View Full Version : Happy 4th of July

07-04-2003, 06:30 AM
May all at pixies and your families have a safe and wonderful 4th of July. While eating all that cook out food think of our men and women fighting overseas making it possible for us to Celebrate our Independance.Here is a salute to them and a thank you.Enjoy the fireworks all

07-04-2003, 06:46 AM
And a happy 2^2 to you 2-4-tea.:)

I salute our forces that were sent away but doubt they are enjoying the fireworks. I’d rather have them home enjoying a hotdog and beer with me. (I still wouldn’t feel threatened) ;)

07-04-2003, 03:14 PM
My sentiments as well PF. Hope Y'all have a wonderful holiday and pray all our guys get home to enjoy the next one with us. HAPPY 4th My friends.