View Full Version : Look-Alike!
06-20-2003, 09:40 PM
I have heard it said that almost everyone,has an almost,twin in looks,somewhere in the world.I never thought much about it.I was watching"Entertainment Tonight",on TV,tonight.They had a segment,on"Dog"Chapman.He is the bounty hunter,in jail in Mexico,now.He just caught the heir to the Max Factor fortune,who
was wanted for,multiple,rapes.Bounty Hunting,is considered kidnapping,by the Mexican Govt.Hence,the jail holdover.I thought-
He looks like me.Slightly heavier(I'm down to 216lbs)but otherwise,a very close version,of me.My wife,came in from shopping.He was still on TV.She said"That looks like you before
you got your hair trimmed."Even the "dew rag"was like,I wore,
when riding my motorcycle.Has this ever happened to anyone
else?I was really shocked! Irish
06-20-2003, 10:20 PM
I've got one of thoses faces (I guess) that everyone thinks the've met before.
Once, two months ago, my boss came to my office and said, "I saw your twin last night in a restaraunt". I told him that everyone tells me that....and he said, "Oh no, I mean she was you......I called your name and she didn't answer so I went up to her and tapped her shoulder and she turned around and I said your name again and she looked I asked if she had a sister who lived in the area (all my sisters live either in N.J. or De......and me in Pa.) and she said she didn't have any sisters...and then I knew it wasn't you"! He explained why he had asked and made an apology for bothering her and went back to his seat.....but said he couldn't help but watch her for the rest of he and his wife's stay.
I wasn't as shocked as my boss was because I've had many people tell me similar stories. I can't help but think of a bizzaro world where my "clones" roam with free will.....just to drive my friends and family crazy!
06-20-2003, 11:53 PM
It has happened to my mother, but not to me...
Supposedly she saw her doppelganger on a school youth group trip back in the late 1960's...they were wearing the same color and everything, but the "twin" was wearing a barrette in her hair on the opposite side my mother would normally wear it.
Freaky...hope I don't ever see myself out there!
06-21-2003, 03:10 AM
mmmm the term doppelganger I have never heard before.
Has it anythin to do with the book "Flowers in the Attic" by Virginia Andrews? I read a series of those books and they were very touching.
Uncle Silky
06-21-2003, 03:24 AM
i look like a fat Wolverine... or a lazy Amish dude.
06-21-2003, 04:22 AM
I don't recall ever being visually mistaken for anybody.... but people at my work keep mixing me up with another guy who works there; don't know how, cos I'm 6ft and dark, he's 5'3" and grey; I have a goatee, he is clean-shaven!! Go figure!!
originally posted by Grumbleguts
mmmm the term doppelganger I have never heard before.
Haven't read any of those books, Grumble, but "Doppelganger" is from old German, and literally means "Double-goer".
It's been used in psychiatry for years, in realtion to a syndrome called "Cap d'Grath"... which is when the sufferer believes that a person (usually a close family relative) is a Doppelganger, and the 'real' person has been spirited away, or killed. Very distressing for the patient, as you can imagine!
06-21-2003, 08:30 AM
Oddly enough I've had a few instances of people mistaking me for (get this) a celebrity. Yep, a country music singer named Gary Morris. I don't get it. His hair is salt & pepper and mine is brown but there have been at least a half dozen comments from total strangers. I once even talked to a guy in a restaurant for a half hour who claims to have met this guy and told me I'd pass for him. The worst one was at one of my favorite stores, Sam's. There was a teenager (obviously a big fan of Mr Morris) and when I rounded the end of an aisle she screamed "It's him!" and pointed a shaking finger at me while tugging her Mom's arm. I'm thinkin' oh hell somebody's raped this poor little girl and she's mistaken me for the culprit. I wasn't sure whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch. Finally she muttered the name and I said "Whoa Honey I'm not him." She stuttered a few words of protest and finally believed me. Her Mom was precious about it all. I guess she could see the total confusion on my face. I've made jokes with other people when they say I look familiar and ask have they been admiring pictures at the post office again.
06-21-2003, 10:22 AM
Yes this has happened to me too.. lol
I was working as a waitress at the time. One day, during the afternoon when it was slow, the manager came up to me and told me there were people up front who wanted to see me. I went and there was the current principle of the high school, two teachers and a girl. I didn't pay too much atttention to the girl, because the teachers turned white.
Aparantly the two teachers had eaten lunch on a day that I was working and they say me from across the room and thought that I was this girl. She had been "sick" on that day, and they thought I was her working instead of going to school. She was in sooooo much trouble.. you know the teach's word against her, and the only way she could avoid the trouble was to prove to them it wasn't her.. that was why they all were there with her. I could see that we did look alike and all could see where there could have been a case of mistaken identity.
