View Full Version : For Love.... or MONEY

06-09-2003, 09:46 PM
Yep.. Reality TV has sunk to a new low...


It got me thinkin...

Would you go as far as marry someone JUST to be given a million bucks???

For those of you who don't know anything about the current NBC show, women are competing against eachother to win the heart of a particular man. This man is completely clueless that in addition to his heart, the winner will also recieve 1,000,000.00. The women are however very aware of this, thus will do anything to get the prize... even if that means sabotaging one another.

So... would you do such a thing?

06-09-2003, 10:03 PM
LOL....I don't believe in $$. There is a longer list of what I would not do for $$ than what I would.

I don't believe in fucking with peoples emotions especially not for cash.

06-09-2003, 10:05 PM
Heard about another new reality show to be a sportscaster on ESPN for a year.

If the guy does not know about the million dollars he must be real duuuumb

06-09-2003, 10:47 PM
there's an old saying ... which I've seen to be true in the few cases of people I know who did marry for money ... When you marry for money you'll have to earn every penny of it! So... my answer ... no way could I do it .... I go to work to make money, but only in a job I can feel that I'm making a positive difference, that way I can come home and look my self in the eye when I pass by my mirror. :)

06-10-2003, 02:16 AM
I'm far too emotional and passionate to be able to marry just for something like that.......but there are always exceptions.....if someone in my family really NEEDED the money for something (a life saving operation......to get out of some major debt problems......to enable them to leave an abusive partner etc) then I wouldn't rule it out completely.

If I ever did do that, I'd come clean on my wedding night, offer to split the money, so that I had enough for what I needed, and the guy could have the rest. I'd hope that if he truly did care about me, that he would understand.

However, the chances of me being in that situation are pretty small, so I don't think I'm going to worry about it too much! Lol

06-10-2003, 02:49 AM
I'm about like Lou on this one. If I could tell her "Hey look, let's just take the money and see where it takes us" I don't toy with emotions as Lil said but I would take a million bucks from idiots willing to pay it out for a performance.

06-10-2003, 03:16 AM
Nope...couldn't marry for money!!

06-10-2003, 03:31 AM
jennaflower, you're right about TV sinking to new lows. You'd think one of these days they'd hit bottom but somehow, they keep surprising me.

06-10-2003, 04:57 AM
No way! I could barely bring myself to marry (this time around) for love. I could NEVER marry just for the money! On a list of reasons to get married.......it's at the very bottom of the list.

06-10-2003, 06:11 AM
i guess i am enough of a cynic that i believe almost everyone will do anything for the right amount of money.

06-10-2003, 06:35 AM
I dunno, I could be persuaded . . . the women on that stupid show were probably pretty excited because the guy in question was actually pretty handsome, too. Like Robert Redford in Indecent Proposal', it would be tempting . . .

06-10-2003, 08:01 AM
Couldn't and wouldn't..................

06-10-2003, 11:17 AM
If were are talking about like on the TV shows, No Way. But If The one I loved happen to have a million bucks, I wouldnt say goodbye. It would make life alot easier. :)

06-10-2003, 02:24 PM
For a millions bucks I'd marry and drink their wee on television!! Call me kinky but I wanna nice house to fuck in!

06-10-2003, 05:17 PM
I would never ever marry for solely money alone...I would rather be poor and in love than married with money and living in a cold marriage until the end of my days.

06-10-2003, 08:42 PM
I do not believe money make's happiness, although it would probably make things easier. The person I fell in Love with is the person I want to be with, Reason being, I did'nt fall in Love with money I fell in Love with the beautiful, gorgeous, sexy woman!
no keep the money!

06-11-2003, 01:30 AM
I've been thinking about this.......my Mother is married to someone she loves very much, and who has plenty of money, but he's too busy making the money to spend time with her and the one thing they don't have in their relationship is trust........and the worse thing is, they don't seem to realise how well off they are, so neither of them appear to be happy about that either. They seem to think that the two of them actually NEED a four bedroom hous and three cars....

I wonder if this would be different if they didn't have all the money.