View Full Version : 1202 members??
09-20-2001, 05:45 AM
Ok..I am going to do a little bitching be
We have 1202 members here at Pixies as off 6:46 am (My time) this morning. With this amount of members the board should be just a big buzz!!
I have been to other forums with the same type of bulletin board (No where near as good as Pixies mind you!!) And there are less members and way more posts!! I have seen some places have 100 new threads a DAY and tons of replies...
Not that I don't love the people here..I do very much!! But it is always the same ones posting and replying! (I am one of them..LOL) You would think that with 1202 members alot more would post!!
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! Just don't sign up and not use your memberbship!!
KIM wants this place to be #1 on the net!!! So why not help her!!!
I am certainly doing my share...LOL...
And this one is for the WOMEN out there...PLease, Please...of you see a photo of a man....just don't sit there and drool....tell them will ya!!!!!
We all love compliments... so don't be shy LADIES...the pic will not bite you if you reply!!!!!
Once again I want to Thank Kim for doing such great job here..I love it here!!!
BUT WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diva has this one down........
Have been to others and they are no where near as good as PIXIES!
Many have what seem like mindless kids...
NOT here!!! This site has a lot of great folks..........
People with minds.
DIVA I hope you never go else where.
You are one that makes this site what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a hand full or two of others....
09-20-2001, 08:20 AM
Like it or NOT...I am hear to stay!!!! :D
You are all stuck with me...LOL
As Tony The Tiger would say.
09-20-2001, 08:46 AM
right diva, i try the best i can also, but right now i have noone to take pics with :(
Pussy Willow
09-20-2001, 03:12 PM
I also love pixies. And unlike other sites the people here don't
share a brain !!!!!
I like that I can have an intelligent discussion with someone,
and that it doesn't always have to do with sex.
(Although lately this HAS been my favorite subject)>
09-20-2001, 05:53 PM
Hi Guys
Ditto on all of the above, it is the sparkling wit and horny pics that keep me coming back.
09-24-2001, 09:37 PM
Hey people!!! I was just told, by a certain member...that I talk to much on this board..and post to much...!!!
So just to let you all know.. I will not be saying ONE WORD for a whole week!!!!
LOL But they will not stop me from looking at the pics!!!:D
09-24-2001, 09:55 PM
You are one of many that keep the place exciting...
Diva Baby!!! you can't hold back on us for a whole week... we need out Diva fix!!!
Don't Stop Diva!!! cum back!!!!!
Prophet Reality
09-24-2001, 10:00 PM
Please don't torture us that way. I love to read your post. So whoever said that is out of their minds with jealousy.
I like Diva....she does good posts :) she also keeps part of the board ALIVE!!!!!
just tell us who that person is and we will sort them out :D
Diva Baby!!! you can't hold back on us for a whole week... we need out Diva fix!!!
I for another love you post and COMMENTS!!!
Someones is out of there mind all right...
just tell us who that person is and we will sort them out
Let us at'em................:p
09-25-2001, 05:20 AM
Just found Pixies today,looks like a great site,I've posted already,c'mon everyone get posting your pics.....Steve xxx.
09-25-2001, 05:34 AM
Came here to see her and I found out she won't talk for one week!
Well listen here member, whoever you are...if you don't like Diva then get the hell outta here! You don't have to read her posts or look at her pics!
But as you can see..she is loved here..SO LEAVE HER ALONE! OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE US TO MESS WITH!
I know you are logged on come back and talk to us....Please...don't let idiots bother you!Diva Baby!!! you can't hold back on us for a whole week... we need our Diva fix!!!
09-25-2001, 05:45 PM
09-25-2001, 08:16 PM
What's going on here girlfriend?
You better get back here real quick.
I have a secret to tell you are real curious...(((you are probably reading this just itching to post aren't you Diva... bet you 50 bucks you can't last a week~lol~)))
So you better get back on here quick Diva, if you want to know what it is........
C'mon girlfriend...heeheehee
09-25-2001, 11:26 PM
Sorry, I must have it all wrong.
