View Full Version : I'm STILL looking for Alabama peeps to talk to.....

08-11-2003, 03:30 PM

Made a post a long time ago.
Looking for peeps from Alabama, USA. Saw that there were a few, But I've never talked to any of ya. I'd really like that if I could.

I'm 23/M. From Birmingham.

Interested in chat/email.

I'll even meet if You'd like to, But it's not a "have-to-do" thing.

Just looking for new friends. You know, freaks, like me, who aren't afraid to be their own sexual selves from deep in the "Bilble Belt" I'm so tired of closed-minded people.

Anyone care to chat, talk, or hang?


-Master :hot:

Sassy Rose
08-14-2003, 09:34 PM
Hi MasterAragornSting, welcome to Pixies :) I'm afraid I'm not from Alabama but I'm always willing to chat!

08-15-2003, 10:20 AM
Hey Guy,

I live in Tuscaloosa myself...but I think you were looking for a female...I know there are some Alabama folks out there....We should do more to represent our sometime backwards sata (aka Roy Moore)

12-17-2003, 06:40 AM
Hey Master!! I'm living near Montgomoery! :) Just moved here about a year ago now...I'm up for chit chat and/or e-mails. Just looking for friends too. :)
