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10-02-2003, 05:38 AM
I was watching tv with my kids last night and saw this beautiful commercial for some huge Cinderella-esque Barbie set. At the climax they say, "true love transforms all."

I was just thinking of that statement and how children might absorb it. My personal opinion is that when you truly love someone, holes and all, no transformation is expected. I just think that statement sends a bad message to little girls . I think it adds to the " fix 'em up" mentality some women have.

I know it was a commercial for a fake plastic doll designed after a fairytale but it just kind of stuck with me so I thought I would come to the people whose opinions I respect and see what if any thoughts you may have on it.

10-02-2003, 07:28 AM
It's amazing how our perception of people alters when we are

blinded by love/lust.

I remember a woman who radiated life and love (I thought) who

became a frumpy, angry harridan when I told her that I would not

compete with the visiting USMC master sergeant she was obsessed with.

The transformation is real, just not what the barbie movie said.

10-02-2003, 08:03 AM
not much about barbie promts a good self image for little girls, they grow up thinking they have to have perky tits a nice small ass a tiny waist and gorgeous hair! ive never beena big fan of hers (well since i left my childhood behind neways) i hate that barbie doesnt have a beautiful friend w a full figure that wud be a much better perspective for little girl, the "everyones differnt but beautiful still" thought needs to be in thier mind

10-02-2003, 09:20 AM
yeah, Barbie has been known to send some pretty messed up messages to our little girls...

10-02-2003, 11:07 AM
I would've LOVED a full figured barbie! Oops, too much information.

Anyway, to address your question:

True Love Transforms All...

You may not expect a transformation, but there usually will be one. That you know there are "holes" or imperfections means you're not lost in some fantasy world of perfect people doing beautiful things in beautiful ways. But, those same holes in other people aren't as sugar coated because you don't love them. Unless you are able to remain very objective.

10-02-2003, 11:10 AM
I'm suprised Barbie ad execs would still broadcast commercials like that. In any case, the Barbies I had engaged in hot orgies and the like and I thought their bodies were insanely unrealistic. I never wanted her body.

10-02-2003, 01:18 PM
If you believe the commercial media in this land,women are supposed to be pushing a mop or a swiffel,what ever that is around the kitchen while the guys are off driving their brand new Humvees and kids are living in a fantasy world of Cinderella-esque Barbies living in magic castles.The commercial that gets me involves a fussy little tyke whose daddy is trying his best to entertain.The kid soon get a big grin on his face,but as the camera moves back,standing behind daddy is the corporate logo figure of Ronald McD. and the child reconizes him even at that young of age.Jesus,that just about says it all for the state of families today.

10-02-2003, 01:44 PM
I remember the fuss when Barbie started spouting lines like "Math is hard." People were up in arms that Barbie would be sending such a message to young girls (math is too hard for girls). I just stared at the news stories, thinking "THIS is the worst thing you think she teaches girls?!?" The thing is toxic. Any doll I buy my children will be able to walk without high heels (have you seen that thing's feet?).

That rant aside....I offer you another quote from my oddball family. "Love is like morphine. On morphine, it's not that you don't feel the pain any more...it's that you don't care." I was taught that the magic of healthy love was that you weren't blind to the object of your affection's faults....they just don't bother you in light of their overwhelming strengths. If you feel the need to change them, or change yourself....well....it's not good enough.

If that's the lesson the kids take, well...it did well for me. But I don't think there's a guanantee that's the way they'll hear that line. Kids see the world through the filter of the rest of their experiences. If they're set a healthy example at home, they'll see the good message most likely. If home is abusive, they'll likely think that "love excuses any behavior," thus changing everything.

Basically, I think the important thing is not to let Barbie, or Disney, or anyone who doesn't love your kids as much as you do (and any parent knows very few people possibly could, grandparents maybe) should be allowed to have an unfiltered influence on your kids. We should talk to them about the big things (love etc.) when they're ready....and talk about the outside messages when we have to.

My 2 cents.


10-02-2003, 04:11 PM
ginger i luv ur family quote it is sooooooooooo right!

steph im so glad im not the only one who made barbie do that! i used to make GI Joe take her out and ravage her !!!!! she was hooker babie most of the time.

10-03-2003, 02:14 AM
At about 11 or 12 and going into toy stores, there was always a Barbie out of her box and either a Ken or GI Joe near by.I would place them in the most salacious poses before leaving the store. heh heh Who says guys can't play with dolls.

10-03-2003, 03:29 AM
Lilith while I can agree with you that the message conveyed wasn't the one we'd want our children to receive. I don't really see it as a threat because the most important messages about love conveyed are the examples acted out right in front of them. If we love with expectations then I'm afraid that's their definition by perception and the odds are they'll be more likely to as well.
As for the Barbie image, give me something a little closer to a Delta Burke in a Pixie's style thank you.

10-03-2003, 04:21 AM
GingerV said it very well. I think part of what makes McD so popular with young kids is he always conveys a sense of "fun." I think that's what small children really relate to. I still think my favorite commercial of all time is one of a little boy laughing and laughing at his little puppy trying to lick his face. I think it was a Pepsi ad, but that didn't matter. That laughing little guy made it a great commercial.

10-03-2003, 05:16 AM
true love makes everthing bearable. It helps deal with the problems that life thows at you. It makes you strong and gives you energy when you are ready to give up.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blind infatuation clouds reality and distorts the truths (but can be fun when it lasts!)