View Full Version : Telephone sexline worker attacked by customer

09-12-2003, 12:37 AM
A telephone sexline worker in Romania was attacked by one of her regulars after he discovered what she really looked like.

The woman from Ploiesti, Prahova county, was recognised by her voice at the market while doing her shopping.

Identified only by her work name, Ella, she said she's been working for the hotline for a few years and never had problems before.

She told Ziarul daily: "As I don't look so nice and one of my legs is shorter than the other I could hardly find a job. When I finally got one it was only because I have this special voice which turns men on.

"While at work clients never know who is it at the other end of the line. I suppose they believe I am the perfect woman but I'm not. The one who attacked me is a regular client who usually asks for me when he calls the line.

"He recognised my voice when I asked for some parsley at the market. He said he was shocked and felt betrayed because he imagined I was a unique woman with ideal measures. Now he took his revenge."

The woman said despite the incident she would continue to do her job.

09-12-2003, 10:25 AM
How sad! It's tru that we sometimes build people up in our minds...but I believe we only have ourselves to hold accountable for that.

09-12-2003, 10:37 AM
You know, maybe I'm just not being terribly tolerant and understanding today.....but how DUMB can one man be?

First to think he was talking to a paragon of womanly virtue and looks. Second to think that it was her fault for decieving him. Finally, to think he had ANY right to lay hands on her for it.

Someone, please, get this moron out of the gene pool before it hahs a chance to breed.