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08-23-2003, 09:33 PM
Pedophile Ex-Priest Is Killed in Prison
Associated Press Writer
BOSTON (AP)--Former priest John Geoghan, the convicted child molester whose prosecution sparked the sex abuse scandal that shook the Roman Catholic Church nationwide, died Saturday after being attacked in prison.
Preliminary indications are that Geoghan, 68, was strangled, Worcester District Attorney John J. Conte said. An autopsy will be conducted Monday.
Conte said fellow inmate Joseph L. Druce, 37, attacked Geoghan shortly before noon Saturday. Geoghan died at 1:17 p.m., shortly after he was taken to UMass Memorial Health Alliance, Leominster Campus, Conte said.
Druce, who received a life sentence in 1989 for murder, armed robbery and other counts, was placed in isolation and will face murder charges in Geoghan's death, Conte said. In 2001, Druce was charged with mailing a threatening letter containing white powder and indicating it was contaminated with anthrax.
The attack took place shortly after lunchtime at Souza-Baranowski Correction Center, about 30 miles northwest of Boston, Department of Correction spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said. Geoghan was being held in protective custody to shield him from the general prison population, but still had some contact with other inmates.
In civil lawsuits, more than 130 people have claimed Geoghan sexually abused them as children during his three decades as a priest at Boston-area parishes. He was convicted last year of indecent assault and battery for fondling a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool.
Mitchell Garabedian, an attorney for many Geoghan victims, said he was ``surprised and shocked'' by Geoghan's death.
``Many of my clients would have rather seen Father Geoghan serve out his time in jail and endure the rigors of further criminal trials, so that his pedophile acts could have been exposed further,'' he said.
Geoghan often targeted boys from broken homes, ingratiating himself during frequent visits or fun outings. One victim said Geoghan molested him as the two were driving home from getting an ice cream cone. Others said Geoghan molested them after visiting their rooms at bedtime to tuck them in, sometimes while whispering prayers.
08-23-2003, 11:40 PM
I don't condone Murder but what goes round comes around.
08-24-2003, 10:25 AM
It's a dirty job......but somebody had to do it!
*don't care how awful that sounds!*
08-24-2003, 01:11 PM
Two thoughts on this one...
1. The lord works in mysterious ways, and
2. Mr. Druce has proven that even he knows right from wrong....
I'd say justice was done
08-24-2003, 01:27 PM
I'm so tortured by this news. That priest was a despicable man who deserved life imprisonment. I guess it's the thought of being brutally murdered in prison that just sends chills down my spine. What a horrible way to die.
08-24-2003, 01:29 PM
I dont say i agree with taking a life. Thats not for us to choose but i think things worked out here for the better!!
08-24-2003, 06:43 PM
Nah, the bastard should have rotted away in Jail for
the next 30 years, kept in perfect health knowing there was
no chance he'd ever leave the special protection Jail.
08-25-2003, 12:45 PM
As one who was brought up Roman Catholic,I'm shocked!!Shocked,that it took so long!If he had fondled me when I was 10,
knowing how my father&Uncles thought,he wouldn't have made
trial.This does say something for the death penalty.The person,
that killed him was serving a life sentence,for murder.What did he have to lose?Will they extend his sentence? Irish
P.S.I haven't seen this kind of justice,since John Salvi(sp?The abortion clinic bomber)hung himself with his hands tied behind his
back!(That's hard to do!)
08-25-2003, 01:19 PM
He did a horrible thing and violated the trust of so many people. His actions shook the core of the Catholic church. The fact that he is on his way to either heaven or hell doesn't bother me.
However, what is very disturbing to me is...
Someone sentenced to 10 years in prison is killed in four months while someone sentenced to death sits on death row for 15 years.
08-25-2003, 01:22 PM
This is one of the reason I like putting these guys in general population rather than death row. This guy got what he deserved and more should. Since the goverment wont just kill these guys, lets let the bad guys do it.
My best compairson here in IL has always been Wisconsin...WI doesnt have a death penalty and they have had more guys killed in prison that would have had death penalty offenses in IL than IL has killed since the reinstatement of the penalty in the 70's....
