View Full Version : Sammy revealed

06-18-2003, 12:35 AM
LOL howdy there peoples, it's good ol sammy here to finnally post a little bit about himself hmmmm now what to put

lets see I'm a 20 year old white male from good ol Nova Scotia ,Canada lol, got my highschool diploma but not exactly sure just where I'm heading towards at this point in my life but hey lol who is sure of everything by the time they get out of highschool eh?

anyway moving on ,I do alot of the typical geek things lol I like video games and movies and the such, I roleplay dnd with my group of friends every sunday lol , I used to play a few CCG's althoug hI haven't played any in a long time, I also like AMV's lol thats Anime Music Videos for anyone who doesn't know, and yeah I am a fan of Anime but not to any excessive means

hmmm other than that I spend alot of time hangin out with my friend pete, although the whole group of us would definalty be classified as strange thats for sure, between our combined perverseness and violent tendencies and general political incorectness god knows what will come out of our mouths at any given time.

lets see I'm not a particularly religious person but who is nowadays, I generally avoid the topic since so many people tend to get in a huff over it, lol after talking to me for a while you'll probally notice I have a slight distaste for america which is usually semi jestful in anything I say about the place lmao , it has it's ups and downs just like any other country I suppose

mmm lol my favorite game at the moment would be Soul calibur lmao despite my general dislike of fighting games I love this game and spend alot of my free time playing it tons lol

lol I've been told before that alot of my hobbies are "young" but hey I guess I still view myself as a pretty young guy although in alot of ways I believe I'm more mature for my age, I suppose it depends on what mood you catch me in lol although I'm generally known as the "crazy porn loving one" lol

mmm what else to say about little ol me, well I'm single at the moment , just recently came out of a rather long relationship that I won't go into details and bother you all with as it would take pages to type all that out so if anyone is REALLY interested maybe I'll tell ya about it sometime lol

hmmm I believe I'd describe myself as a hopeless romantic, despite the abuse my faith in love has taken I generally stay tight to the idea that love conquers all lol , although the amount of times I've stuck with a bad relationship out of loves is probally not worth the trouble, what can I say love is rarely slain by logic,

Strangly enough I find alot of interest in anything that talks about the way humans think,the subject has always interested me, myself I find myself wanting a strange combonation of things in my life, usually highly contridictory lmao, I'm a very open minded person in the fact that any lifestyle doesn't bother me, in fact I generally like to learn more about various lifestyles, although I've always been amused by the Dom/Sub lifestyle, I don't think it's really for me lol, despite the interest I have in it at the moment

I'm probally a softhearted guy who gets attached to easily lol, I tend to get swept away and I'm a horrible procrastinator but hey, I'll put off telling you about that till later (pun intended) lmao and yes I do tend to make alot of horrible puns, my latest food crave of the moment is thos new white chocolate reese penaut butter cups, fuck those things are good lol

mmm as for music I like quite a selection of things, right now I'm listening to micheal jacksons, remake of "you are not alone" which I really like , although I can genealrly find at least some music for each genre that I like,

lol gee golly I guess thats more than enough to write for now lmao ok now I shall attempt to attach a picture of me from like two years ago, as it's the most recent one I have, lol be nice peoples don't run in fear to fast LMAO

06-18-2003, 12:40 AM
Thanks for posting, Sammy. You're a cutie-pie in the pic (but crazy in chat)!

Your interests don't intersect in any way to mine but somehow we find a way to make fun of each other in chat!

06-18-2003, 06:30 AM
Welcome to Pixies, Incubus255 ... er ... Sammy. :D Glad to have you here and hope you enjoy Pixies as much as a lot of us.

06-18-2003, 09:04 AM
Hey sammy! TY for the pic :D

07-16-2003, 01:56 PM
:p AAAHAA I found you! Now I know who the crazy Sammy is in the chat room! Cute pic sweetie.;)

07-16-2003, 07:35 PM
Sammy!!! My chat room buddy... :D who makes me smile and laugh.. :) ... and brings out the protective instinct in me..... I am glad to have gotten to know you, and look forward to talking with you in chat more.. :D

Such a sexy look.. :D

07-16-2003, 08:28 PM
nice pic sammy, and a very nice person in chat too, always enjoy chatting with you

07-18-2003, 11:07 AM
awwwww shucks guys ^__^ Now I feel all special like hehe and here I was starting to have a bad day cuz I only had five hours of sleep and I"m melting from the heat , really cheers a guy up!

07-18-2003, 11:21 AM
Melting? I thought only the wicked witch melted! :D

07-18-2003, 11:23 AM
Steoh, sugar melts too!;)

07-19-2003, 04:10 AM
Dude you da man! Great to have you here and "keep on keepin on"... you have plenty of time later in life to compromise your romantic ideals. For now keep the faith and hang loose and for God's Sake do not listen to any Michael Bolton CDs!

Vicious Tease
07-28-2003, 01:52 AM
Hmmm ... I read this when it was first posted and somehow forgot to post a reply.

*drops to her knees begging Sammy's forgiveness*

I'm enjoying getting to know you, hun ... welcome to Pixies! You are a cutie!