I thought a forum was somewhere where you posted pics
(Can't find a wide angle lens big enough for my gut) and made
and received comments/criticisms/applause/help.
You can't do that without engaging others in this slow, written
Interesting to know how many people dive straight into the
the chat room (too fast and cliquey for me) and how many
wander the Forum.
Stuff them Diva. "Voice ring out!"
09-26-2001, 09:40 AM
Sensuallove I will double that bet!!!!!!!!!! lol but we love you diva, and you can not deprive the rest of us your presense just because some moron on here !!!!! we enjoy your posts!!!!!! and I really enjoy your pics!!!!!!!!!!!
09-26-2001, 11:03 AM
I think the board is too quiet now that Diva's not here. Not that the rest of us can't make noise, but hers is always the loudest. Come back, Diva!!
09-26-2001, 11:07 AM
Diva---One of the things(besides the erotic pictures)that makes
Pixies so great;is that you can skip over things; if you don't want
to read them.I think that I mainly agree with;Old Fart.If someone
tells you that you post to much,Ignore Them.Who died and put
them in charge?As far as I know,Kim is still in charge.Not them!
Everyone has different likes and dislikes and they don't have to
follow others.Don't let them bother you.If I had listened to the
main opinion.I would have sold my motorcycle;yrs. ago;and had a
completly boring life! Irish
09-26-2001, 11:59 PM
Diva, you were right the first time... it's not that you post too much, the rest of us don't post enough! Plz don't punish all of us for the comments of one... unless it was Kim, one comment doesn't count!
09-27-2001, 03:00 AM
Diva ignore them.....i sure enjoy your posts....come back please
Irish: Sold your motorbike.....good lord man, perish the thought...i love my bike...motorcycling gets into your blood....Live To Ride
09-27-2001, 08:45 AM
come back, talk to us we miss you. please.:(
Captain Tongue
09-27-2001, 10:22 PM
I agree with all of the above comments. Whoever it was, is obviously in the minority. I look forward to your comments and I especially look forward to your beautiful pics!!
I have been an idle voyeur at Pixies for several months. I enjoy the letters and occasional banter created by the phony pics. I have gotten to know most of the regulars. Sorry I have not participated. I would appreciate a couple kisses from the ladies to make me feel welcome. Any luscious lips out there to give me some lipstick kisses?:redghost:
09-29-2001, 02:46 PM
I HAVE MISSED YOU (((((ALL))))!!!!!!
But it's not as bad as you all think. I was chatting with one of the members, a dear friend, and we were joking around. And in part of the conversation we were having, it was said I talk to while we were chatting, on msn, I posted my message for all of you to see!! And there was nothing this member could do..LOL!! Sorry if you all took it serious, I should have explained myself better!
As you all know, I am a firm believer in backing up my family here at Pixies, with rude and offensing members. I don't tolorate it, and I speak my mind! And if this was "for real" You all know I would have ignored them and made them feel inch high!!
So to all of you who posted messages, sent emails and pm's I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You sure know how to make someone feel wanted and missed! So to everyone I give you all a HUGE ((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))
And KISSES to the men!!! ;)
LoveDiva is back where she belongs!!! At Pixies Place, with her family!!!!!! The best place to be!!!
Sorry for babbling on!!
And I better not get any complaints because my name will be on all the threadz!!!!!! LMAO!!
Love you all!!!!!!
WELCOME back,,,,,,,,,,
As you all know, I am a firm believer in backing up my family here at Pixies, with rude and offensing members. I don't tolorate it, and I speak my mind!
09-29-2001, 03:26 PM
Thanks for the welcome back M45!!
09-29-2001, 03:34 PM
We all missed you Lovediva. Happy foruming.
09-29-2001, 03:34 PM
I am sooooo glad you are back... I have missed you soooo much...
A big wet kiss for you!!!!!
09-29-2001, 03:35 PM
Thanks Nubian..she did miss this place!!
As for you back to you!!!
WOW in 9 days we have gone from 1202 to 1486 for 284 new members, that is 31.5 a day!