06-21-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Irish
I have heard it said that almost everyone,has an almost,twin in looks,somewhere in the world......"That looks like you before
you got your hair trimmed......Has this ever happened to anyone
I must look a lot like you too Irish. Every time I meet a lady from New England, they try to run up and slap me. ;)
06-21-2003, 11:19 AM
It happens to me all the time also. There is this actor that people tell me I look like. Anyone ever hear of Tom Criuse? LOL! :rolleyes:
Not sure if this counts but my son looks so much like I did at his age that even I get confused when I compair old photos of me with ones of him.
06-21-2003, 12:15 PM
P.F.---It can't be me that they're mistaking you for, otherwise
they would be heaping,praise on you.They would be saying"I
just want to thank you for the other night!My husband,can't
satisfy me,like that!" Irish
06-21-2003, 12:28 PM
06-21-2003, 04:48 PM
Newsflash:SOMEONE looked at LixyChick&Cheyannes faces!
Hard to believe!Seriously,I hate to date myself like this but
one weekend,when stationed at PeaseAFB in the 60s,my
buddy&I,took his 51 Ford convertable,and went to a teenage
hop(dance)in Berwick Me.We had hardly any clean shirts,so
wore blue Air Force dress shirts&black jeans.We both have blond hair and looked alot like brothers.We drove down the street,that
the Arcade,was on.For some reason,we had the top down,in
Jan/Feb.The girls on the street,started screaming.They thought
that we were Jan&Dean(Rock singing brothers)We weren't about
to tell them different!We froze our asses off,and drove up&down,
waving to the girls.We had so much boose in us,that we didn't
even catch cold.Just think,somewhere in N.E.,there is an old lady,
that is telling her grandkids,that she once slept with one of the
Everly Bros.No resemblance,but thought that you would get a
laugh out of it.You tend to forget most of the stupid things that
you have done. Irish
06-21-2003, 06:54 PM
The Pub I met Iggy in in Germany I found my twin. I had only been dating Iggy for a short time when we went into the pub one night. The doorman didn't charge me because he said he had seen me come in earlier. I was very confused and got even more confused when people kept staring. At the bar the bartender kept trying to give me the wrong drink, I drank red bull and vodka she drank red bull and tequila. We were there for about an hour when some guy walked in and grabbed me! It was my twins boyfriend. He found her in the back of the pub and brought her to where we were sitting. Very strange feeling to see you staring back at you! We had the same glasses and hair. I have a picture that we finally took because her parents didn't believe her about me. I need to find it to show you all, in the picture I had cut my hair short because I was sick of being called Jessie.
06-21-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Newsflash:SOMEONE looked at LixyChick&Cheyannes faces!
Hard to believe!Seriously,I hate to date myself like this but
one weekend,when stationed at PeaseAFB in the 60s,my
buddy&I,took his 51 Ford convertable,and went to a teenage
hop(dance)in Berwick Me.We had hardly any clean shirts,so
wore blue Air Force dress shirts&black jeans.We both have blond hair and looked alot like brothers.We drove down the street,that
the Arcade,was on.For some reason,we had the top down,in
Jan/Feb.The girls on the street,started screaming.They thought
that we were Jan&Dean(Rock singing brothers)We weren't about
to tell them different!We froze our asses off,and drove up&down,
waving to the girls.We had so much boose in us,that we didn't
even catch cold.Just think,somewhere in N.E.,there is an old lady,
that is telling her grandkids,that she once slept with one of the
Everly Bros.No resemblance,but thought that you would get a
laugh out of it.You tend to forget most of the stupid things that
you have done. Irish
Oh Irish, honey pie! I DO actually have a face! LMAO! Funny you should mention this because I work with a guy who happens to be shorter than me and I am only 5'4", and whenever I see him coming towards me on the upholstery floor I think to myself......when we meet I'll put my index finger under his chin and raise his face so he looks me in the eye instead of directly at my breasts! I swear this guy has no idea what my face looks like and when we are in meetings and he enters and I am already sitting, I say hello Frank and he says, "Oh hi there", as if it's the first encounter of the day. He doesn't even know my name when he's looking at my I guess my breasts are called by my given name to him! (BTW know my given name so don't call my breasts that......k?!)
P.S. I remember Jan & Dean..............EEEEEKKKKKKKKKK! Can I have your autograph? *kisses*
06-21-2003, 09:25 PM
LMAO Irish.. :)
Yes, I do have a face too.. I have developed the stoop and stare whenever someone looks at "me"... un errrrrrr "the twins" as hubby so affectionatly refers to them.... that way I can catch their eyes with mine...
LOL @ Lixy.. I have often wanted to lift a chin or two myself at times.
06-22-2003, 01:48 AM
PF, I thought all the women you met wanted to hit you.
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