View Full Version : oral sex..

08-28-2003, 08:29 PM
i don't know why but in the south of my country where i live,the oral sex seems to be something wrong o a kind of unrespect for the women..is in your country the same situation?!Have you got more freedom than us?i hope for you..

p.s. if a girl cocksucks a boy,he tells this experience to all of his friends and the girl will has THE BITCH or THE COCKSUCKER as a nickname..

in 2003 it's impossible to think that oral sex is immoral..i don't know..

p.p.s in the north of italy the situation is different: oral sex is normal and they give not very importance than us..
sorry for my english but i prefer to speak italian but i can't..eheh ;)
bye nice people in nice place ;)

08-28-2003, 09:01 PM
Welcome to Pixies, Pound_Boy. Different places have different traditions, feelings, and community views on sexual practices. Not sure that anyone knows if that's right, wrong or indifferent.

Just for me, it seems a little sad that a man would take such delight in the love of his partner, then intentionally say something that would give her a bad reputation. I'm afraid I don't understand that guy's logic.

These are just my opinions. Maybe some of the other Pixies will have their thoughts to add. Good luck.

08-28-2003, 09:19 PM
i agree with you..that's good:my sexual attitude with my partner it's better if i don't speak about it with other people..tnx dicksbro ;)

08-28-2003, 10:13 PM
Again, welcome to Pixie's Pound Boy! Have to agree with DB on this one, what happens in the bedroom should stay there. I can't understand why someone would act like that. These are the same guys that, I'm certain, gave no objections to what their partners were doing in regards to oral sex, yet they bad mouth them after??? And I am further certain that they requested it in the first place and would have complained later if they hadn't received it. Maybe you should take the inititive and tell these guys to mind their mouths a bit more.

08-29-2003, 07:11 PM
thats the kind of thing boys of 14-17 tend to do in my experiance.

08-30-2003, 02:00 AM
^ agreed.

08-30-2003, 07:49 AM
Is a profound question, you are asking about double standards and about culturally acceptable sexual practices.

I know that I had an open dialogue in a class once about stereotypes etc and we were discussing what ethnic groups do and do not participate in oral, on the whole. Of course this is a stereotype, but sometimes even members of the group in question have been indoctrinated into their own stereotype. I am sure if women in that area of your country are criticized and ridiculed, or overhear men speaking of the women that give oral pleasure in a negative way, they will believe it is something they should not participate in. The men are seriously fucking themselves over aren't they....serves them right;)

08-30-2003, 10:21 AM
I'm a recovering Catholic...and I've discovered that often people say one thing and do another. I spent my childhood learning this principle.

For instance, oral sex is bad...but every Catholic girl I know has perfected the technique.


08-30-2003, 10:35 AM
mind if I test that theory with you? I mean really....I think you need someone to confirm your technique is perfected....and well, I'd like to volunteer for the position

09-02-2003, 06:05 AM
tnx to all for answering me :)

09-02-2003, 09:11 AM
Just wondering musicman,:confused:..... were you answering the thread or talking to osuche?:rolleyes:

Teddy Bear
09-06-2003, 09:56 AM
This is not really related.... well I guess it is a little....

Anyhow, reading this brought to my mind the double standards seen in some fathers. They send their sons out the door saying, go get it, mess around, have fun.... but along comes Daddys little girl and its a whole different story, she had better stay pure.

Just 'who' are all these horny boys sleeping with? Not my daughters!!

09-07-2003, 10:16 AM
I'm willing to prove my skill with my mouth, musicman. Just let me know when you get back from Detroit.


Of course, if you prefer Pound_Boy let me know....