Growing fast!!!
09-29-2001, 04:58 PM
~~Welcome Back Girlfriend~~
Missed you bunches Diva!! This board was not the same without you! And..I am curious, who is the good friend? ;)
Guess I owe you some money!
M45..Since Kim has made the pic section for registered users only, the membership is way up! Hope we don't lose the big happy family appeal here!
09-29-2001, 05:12 PM
Thanks Sensual!!
Nice to be back...awaiting my 50 bucks now..LOL :D
As for the good friend...I am not going to tell you...but let's see if he will come forward!!! :D I DARE HIM!!! :D
And I agree with you about the family appeal! I love this place because it is full of great friends and good conversation and fabulous pics!!!
Shes back..... :)
ur not going anywhere no more :p
SensualLove, I hope not too!!!
This is a fun and friendly place!
Hope we don't lose the big happy family appeal here!
Prophet Reality
09-30-2001, 08:38 PM
Diva.. glad your back girl. have missed you a lot. Thanks for the HUG and heres one back atcha ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))
And a big kiss too. Please don't leave again!!!
09-30-2001, 08:45 PM
Thanks (((Prophet))) !!
And I promise I will never leave again ;)
10-01-2001, 07:24 AM
Let's see people if we can figure this out...
If you look back in the thread and see who the first person was to reply to Diva saying she was going to stop posting that may give you a BIG hint!!!
Hey, and be nice to that person.. it was all in good fun... and I bet Diva just enjoyed all the posts begging her to come back!!!!
If you look back in the thread and see who the first person was to reply to Diva saying she was going to stop posting that may give you a BIG hint!!!
WAS bogeyman ,,,, So whats up with that???
10-01-2001, 07:32 AM
then Diva ran away with it!!! it wa to punish me I think!!!!
it was to punish me I think!!!!
10-01-2001, 08:31 AM
Heeheeeheee.... Bogey didn't think you would admit it!!! :D
10-01-2001, 09:01 AM
lol.. figured they should all know who was to blame..
10-01-2001, 11:12 AM
~~Bogey is to blame for all this comotion?~~
How dare you Bogeyman!!
But somehow I knew it was you ;)
Hope that teaches you not to mess with my friend Diva!! :)
10-01-2001, 11:13 AM
now Sensual.. why would you think it was me???
10-01-2001, 11:15 AM
~~My sources tell me so~~ ;)
10-01-2001, 11:16 AM
You see.. it was a conspiracy.... I'm just glad people aren't ready to gang up on me...
10-01-2001, 11:20 AM
~~Gang UP~~
Well I wouldn't gang up on you.. you deserved what you got :) And it better not happen again! :)
But I am sure there are a few women here who would love to gang up on you! ;)
10-01-2001, 11:27 AM
deserved what I got???
come on. I didn't do anything.. :(:(
10-01-2001, 05:46 PM
on Bogey could be lots of fun...don't ya think ladies?
10-01-2001, 05:49 PM
Tell me when and where baby!!!!
White Tigress
10-01-2001, 11:09 PM
I totally agree, that could be lots of fun. :D With a such a sexy man....... Oh My Yes!
Bogey, do you think you could keep up with us ladies?? :p
10-02-2001, 07:02 AM
Well Tigress..
I'm certainly willing to give it a try!!!! :D
White Tigress
10-02-2001, 02:07 PM
Couldn't ask for anything more. I'm sure it would be lots of fun trying too. ;)
bogeyman my man looks like you are in for THE ride of your life!
10-02-2001, 05:28 PM
Looks like it M45.. and I'll just hold on real tight!!!
Never thought it would be this much fun to be punished for teasing someone.. ;)
Hold her Duke, She's ah Buckin'
10-03-2001, 08:04 AM
Punishment can be a subtle thing.
Take care.
11-21-2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Lovediva
Like it or NOT...I am hear to stay!!!! :D
You are all stuck with me...LOL
*turning away and silently weeping*.................If only this were true.........
11-21-2002, 11:07 AM
Asking people to post lots, love that....winds have changed
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