09-18-2003, 03:25 AM
Hi everyone :)
I read the scavenger hunt thread in couple area and get an idea
A post like scavenger hunt, but with a little difference :
-Some peoples post a request (or 2), then when someone complete the requests, he asks a request too, but to the personn that asked the request he answered.
(not sure i've been clear, so a little exemple)
John : request : a woman with red pubic hairs close shot.
Mark : request : a naked personn riding an horse
Mary : attachment : my_red_pussy.jpg / request to John : you naked in your garden with a toy.
RidingGirl69 : attachment : me_naked_ridding.jpg / request mark : you playing with yourself in a bubble bath
John : attachment : garden.jpg.
Mark : attachment : bath.jpg
After that exchange, all ppl can post another request to everyone.
So to short the explanation : first request of ppl 1 s for everyone, ppl2 answer it and post a request for ppl1 who complete it. and we go for another public request.
I think it could be funny like that :)
So if ppl are interested where should i post that thread ??
PS : i hope my english is not too bad and everyone understood my explanations
I read the scavenger hunt thread in couple area and get an idea
A post like scavenger hunt, but with a little difference :
-Some peoples post a request (or 2), then when someone complete the requests, he asks a request too, but to the personn that asked the request he answered.
(not sure i've been clear, so a little exemple)
John : request : a woman with red pubic hairs close shot.
Mark : request : a naked personn riding an horse
Mary : attachment : my_red_pussy.jpg / request to John : you naked in your garden with a toy.
RidingGirl69 : attachment : me_naked_ridding.jpg / request mark : you playing with yourself in a bubble bath
John : attachment : garden.jpg.
Mark : attachment : bath.jpg
After that exchange, all ppl can post another request to everyone.
So to short the explanation : first request of ppl 1 s for everyone, ppl2 answer it and post a request for ppl1 who complete it. and we go for another public request.
I think it could be funny like that :)
So if ppl are interested where should i post that thread ??
PS : i hope my english is not too bad and everyone understood my explanations