it something you've just always done? (same thing for trousers, to!!)

Ladies, naturally, feel free to comment on your man's skills in this area..... be interesting to hear the womans point of view!! :D


11-03-2003, 03:44 AM

Sure do. When our children were still infants, my wife and I decided to reduce the vividness of gender roles, so we began to pass household chores between us on a monthly basis. One month I'd do the food prep and ironing and she would do the sweeping out in front of the house and washing and drying the laundery. Then the next month we'd swap.

As children seem to take as normal whatever behavior is common as they grow up, the idea (hope) was that Jenny and Jack would be less inclined to assume that such and such was a boy's responsability and this or that is a girl's job.

As they grew up, we introduced them into the routine, saving cooking for last.

So yeah, that's a long way of saying that I've been doing the ironing on and off for many years now. This month is my month to sweep out front of the house.

11-03-2003, 04:17 AM
I find it a refreshing change to be living with a man who isn't afraid of the iron or the ironing board!
I refused to let my ex~hubby anywhere near the "laundry" because he ruined sooooooooooo many things! (can't help thinking it was his way of getting out of helping tho!!!!)

11-03-2003, 04:27 AM
I dont mind laundry....... it has to be done......its not just for the ladies.....who cares!!! swallow your society-induced pride and do some of it.....its no big deal !! just my 2c...........

11-03-2003, 05:44 AM
jeeping does the ironing round here LOL i end up screwin stuff up im horrible w it. jeeping is military so he has to have his uniforms a certian way and ill just beg and plead for him to do mine as well


11-03-2003, 08:44 AM
I don't have any problems with doing laundry, that just needs to be done... but this "ironing" thing you speak off... I am sorry to be ignorant. I'll need to look that up.

Main Entry: iron·ing
Function: noun
1 : the action or process of smoothing or pressing with or as if with a heated iron
2 : clothes ironed or to be ironed

Ah, OK... no I don't do that :) But, most (all) of the clothes that I wear do not ineed to be ironed if you get them on a hanger soon after drying. For the suit (singular), it goes to the dry cleaner. For the dress shirts and "nice" pants, wrinkle free is the only way to go :D

11-03-2003, 10:16 AM
I just had this conversation!

As far as laundry goes, whoever enters the cellar, for whatever reason, has the moral obligation to see what laundry needs to be done and do something about it. Not a good arrangement for someone with no short term memory. Many an afternoon has been spent with me doing three or four loads of laundry and STILL not coming upstairs with what I originally went looking for.

Ironing? That's my job. Not because I'm such a wonderful guy that doesn't wish to burden my wife with the task of ironing, but because I wear suits and I need decent looking shirts. So I iron. And because I'm good at it, well, I'll do her stuff too. ha ha But I refuse to iron my apron! That's where I draw the line. Well, unless company is coming over and I have to cook. I can't let them see me in a wrinkly apron, right?

11-03-2003, 10:31 AM
Absolutely! I wouldn't let my wife near my clothes with an iron, haha! Seriously, I do a much better job. Actually we split all of the domestic stuff up equally. I'll do my laundry with my sons, she covers hers and our daughters, etc....
RE: Gender roles. What gender roles? Any guy who is still playing the " it's womens work " card is way behind the curve, IMO

11-03-2003, 11:53 AM
irons and vacuums are power tools:D

11-03-2003, 02:00 PM
I didn't know that men could iron - why didn't someone tell me!?!

Of course, I would prefer to do the laundry. My man's idea of laundry is everything in the washing machine, lots of soap, hot water, and then everything in the dryer. The first time we did laundry together I almost had a heart attack - he just looked at me puzzled because he had no idea that there was a more proper way to do it. He had obviously never owned a red piece of clothing before.

11-03-2003, 03:27 PM
My wife generally does the washing and ironing although I have done some. In the last year or so, one of our sons has done almost all of the clothes washing which has been a real blessing to both my wife and I. Got some pretty good kids. Figure they must take after my wife. :)

11-03-2003, 07:09 PM
**Pulls a blouse/shirt out of the closet.....hmmmmmmmm kinda wrinkled cause it was "smashed" in between other clothes hanging..... <<takes a moment to ponder>> Remembers the new hand held steamer unit that is used to clean carpet... hmmmmmmmm no.. don't think so.... grabs a clean wash cloth from the linen closet.. dampens it with "hot" water.. heads to the dryer.... places wash clothe and wrinkled item into the dryer and turns the knob to permanent press... 20 minutes later.. NO WRINKLES!!!***

Now, if you are looking for that crispy look.. well, the iron is in the closet :D

11-04-2003, 06:10 AM
Did my own for years, well I spent 9 years in the airforce, now I am on my own it is no big chore and I dont moan to all and sundry about it lol.

I did not do it in my marriage, my wife did not go out to work and I looked after the outside, grew the vegetables and still washed up the evening pots, so I reckon I did my share.

11-05-2003, 06:43 PM
LMFAO@Cheyanne! ^5 sister friend!

Hubby+iron makes for very agitated wifey! Here's the scenario..........

Hubby..."Honey (from the cellar), where's the iron"?

Me..."On the ironing board (under my breath....."Duh...where would you be if you were an iron"?)"

Hubby..."Does it need more water in it"?

Me..."Only if you want steam"!

Hubby..."Well, how do I know if I want steam"?

Me..."What are you ironing"?

Hubby..."I"ve got to get this collar on my flannel shirt to NOT stick up"!

Me..."Steam it"!

Hubby..."How much water do I add"?

Me..."You want me to iron your shirt....don't you"!

Hubby..."Could you please"?

Me..."Why didn't you just ask me instead of the test"? (under my breath..."Get the fuck outta my way you moron and don't come near me when I have a hot iron in my hand"!!!!!!!!)

I just love that somnabitch!

11-05-2003, 07:10 PM
LOL Lixy! I just don't answer when such questions are thrown my way!

Best thread title ever, by the way, dm!

11-05-2003, 07:20 PM
My shirts are my shirts I iron them.
The first time my wife ironed a shirt for me was just before a big presentation. Where I demonstrated small things were my palms and fingertips were the focal point of attention.
I was in a hurry and I just grabed the shirt my wife freshly ironed and threw it on to get out of the house when I glanced down at the cuffs they were not ironed to my satisfaction..
I lacked confidence and felt that everyone noticed the same imperfections that I did. Let's just saly it was not a great presentation. Needless to say I just iron my own now.

11-05-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Steph
Best thread title ever, by the way, dm!

Don't know about that, Steph...... but I thank you anyway!! :)


11-05-2003, 08:19 PM
I iron my own clothes. Now that I have that out of the way....

Lixy... I love the ass Av you have going right now!! ;)

11-05-2003, 10:50 PM
My mom was a stay at home mom.
She ironed EVERYTHING.....handkerchiefs, underwear, t-shirts, etc.
She taught me to iron my own shirts a a very early age and I ironed them for years.

Then I discovered why God made shirt laundries. :)