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View Full Version : The Love Police

Michael Smith
10-16-2003, 09:03 PM
When your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, or significant other, does something really annoying, or starts acting like a jerk, you can now email them a Love Police Citation to Arrest Their Attention. You also have the option of selecting their Bail and making a sentencing recommendation. The Offender is also able to respond with a Plea, and Post Bail in the Department of Corrections.


10-16-2003, 09:34 PM
Cute.. :) Thanks Michael..

Michael Smith
10-16-2003, 09:42 PM
I thought it was cute. I'm glad you did, too! :)

10-16-2003, 10:31 PM
I think they need a "special" Pixie category of Dreamed Offences.;)

10-17-2003, 01:07 PM
My wife could use that.She just told me,at my eye Drs. office,that
I was EMBARRASSING.If I feel like doing something or saying something,I DO it.I can't beleive that she expects me to act
"Mature" after being married to me for 38yrs. Irish

Michael Smith
10-17-2003, 06:48 PM
Sounds good, PF. ;)

Imagine that, Irish! :D

Uh oh. It looks like Lakritze and I read the same newsletter. We both posted this same link. :)

Teddy Bear
10-17-2003, 07:10 PM
very cute.

thanks for sharing it.

i'll put it to use, lol

10-19-2003, 04:29 PM
Any excuse to drag out the handcuffs;)