View Full Version : IAKaraokeGirl

06-21-2003, 12:48 PM
Hey All;

By my reckoning, IAKG should be back with us sometime this weekend...... and I, for one, have missed her!



Missed ya sweetie!! :D:love:


06-21-2003, 12:49 PM
I missed her too bunches!

06-21-2003, 02:59 PM
Awwwww....that's so sweet! I have suffered from Pixies withdrawal all week, wondering how all you guys were. :)

The trip was very challenging (amongst our group, interpersonally, and in the situations to which we were exposed) but also very, very rewarding. In addition to working salvage at a large food bank, we cooked and served meals to the homeless, took homeless children to Boulder to a mountain park to hike, did gardening and yard clean-up at a transitional housing complex for families, and prepared, cooked and served lunch for 150 at a day shelter for women and children. When we weren't getting five hours of sleep or working, working, working, we were fortunate enough to attend a Colorado Rockies baseball game, picnic on the top of a mountain, visit the U.S. Olympic training center in Colorado Springs, and take a self-defense course in karate. I'm exhausted!

I've been going through the posts, and it seems as if things here have been as busy as normal. I can't wait to get back into the "Pixies groove" once again, and thank you all for thinking of me! :)

06-21-2003, 03:04 PM
I'm tired just hearing what all you did.:eek: You're a super lady there IKG.;) Welcome home. :)

06-21-2003, 04:49 PM
Welcome back!

06-21-2003, 05:06 PM
Welcome Back IAKG! Looks like you could some rest and relaxation after your trip. It's nice to see ya back.

Now back to the Million thread with you :spin: :dizzy: :spin: :dizzy: We've suffered with out you! :D


06-21-2003, 05:12 PM
Thanks everyone!!!!

Eliza~too funny you mentioned the million thread. Visited an awesome Barnes & Noble yesterday afternoon and picked up a 750-page book of trivia. :D

06-21-2003, 06:13 PM
Welcome back IAKG
you have done well


06-21-2003, 06:53 PM
WB hun you get rested, then we can have fun in smut games

06-21-2003, 07:27 PM
Grumbleguts~Thanks for the welcome back. You are so sweet.

Scarecrow~I'm ready for the games anytime you are! I'm never too sleep-deprived for *that.* :D

06-21-2003, 07:52 PM
Awwwwwwwwww! You are a terrific lady ((((((IAKG)))))))! It's so great to have you back!

06-21-2003, 09:33 PM
Welcome Back Hon (((((((((((((IAK)))))))) I'm sure you're feeling a "good" tired after a week like that. Now get that Pixie's cap moving

06-21-2003, 10:03 PM
Welcome Back IAK... nice to hear that your time away was spent in such a rewarding way... you have been missed... HUGS