View Full Version : Naked Without...

10-03-2003, 06:28 AM
Is there jewelry ( medallion. ring, etc) or a hat or some accessory that you wear everyday?

I know I feel lost without my earrings. But I wear 2 wedding sets, my thumb ring, this funky silver necklace, my tiger's eye anklet, and of course my nose stud everyday.

Do you wear them/it out of habit? Or for any reason? Mine all have sentimental value.

10-03-2003, 06:41 AM
I wear a wedding ring that was from an aunt, a victorian diamond ring another aunt gave me, a gold band with saphire ring to match and a short gold chain, which is only removed about twice a year. Thats about it really, oh, I forgot my watch, but I remove that daily, so not sure it that counts.

The watch is out of habit, the gold band and saphire ring because I love the look of them. and the others all have sentimal connections

10-03-2003, 08:13 AM
My wedding band never comes off, my watch, I feel half dressed if I don't have it on.

10-03-2003, 08:21 AM
I cannot sleep in my jewelry, but, if I forget to put them on in the morning, I feel lost without my rings, since apparently I "twirl" them as a nervous habit. Also part of the standard ensemble are my hoop earrings and cross necklace, and, in the summer, my ankle braclet.

10-03-2003, 08:37 AM
My wedding ring never comes off. (Well, my replacement one that is...my original was lost at sea.)

My watch should be screwed right to my wrist. I hate not knowing what time it is. Probably cause I'm always cutting it too close.

My St. Patrick's necklace.

10-03-2003, 08:41 AM
my jade and hematite necklace and my wedding bands, feel so lost w out them

10-03-2003, 08:54 AM
Except to sleep, I always wear a watch.

10-03-2003, 09:43 AM
The ring that Lou bought me for my birthday :)
I've got 3 chains and I've started a rotation system for wearing them :D

10-03-2003, 10:56 AM
My wedding ring and my mother's ring the kids and Cobalt got me for Mother's Day one year......

I hate wearing watches, so I am really glad that Cobalt has his on allllllllllll the time!

10-03-2003, 11:14 AM
I feel anti-naked with jewellry on. I only wear my watch because our workday is so precise I need to time my cigarette breaks.

I wore a necklace the other day and felt like I was being choked.

10-03-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
I feel lost without my rings, since apparently I "twirl" them as a nervous habit.

I wear my thumb ring because the center twirls. It is seperate from the edges, it's made to spin around just for nervous people like me:p

10-03-2003, 12:28 PM
Watch and wedding band. Only take watch off to shower and sleep. While this isn't jewelry, I also have my cell phone everywhere I go unless I'm on vacation (which I haven't done in over 5 years now).

10-03-2003, 12:38 PM
LOL I am never cell-less either

10-03-2003, 01:27 PM
I take my jewelry off when I come home, but if I am out I have to have on my wedding set, my mother's ring, watch on one wrist and redemption bracelets on the other.
I also wear a necklace that I had made after my brother was killed. It's called a Memorial Tear. It is shaped like a teardrop to symbolize my sadness over his death, it has a rose on the front to symbolize my undying love for him and I had his initial engraved on the back.

10-03-2003, 02:58 PM
Can't stand wearing jewelry, myself. I am often wearing watch and dog tags though.

10-03-2003, 03:00 PM
I'll always wear my watch and my small hoop in my upper ear (cartilage). I will often wear small hoop earrings and rings pretty often too, and in the summer I often wear ankle braclets as well.

10-03-2003, 03:26 PM
I usually have one my class ring from high school (yeah I know, antique), a watch and my 5mm rope chain. I take off the watch and ring at night but my freedom chain stays. I call it that because for 8 years every special occasion I bought jewelry for someone else, this was the first piece I'd bought for me.

10-03-2003, 03:42 PM
My wedding ring never comes off... unless I run the risk of losing my finger by wearing it. And on those occasions I put it back on ASAP!

10-03-2003, 05:31 PM
My watch.....my sleepers and a ring

10-03-2003, 06:19 PM
I have 2 or 3 rings I swap from time to time, and I always wear a watch (got a bit of a "thing" about watches...... I have eight at last count!!). What NEVER comes off though, is my neckcain; it has a gold Ankh, which was a present from my sister, and a heart-shaped padlock (charm bracelet-type thing) which is the only thing of my eldest (now dead) daughter that I have. The one time I've taken it off in over six years was when I had to have a neck X-ray after a bike accident, and it went back on before I even got off the table!


10-03-2003, 06:31 PM
oh I forgot....LOL...funny my jewelry has become such a part of me I forget I have it on.

I wear this too amd never take it off...

10-03-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by darogle
...I am often wearing watch and dog tags though.
Just keep them together my friend.;)

10-03-2003, 08:11 PM
Wedding ring is the only thing I can think of. Watch comes close but I have forgotten it once in a while.

10-03-2003, 09:58 PM
I had a locket (a porcelin handpainted oval locket) that hubby bought me in our first years of courtship (lol....we were shacking up!) in which I kept the sweetest pic of my mother....and on the other side.....a pic of me and hubby (then boyfriend)....and I never took it off......till the day I was summoned to the trauma unit of Cooper Medical Center and taken to my baby sisters side. I cried and held her......I gave her the only thing I brought with me to let her know I'd always be with her even when I wasn't physically there. She's better now...........but my locket was lost or stolen during her stay in trauma!

I now wear my wedding set....a silver link bracelet with 2 tiny keys on it.... a silver heart on a delicate 18" chain....and my watch.....daily! Anything else is an accessory to me (since my nose ring fell out and the hole closed by the time I discovered it was gone)!!!

10-05-2003, 04:57 PM
Just now I always wear a silver celtic style ring that belonged to my gran who passed away last year. Before that I wore a silver ring that my ex had made for me~~~~~~but took it off after I found out that he had been cheating~~~~~~~~and prior to that it was my wedding band~that I wore till we split up. But I know that I would feel naked without my gran's ring~~~~~~and intend to wear it for as long as it or me lasts!