View Full Version : "Who the fuck are you"??????
10-31-2003, 10:24 AM
Hey! Sorry! But I have a question about that line from the Who song......and a few others!
Our company just recently moved to a new building in another town and I can finally wear my Walkman and get a radio station other than a bible and/or a country station!!!!! dawned on me.......
How come The Who can sing..."who the fuck are you"?.......OR.....Pearl Jam can say...."harmless little fuck"........and not be bleeped by the censors.......BUT, when groups like Green Day get air play......they get bleeped out the f'in wazoo? I don't know how it is around the country or the planet........but in my little neck of the woods.......where our largest radio stations come out of Philadelphia on a "40,000 watt flame thrower" (lol!)...........the censors seem to be deaf in certain cases and extremely sensitive in others! WTF is up with that?
10-31-2003, 10:33 AM
It's all cesored here in the Biblebelt. Loved, "She *pause*pause* hates me"
10-31-2003, 10:38 AM
The Who had a song with "who the fuck are you" in it??
You might want to check that, you might be experiencing the Hendrix phenomena...."Excuse me while I kiss this guy"
10-31-2003, 11:07 AM
Nope, the Who sang 'Who the fuck are you'. Good point, Lixy.
I remember the first time I heard that song on the radio, Lilith. The announcer cracked up afterwards and said, "Yep, there's no way you'd be able to figure out the bleeped word!"
10-31-2003, 11:16 AM
The Grateful Dead - Casey Jones: “livin’ on vitamin c and *pause*pause*”. Not too long ago!
10-31-2003, 11:17 AM
Still, it is better than the rap crap that they play, like killing someone, killing a cop, force fucking some girl, ect., some of that is really BAD. I try to sensor what I can of that that our kids listen to.
10-31-2003, 11:26 AM
“Gangsta Rap” is the most offensive. Perhaps it isn’t correct to call it rap, but I recall seeing Will Smith do a number that was quite good. I thought he was an actor, but perhaps that was early in his career.
10-31-2003, 11:57 AM
I hear ya sista Lil! *^5*
south......I know what you're saying.....bout "scuse me while I kiss this guy".......but there is NO way anyone can deny that The Who doesn't say "who the fuck are you" on air play!
OMG! I just had a revelation! TY, TY, south! It must be that the censors don't actually know and/or listen to the songs.......but only read the lyrics! On any lyric'll only see the song I posted below (I bracketed the line in the song posted)..........but when the song was recorded....The Who incorporated that line.......and it still gets past the censors! I'll have to check on "Jeremy"....but it might be the same case scenario!
Artist: Who, The
Album: Who Are You
Title: Who Are You
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I woke up in a Soho doorway
A policeman knew my name
He said 'You can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away'
I staggered back to the underground
And the breeze blew back my hair
I remember throwin' punches around
And preachin' from my chair
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I took the tube back out of town
Back to the Rollin' Pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
With a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the Tin Pan
God, there's got to be another way
Well...tell me who are you?
Who are you? (Who, who, who, who?)
Ahh *[who the fuck are you?]*
Who are you? (Who, who, who, who?)
Who are you, you, you, you, you
I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still recieve your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?
*OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT......LOL! I've sung this song enough today.......I was just making a CENSOR point!*
TY sista Steph!!
jseal....I know....I know!!!!?????
Cobalt....I understand the child censorship for your personal reasons and household....and that's as it should be.....but if a radio station plays one song with "fuck" in it.....and then censors another with "shit" in it.....WTF sense does that make????????????
10-31-2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by jseal
“Gangsta Rap” is the most offensive. Perhaps it isn’t correct to call it rap, but I recall seeing Will Smith do a number that was quite good. I thought he was an actor, but perhaps that was early in his career.
Will Smith was a rapper wayyyyyyyyy before he was an actor! "The Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff" or "Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince".....or, whatever!..............ergo his TV series, "The Fresh Prince Of Belair".
His song "Get Jiggy" (lmfao!....pleeeeeeeease correct me here!!!)........never finds me in my seat!
What a versitile person!
10-31-2003, 12:04 PM
"Gettin' Jiggy With It"
I think:D
10-31-2003, 12:08 PM
LMAO Lil! I was gonna say that......but it sounded of me! LMFAO!
*checks my face in the mirror and exclaims..."Holy Shit! I am white"!!!!*
Oh gawd.....I better go run my errands!
10-31-2003, 01:25 PM
My favourite WHO song is: I can see for Miles and Miles. I think "Who the fuck are you ?" must have slipped by the censors.God, what a useless job that must be.What are the qualifications for a job as censor? High school education not important.Must be a real Ass Hole.Hate SEX is a plus. heh heh My condolence for anybody living in the Bible Belt.
it is true
"tell me who the fuck are you"
The Who is a fav of mine.
All of it!
Seen em twice
10-31-2003, 02:16 PM
Kid Rock & Cheryl Crow's song "Pictures" has the work cocaine bleeped out as well. That cracks me up. Oops, no pun intended! I guess it's depicted as glamorizing drugs when you portray a guy who's breaking up with his wife because of self-destructive bahavior as "fueling up on cocaine and whiskey".
It's DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince. Will is Fresh Prince in the duo and that was his start to stardom. To my knowledge
they only did one song with cussing in it and his Grandma got on his case about it and he decided she was right... he didn't need cuss words to be good.
10-31-2003, 04:19 PM
I think its dependant on the radio staion. All of them here locally bleep the words out. And well some I *think* have made radio versions of songs (e.g: Ying Yang Twins and someone else with 'Get Low').. But as far as our Rock sation they dont hide much... I heard a song (I dont recall the name of it) had fuck in the well as a song whos chorus' first line is "I do it for the drugs!".. So it *is* confusing as to why radio stations do/dont censor... I think it probally who can get away with it. :rolleyes:
10-31-2003, 10:55 PM
And............AC/DC's "Big Balls" song..or whatever the hell it's, by far, the biggest inuendo song ever, ever written and played on all rock stations.............without a single *bleeping* bleep! I just don't get it!
