View Full Version : ~Scotzoidman!!!!!!!!!~
06-16-2003, 06:34 AM
I just wanted to say hi..........out public..........cause I haven't seen you inna while!
06-16-2003, 07:31 AM
Missing him too Lixy...I finaly got him in chat yesterday and then hd a catastrophe here and had to run! ((hugs)) to you scotz!
06-16-2003, 04:05 PM
Hope he doesn't have to be away TOO long. :(
06-16-2003, 04:09 PM
Scotz ... I'll just wish you a speedy return as well.
06-17-2003, 04:58 AM
Hope everything's OK Lilith! With your catastrophe, I mean........and then too, with Scotz!
06-17-2003, 05:10 AM
Get your bum into gear and get back soon.
06-17-2003, 07:43 AM
Mine involved a glass of milk, 2 boys, a dog, and a long tablecloth..... I let everyone live :p
I just am missing Scotz oodles!
06-17-2003, 08:20 AM
Your softening up Lilith..........................ooops......................turns around and heads to Dungeon. (oboyoboy)
But seriously.....................where the heck is Scot these days anyway?
06-17-2003, 08:24 AM
Get well and HURRY BACK, Scotz!!!!! I miss you like crazy!!!!!
06-25-2003, 02:43 PM
Just dragged my ass back to the puter for the first time in many a day...glad to see that I am missed, I am missing all of you in a big way too...I've had no real improvement in my illness as yet, although I am pleased to report that my diabetes seems to be under control...having had the high blood sugar for so long seems to have made everything else slow to heal...saw the doc last week, he is testing for some other angles that might explain my constant fatigue and lack of appetite (I have dropped an alarming amount of weight in a few months, I now weigh less than I have ever have as an adult)...unfortunatly Doc is out of his office for the last 3 days, so no updates on that front...
However, just when I thought things couldn't get worse...they did...Tuesday afternoon the company I work for closed down, bought by another printing company, who said they were sorry, but they had no place for now I am unemployed from a trade that is dying out, and not a lot of prospects for a 40-something who needs a lot of right now I just wanna go crawl back into my hole, lick my wounds, feel sorry myself, & make the world go away...of course, I have to do this without the help of any chemical or herbal assistance, since you never know when I might have to pee in a cup to get another gig...
06-25-2003, 02:54 PM
Oh, & while I'm here...looks like a good time for me to get back to selling my stuff on Ebay...for those who were wanting more windchimes, there's one up for sale by Scotzoid, with more soon to come...along with any other crap, er...that is, useful & interesting items I can sell off to raise some cash...
...and sorry, PF, I don't think I have any monkeys to sell...
06-25-2003, 02:54 PM
* opens the flaps on her teepee made out of freak flags* come in it's safe in here
06-27-2003, 04:52 AM
Oh Scotz! WTF? Wish there was something I could do to help!
Shit! When it rains it pours in your neck o the woods! Keep in touch hun........hope you get better soon! As for the job.......there is a printing company close to me. Ever hear of Brown Printing Company in East Greenville, Pa.? Or is that....Palm, Pa.? Dunno...those towns are just next to one another.......anyway, their doors are still open! Come up here!
06-27-2003, 05:51 AM
Oh man, Scotz hun, that REALLY, REALLY sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure wish there was something I could do to help!!
I just want you to know I think about you and miss you so much here at Pixies. It's just not the same without you!!
Sending you comforting and caring hugs, Sweetie........ :love:
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