View Full Version : Eagles fans ..... what's your favorite?
Just heard on the radio today that a new Eagles CD will be released on October 21st -- I think they said something like "An all time best of" .... I'm a HUGE fan .... mainly because I have a HUGE crush on Glenn Frey .... so it got me thinking ... for those of you who are Eagles fans, what's your favorite song by them .... and if you're like me .... that can change from one moment to the next, so feel free to post as many favorites as you like in one post or in multiple posts!!!!
At the moment .... Take it Easy ... for me ... love the sound of Glenn's voice! :D
10-10-2003, 10:29 PM
I’m partial to Bald Eagles.:rolleyes:
10-10-2003, 10:31 PM
At the concert I went to this summer poor Glen Frey went to sing and not a damn thing came out. Was funny. He got the giggles and had no water on his keyboard and Tim the long haired cutie had to save his ass and sing for him.:p
Best Of My Love
I Can't Tell You Why
Peaceful Easy Feelin'
10-10-2003, 11:22 PM
I'm kinda partial to Joe Walsh myself.I like In The City.Been a fan since the James Gang.
10-10-2003, 11:25 PM
I glanced at a picture of them in the paper today (they played T.O. last night) and I could have sworn the caption had Glenn Frey as a long-haired cutie. I'm partial to him from his '80s solo career.
Seven Bridges Road is one of my fave songs ever!
10-11-2003, 08:41 AM
OMG fzzy! When I read the title to this thread....I thought Philadelphia in in NO, I'm not a fan and YES, the Pa. Eagles fans are such bastards! And then I read this thread and I still can't get this email out of my here's how my brain works.........
Little Johnny was in his 4th grade class when the teacher asked the
children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came
up-fireman, policeman, salesman, etc...
> Johnny was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him
about his father.
> "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his
clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good,he'll
go out to the alley with some guy and have sex with him for money."
> The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other
children to work on some coloring, and took Little Johnny aside to ask him,
"Is that really true about your father?"
> "No," said Johnny, "He plays for the Philadelphia Eagles, but I was too
embarrassed to say so
Ya see......the Eagles have really sucked so far this year (only one win) and this is the kinda shit that's sent around our way to show......(support???)!!! LOL! Had to share that!
As to your question..........I love all the Eagles songs.....matter of fact......I'd just seem like a copy cat if I named mine...cause they are all up above already!
P.S. lakritze......I love Rocky Mountain and bro used to play it at mom's and blow the fuses everytime we amped up!
LOL Lixy ... I love the way your brain works!!!!
Steph .... I agree with you .. love 7 Bridges road .... that whole a cappella harmonizing is incredibly well done!
Today I was just hearing "Desperadooooooooo" echoing in my head!
10-11-2003, 12:40 PM
Just saw them this past Thursday - 31 songs, 3 hours - awesome concert....
Wasted Time stole the show - it was just incredibly well done...
As for the rest ? Too many to choose from - all based on my mood....
10-11-2003, 01:11 PM
fzzy---Glen has been one of my favorites for years.A long time ago,he quit everything that he was addicted to.Supposedly,one
day,he said to himself that if he had that much talent,stoned,
Imagine how much he would have if he wasn't under the influence
of anything!If anyone remembers the old"Miami Vice"series.He was in an episode,in which he played an airplane owning drug
smuggler.They also played"Smugglers Blues"that he wrote as an
Eagle.I like MOST of the Eagles songs.I don't have a favorite.One
Christmas,my wife and I,each gave each other an album that was
"Best of the Eagles."Needless to say,we both are their fans.My
favorite is still "the Rolling Stones!"They"re almost as old as me.
I particularly appreciate Glen Frye because I personally know how
focused you have to be to quit an addiction.I am a recovering
alcoholic & you have to stay constantly aware! Irish
Irish I agree ... there's much to admire in such a huge move forward in your life .... I remember that episode as well as seeing him in brief appearances in various other things ... Nash Bridges, Jerry McGuire ... a little more substantial role in a movie with Mark Harmon called (I think) "Let's Get Harry." ... I'm a fan .. can you tell? LOL!!
... and your smile is a thin disguise, thought by now you'ld realize .... there aint no way to hide your lyin' eyes. :)
10-11-2003, 04:33 PM
First time I ever smoked a joint was to Hotel California.:)
But I LOVE Life in the fast lane and heartache tonight. Ohhh You said favorite....... you know that it is impossible to pick just one!:p
Ohhhh and Witchy woman and........:D
10-11-2003, 04:57 PM
The last song on the Album, Hotel California is called 'The Last Resort'. While I love most Eagles songs, I think that one has to be my favorite, but I never hear anyone ever talk about. Listen to the lyrics sometime, it's a great message!
Anyone else like that one?
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