I wonder if the censors have any idea that Cindy Lauper's "She Bop" is about masturbation? Shhhhhhhhhhhh.....don't tell um! I love that song!
Lix dont tellem I like that song too.
11-01-2003, 10:57 PM
yes lixy but Big Balls is all about ball room dancing didn't you know that
11-02-2003, 04:27 PM
I agree that most radio and tv company censors haven't a clue about what they are listening to. In the seventies I was teenage punkrocker in the UK and it was strange which records were banned or censored. The Jam had loads of hits and most had some swear words,yet to my knowledge werent censored,and then along comes young Johnny Rotten and his mates with a song called God save the Queen and its banned immediately and doesn't contain any swearing,(my mum nearly died when I played at home). There was also a record in the charts then by the Vapours called Turning Japanese, which is also about masterbating, and its played everywhere.
11-02-2003, 09:27 PM
A radio station here just played "fever for the flava" and just took the words our of all the verses and played just the music...damn censors
11-03-2003, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Booger
yes lixy but Big Balls is all about ball room dancing didn't you know that
Oh yes! I do know that Booger babe! I love bouncing balls!
11-03-2003, 12:52 PM
Censorship is the first of many ways to take away FREEDOM! I deplore it and if you don't like what you hear then TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody in America is made to do anything he or she doesn't want to do.
Sorry Lixy.................... I get carried away about certain things. Censorship is a Liberal Idealists idea of freedom. (so move off the Planet)
11-03-2003, 01:32 PM
Keep in mind now that most of these radio stations are not government funded, and so are free to edit their broadcasts as they deem appropriate. The constraints upon prior censorship here in the States apply to federal government activity not that of private sector entities.
While bleeping out portions of speeches and lyrics may be distasteful, and as has been observed, often irrational, and occasionally comical, it is not at all illegal. There is a long and dishonorable tradition being upheld here. The greatest example of them all may be that of Dr. Thomas Bowdler, an English physician, who published an edition of Shakespeare in 1818 in which the “nasty bits” were edited out. I’m not making this up.
Whenever you read or hear about a work being “bowdlerized”, you know that the clamheads have gotten to it.
11-03-2003, 01:48 PM
The radio stations have the FCC to deal with and must edit/taper their shows to meet certain criteria.
11-03-2003, 02:13 PM
I was trying to hunt up the current guidelines but came across this article from 2001....
11-03-2003, 03:19 PM
A few years ago when I was giving movie reviews and political talks on the local radio, I was told by station management that besides the 4 words (Fuck, Cunt, Dammit and any "God" explative) the rest of what was offensive was about content.
The one comment I was given, is that prior to a few years ago "Ass" and "Bitch" were not acceptable terms in conversation on the radio (expect in anatomy or breeding references) but now they are common on some radio shows and the FCC no longer cares about their use.
11-05-2003, 07:28 PM
Really! "who the fuck are you"???....I am schlocked....and Roger seems like such a nice boy too....Well then "suck on my big ten inch,(record)" then as Aerosmith sang to all of our envies.....
11-05-2003, 07:38 PM
Here is one little tidbit for you all to chew on. That being that most records that are recorded as "singles" will produce a sanitized version of the song to suit the moral standards of the time. However the album version will be different in content. So while Who are you played on a top40 station might have some lyrical changes made in the studio an AOR station may rely on the DJ to edit the songs as he sees fit and perhaps let's some stuff go to be cool and or get fired or what ever...Since the advent of the commercial conglomerate stations a lot of this censoring falls on the corporate HQ as less and less is left to the discursion of the DJ who is now mostly an announcer, would be comic, or droid.
Back in the 70’s when I was working in radio the rules were fairly clear cut. Avoid the 7 and don’t do anything stupid.
All of that has changed….for the worse
11-06-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by south
Really! "who the fuck are you"???....I am schlocked....and Roger seems like such a nice boy too....Well then "suck on my big ten inch,(record)" then as Aerosmith sang to all of our envies.....
Um.................."s[t]uck on my big ten inch.......record of the band that plays the that plays the blues.......she just loves my big ten inch.....record of my favorite blues"
south....honey pie, sweety cakes? It wasn't my intention to start a thread of "what I THINK I heard" when I listen to a song on the radio...........but "what I KNOW I hear" when I hear songs played on the radio........and why, oh why are some "bad" words deleted, bleeped, made to be non-existent......and some not"......kinda thread!
If you listen (as intently as I do) to Aerosmith's "Big Ten Inch Record Album" song........Steven does, indeed say "STUCK". But I'm sure he did hope we'd hear "SUCK".......which we did.........and I do sing it that way anyway! LOL!
I still think my theory (spawned by your first response) was close to the reason I that, I don't think censors KNOW the words to the songs......but only READ them as the artist's print them (and yet, don't necessarily record them as written)! It may be the reason for MORE censorship now-a-days. I don't think the newer artisits give a flying rat's ass in trying to "SNEAK" around censorship........but, they might know we (the consumer) know and understand their original intention.......and so they just write it ALL down. The artists of days gone-by wanted and needed all the air-play they could get (not having all the venues, other than concerts and albums, available to them then as they would today) and so they "cleaned up" the written version to get it past the censors.
That's my theory, and I'm stickin with it.........(least till I look up Pearl Jam's "Jeremy"...........Oh Gawd, I hate all those pop-ups on lyric sites!!!!)
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