08-26-2003, 10:26 AM
Now there is talk that the guards knew& did nothing.It wouldn't
suprise me.My father(deceased)was a Conn.State Cop& an aux.
town policeman.He always told me that most people,don't realise,
that a cop is like anyone else.When they're on duty,they have a job to do.The rest of the time,they have the same likes,dislikes&
prejudices that anyone else has! Irish
08-26-2003, 04:54 PM
There is no justice here.This x-priest is serving time in prison for his crimes.This murder is just a case of one jerkbeinging killed by a bigger white supremist nazi,sending anthrax through the mail to people with jewish sounding last names type of jerk who is already serving time for murder.Don't get me wrong,I don't feel sorry for Geoghan,but it makes about as much sence as the guy who killed Jeffrey Dahmer while he was on his knees scrubbing out a prison toilette.If the punishment should really fit the crime,shouldn't Geoghan have been raped in the ass instead?
08-26-2003, 05:27 PM
Maybe but I think he would have liked that too much. I do not see this as a solution but just a case of cosmic karma.
08-26-2003, 05:43 PM
revenge is mine sayith the Lord
08-26-2003, 06:24 PM
The Lord works in mysterous ways........
08-26-2003, 06:50 PM
lakritze---Yes,& Dahmer should have been made to drink from the toilet before he was killed.A few years ago,I was watching a news bulletin,on TV.A man, who had been convicted of raping or
molesting,a young boy,was being transferred to another jail.As the Marshalls,walked him thru the airport,a man,stepped out from
a payphone on the wall.The man had work clothes&a cap on.He
mortally shot the prisoner.It was the boys father.It may have been wrong,but I would have done it.I thought"Right On"!Paybacks a bitch! Irish
08-26-2003, 10:37 PM
Not advocating prison rape,just making a comment about the eye for an eye systemof justice.Dahmer was beyond human,probably would have like the taste of used toilette water.He ate people didn't he? I remember the news about the boy's father who shot the prisoner while being transfered.Now he is in jail for murder.This was a circumvention of justice.What a legacy for his already traumatized son.Too bad people sometimes confuse justice with revenge.
08-26-2003, 10:56 PM
Perhaps people wouldn't confuse justice with revenge if the "system" actually worked towards justice.
Mere humans, inasmuch as we like to think so, do not have a concrete way to deal with the durges of life. There will always be murders, rapists, abusers... oh you name it. But we do the best we can under the circumstances.
No matter how well society feels that justice is served now...... it really isn't until that person stands in front of the Judge of judges........then, and only then, will true justice be served.
08-26-2003, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by lakritze
This was a circumvention of justice.What a legacy for his already traumatized son.Too bad people sometimes confuse justice with revenge.
Yes, if my child was hurt to that degree I would seek revenge. And if it cost me my freedom so be it. There are too many repeat offenders who will continue to violate children. That man saved his son from having to look over his shoulder the rest of his life wondering if that monster was there. And he possibly saved a dozen other children from the same hurt.
Just my personal opinion...from personal experience.
08-27-2003, 07:03 AM
This will make everyone feel better.On Sept.2,the Drs.,have
detirmined that Hinkley(sp?)is all better,and he will be released
from confinement.If you remember,he was the one that tried to
assinate(shoot)President Reagan!
If you believe in the Justice System,let me give you one example!
I will cut out alot of detail,to save space.In the early 70s,I was
arrested& charged with aggravated assault(a felony)I eventually
ended up in Rockingham County Superior Court.I was sentenced
to 3yrs1day in the Concord State Prison in NH.The day(uneven
sentence)means:No Parole.I ended up with probation,because,
my lawyer,knew someone that got $500 from me.I don't know ,
who got the $500!I don't care!All that I know is that I didn't do the time!I have since bought,a complete,record annulment,for
approx. $300. Irish
Moral:It's not what you have done.It's who you know&how much money that you have!
PPS.By the way,It was self-defense,but the law didn't think that it was funny,when I told them:"Yes.I was aggravated!"No sense of
08-29-2003, 09:58 AM
..............and now because he was murdered prior to being able to complete all of his appeals and such, the crimes he committed have been dismissed........... :(
However, the victims are still able to pursue suits against the Cath. church...... not sure if it is justice,..................
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